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Work Portfolio as Healthcare Assistant in Beneavin Lodge
  • 6

  • Course Code: 5N1356
  • University: The Open College
  • Country: Australia


A portfolio/collection of work will be written over a period of time in relation to your experiences & involvement on your work placement in a Healthcare Setting in the form of a Work Experience Folder and Diary.

Section 1: Job Description
Write an Introduction / Description of the healthcare setting where you are completing your Work Experience.

Include details on :

•    How long the organisation has been in existence – a detailed history, including location, type of organisation, how it is funded.
•    Size of overall setting, Number of staff and skill mix – Managers to Healthcare assistants.
•    Provide an Organisational Chart of Management and Staff.
•    Service user / Client profile {who the organisation caters for} and services provided.
•    The culture of organisation {mission statement, leadership styles, staff morale, support given to staff}
•    Write about your role as a Healthcare Assistant – include details on what the position of HCA entails.
Section 2: Daily Diary Entries – 700 Words Maximum per Diary    

Construct a Diary Entries for 8 of the days you are on placement in your Healthcare Setting.
Select any 8 days out of your total amount of days worked (150 hours’ minimum).
The word count for EACH Diary should not exceed 700 words for Each Diary
You may refer to the additional supporting Diary Template that is included with your module pack.

Ensure the 8 Days chosen are interesting and include details of the following 5 areas below:

1.    Describe your immediate Setting, description of the actual department/ward, client/service user profile, number of clients/service users in your care on specified day.
2.    Include a Routine: Arrival Times, Assigned tasks, Involvement in implementing Activities, Participation in assisting clients/ service users with activities of daily living, provide/draw a clear timetable in each diary for each day (there should be some variation from the standard routine plan on a day to day basis.)
3.    Discuss assigned tasks carried out e.g. assisting client/service users with personal care, toileting, mobility, feeding
4.    Highlight/Discuss Communication with all Stakeholders – Clients/Service users, familiy and Staff.
5.    Identify Challenges/Rewarding situations which may have arisen - issues and challenges encountered by you during your Work Experience Hours.

Your total hours worked should accumulate to 150 hours, so this will entail more than 8 days but again choose 8 busy, varied and interesting days.

Section 3: Reflection / Evaluation – 1000 Words Maximum    

•    Give details of New Learning that has occurred over your work placement.
•    Did you face any Challenges on your work placement? Give details of how you faced this challenge and resolved the situation.
•    What Positive Experiences did you encounter as part of your work placement?
•    Describe what would you do differently for a future Work Experience placement?
•    Include an up to date Copy of your Curriculum Vitae with a Sample Application Letter.
•    Provide evidence of research for future possible Career Paths and future possible related Qualifications:
o    Research Job Advertisements and provide an actual researched example of a Healthcare Assistant Advertisement.
o    Research further Education courses relating to Healthcare and provide examples of options available to continue studies after QQI Level 5 Course is complete.

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Section 1: Job Description

Introduction / Description of the Healthcare Setting 

Beneavin Lodge, strategically situated in Glasnevin, Dublin, stands as a haven for individuals requiring specialized nursing care. The institution boasts a 70-bedroom facility spread across two floors.

It is dedicated to offering person-centred care to individuals experiencing varying degrees of frailty. In addition to general nursing care, the lodge also provides specialized services for residents grappling with dementia and certain disabilities, including the after-effects of a stroke.

History of the Organisation 

Founded over a decade ago, Beneavin Lodge has progressively established itself as a leading healthcare facility in Dublin. Conceived with the vision of furnishing quality nursing care to the elderly and those with special needs, the lodge has consistently evolved in response to the changing healthcare landscape.

Located solely in Glasnevin, it functions as a standalone entity without satellite centers. Operated as a private organization, it relies on a blend of funding sources, including private payments from residents and occasional government grants.

This hybrid funding model ensures its financial sustainability while allowing it to offer top-notch services.

Size, Staff, and Skill Mix 

Encompassing an expansive facility with 70 bedrooms, Beneavin Lodge employs a sizeable workforce to manage its daily operations effectively. The staffing hierarchy ranges from managerial roles to healthcare assistants, each contributing distinct skills to fulfill the lodge's mission.

Among the staff are qualified nursing professionals, administrative personnel, and a dedicated team of healthcare assistants, such as the individual who commenced employment in April 2023. This robust skill mix ensures that residents receive comprehensive care tailored to their unique needs, thereby embodying the institution's commitment to person-centred healthcare.

In this setting, the aforementioned healthcare assistant plays a critical role, shouldering responsibilities that include but are not limited to, assisting in personalized care plans, offering personal assistance for residents' intimate care needs, and functioning as an integral part of a multidisciplinary team. Through his contributions, he exemplifies the lodge’s ethos of dignity, respect, and personalized care.

Organisational Chart of Management and Staff 

The organisational structure of Beneavin Lodge is designed to streamline decision-making and ensure effective delivery of care services. At the pinnacle of the hierarchy is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), followed by the Director of Nursing.

Beneath this upper management layer are various departmental heads, including those for Administration, Nursing, and Allied Health Services. A cadre of healthcare assistants, among whom the individual joined in April 2023, work under the direct supervision of Registered Nurses.

Organisational chart of mgmt and staff 

Figure 1: Organisational structure chart
(Source: Self-developed)

Service User / Client Profile 

Beneavin Lodge serves a diverse clientele with distinct healthcare needs, particularly focusing on individuals experiencing frailty, dementia, and specific disabilities such as stroke repercussions.

The institution employs a person-centered approach, operationalized through meticulously designed care plans tailored to each resident. These plans are conjointly developed with residents and their families, thereby ensuring a service delivery model that champions dignity, respect, and autonomy.

Culture of the Organisation 

Rooted in its mission to offer exemplary nursing care, Beneavin Lodge cultivates an organizational culture marked by compassionate leadership and collaborative engagement. The leadership adopts a transformational style, inspiring staff to align their personal goals with the institution's vision.

Staff morale is sustained at a high level, buoyed by a robust support system that incorporates regular training sessions, mentorship programs, and avenues for professional advancement. This cohesive culture fosters an environment where both residents and staff flourish, thereby fulfilling the organization's commitment to delivering person-centered care of the highest quality.

Role as a Healthcare Assistant 

In the intricate healthcare framework of Beneavin Lodge, my role as a Healthcare Assistant (HCA) is both central and multifaceted. Entrusted with a plethora of responsibilities since commencing my tenure in April 2023, I serve as an indispensable member of the multidisciplinary team committed to delivering person-centred care.

One of my primary duties involves assisting team members in the efficacious delivery of care. This requires not merely the mechanical execution of delegated tasks but also a nuanced comprehension of each service user's unique needs and preferences.

Such an approach is in perfect alignment with the institution's philosophy of Person-Centred Planning (PCP), wherein I play a crucial role. Collaborating assiduously with registered nurses and other allied health professionals, I aid in the crafting and enactment of individualised care plans.

Designed in concert with the service user and their family, these plans aim for the maximisation of autonomy and the enhancement of quality of life.

Furthermore, my role extends to providing personal assistance in matters of intimate care. This responsibility demands not just technical adroitness but also a heightened degree of empathy and discretion.

All these functions are meticulously executed in strict adherence to established protocols and guidelines, thus ensuring both the safety and dignity of the service users.

As for my qualifications, they include a minimum of a QQI Level 5 in Healthcare Support, which forms the academic cornerstone for this role. In addition to this foundational knowledge, I am committed to continuous training and personal development, which is in sync with the organisation's ethos.

I actively partake in various career development initiatives, such as mandatory training programmes and mentorship sessions, thus perpetuating a trajectory of continuous improvement and professional excellence.

In summary, my role as a Healthcare Assistant is of paramount importance, functioning as the linchpin in the multidisciplinary team and contributing profoundly to the realisation of Beneavin Lodge's mission to deliver exceptional, person-centred care.

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In the intricate tapestry of healthcare delivery at Beneavin Lodge, the role of the Healthcare Assistant serves as an indispensable thread, weaving together diverse facets of care to manifest a holistic, person-centered approach. Through a symbiosis of technical acumen and empathetic engagement, the Healthcare Assistant fortifies the institution's overarching mission, thereby rendering an invaluable contribution to the well-being of service users.

Section 2: Daily Diary Entries

Work Experience Diary Entry 1

Description of Immediate Setting

During my shift, I was stationed in the dementia care unit, a specialized segment of the healthcare facility dedicated to the nuanced needs of dementia patients. The client demographic spanned ages 65 to 85 and exhibited varying stages of dementia, necessitating predominantly high levels of care and supervision.

On this particular day, the unit was occupied by 12 clients of mixed gender. The staff-to-client ratio was meticulously calibrated to ensure optimal care, consisting of two registered nurses and three Healthcare Assistants (HCAs), inclusive of myself.

Routine of the Care Setting

The operational cadence of the unit was punctuated by a well-orchestrated timetable:
•    08:00 - Handover: A critical juncture for assimilating updates on overnight events and condition changes.
•    09:00 - Assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs): This encompasses personal hygiene, dressing, and mobility assistance.
•    12:00 - Lunch: A structured mealtime designed to accommodate individual dietary restrictions and preferences.
•    15:00 - Activities: Engaging clients in cognitive and physical exercises.
•    18:00 - Dinner: A second regimented mealtime.
•    20:00 - Preparing for Bed: Ensuring the clients are comfortably settled for the night.

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Daily Living Tasks

My responsibilities were comprehensive, extending from feeding and toileting to mobility assistance. Of particular educational value was my exposure to pressure area care. This specialized form of care aims to prevent the onset of pressure ulcers, a common but preventable ailment among this demographic.

Communication with All Stake Holders

When it comes to providing treatment, interpersonal dynamics are just as important as having professional expertise. I found the personnel to be kind and helpful, which contributed to an upbeat and productive atmosphere in the workplace.

Even though my time spent interacting with members of my own family was limited, the camaraderie that existed among the staff members was obvious. I decided to take advantage of the chance to enquire about best practises in pressure area treatment, and the nursing staff provided comments that were both informative and realistic.

Importantly, the fact that I followed the guidelines and protocols was rewarded with positive comments, which boosted my confidence in carrying out the responsibilities I was given.

Identification of Situations / Issues

Every profession in the healthcare industry, including mine, comes with its own unique set of gratifying and taxing experiences, and mine was no different. During lunch, I was able to successfully help a resident who had advanced dementia, which was a pleasant experience on the more positive end of the spectrum.

The person was prone to episodes of disorientation and had limited motor skills, so the work required a nuanced mix of patience and expertise to complete successfully. The moment of victory occurred when the patient, who normally opposed feeding, happily accepted sustenance, so validating the efficiency of the person-centered strategy we had utilised. This resident had previously shown little interest in eating.

On the other hand, the day did not come without its share of difficulties. One specific individual in particular exhibited signs of heightened agitation and a growing level of hostility as time went on. These kinds of behavioural alterations are not unusual in dementia care, but they do need a deft touch with the strategies used to diffuse the situation. The incident was a powerful reminder of the unexpected and frequently turbulent nature of dementia care, and it functioned as such in this instance.

My first job was challenging and eye-opening at the same time, giving me a kaleidoscope vision of the field of dementia care. My skill set was expanded, and I gained a deeper awareness for the intricacies that are inherent in specialised care settings as a result of this day, which served as an essential educational experience.

Work Experience Diary Entry 2

Description of Immediate Setting

On this occasion, my clinical rotation was allocated to the general nursing care unit, a diversified environment catering to an elderly population aged between 70 and 90 years. The unit's clientele presents a spectrum of medical conditions, ranging from chronic ailments such as arthritis and diabetes to more acute healthcare needs.

The unit was relatively populous, accommodating 15 clients of both genders. To manage this demanding setting, the staff structure was robust, composed of three registered nurses and four Healthcare Assistants (HCAs), including myself.

Routine of the Care Setting

The operational framework of the general nursing care unit was predicated on a rigorously defined timetable:
•    08:30 - Handover: An indispensable moment for ingesting crucial information, particularly changes in medication regimens.
•    09:30 - Medication Distribution: A meticulously orchestrated process to ensure accurate and timely medication administration.
•    12:30 - Lunch: A designated period to oversee the nutritional intake of the clients.
•    16:00 - Recreational Activities: An interval for cognitive and physical stimulation.
•    19:00 - Dinner: The final communal meal of the day.
•    21:00 - Preparing for Bed: A preparatory phase to secure clients for nighttime rest.

Daily Living Tasks

My role as a Healthcare Assistant in this unit extended beyond traditional caregiving tasks. A significant portion of my responsibilities revolved around medication distribution, a process that demands exactitude and attention to detail.

Additionally, I was involved in the orchestration of recreational activities, an often-overlooked but integral component of holistic care.

Communication with All Stake Holders

The teamwork mentality of the unit was immediately obvious to me, as I found the health care assistants (HCAs) to be not only skilled but also kind. We were able to carry out our responsibilities more effectively as a result of the hospitable environment.

Throughout the course of the day, I had the chance to have a lengthy conversation with a member of the family who was worried about the continued care of their father.

The emotional and psychological terrains that family members must traverse were illuminated with illuminating clarity thanks to this conversation. In addition, the nursing staff was accommodating to my inquiries on drug regimens, clarifying complicated processes in a manner that was easily understandable.

Identification of Situations / Issues

My day was full with events that were both rewarding and difficult, and they each contributed to my professional development in their own unique manner. On the positive side, I was given the opportunity to direct a client group through a fun recreational activity, which resulted in clear indications that the client was having a good time.

This was a really fulfilling experience. This event highlighted the therapeutic benefits that may be gained through participating in leisure activities to improve one's quality of life.

On the other hand, the day did not pass without any difficulties. When a patient got obviously upset over a change in their medication schedule, a touching scene transpired. This moment was a result of the change.

The circumstances required an immediate use of abilities in empathic communication and de-escalation in order to diffuse the situation. The event provided as a powerful reminder that even seemingly insignificant adjustments in the treatment procedures that are being followed might elicit major emotional responses from patients.

In a nutshell, my second day working in the general nursing care unit was a patchwork of experiences that ranged from satisfying to taxing. Overall, it was an eye-opening and educational day.

These encounters were not only activities or exchanges; rather, they were sophisticated components of a complicated ecology pertaining to healthcare. They emphasised the significance of adaptation, empathy, and ongoing education in the context of the constantly shifting environment of the healthcare industry.

Work Experience Diary Entry 3

Description of Immediate Setting

My clinical assignment for the day was in the specialized environment of the stroke recovery unit. The clientele predominantly consisted of individuals aged between 50 and 80 years who are in various phases of recuperation from strokes.

This necessitated medium to high levels of dependency care, with a client count of eight on this particular day. To maintain an optimal level of individualized care, the staff framework was meticulously structured, incorporating two registered nurses and two Healthcare Assistants (HCAs), including myself.

Routine of the Care Setting

The day's operational tempo was punctuated by a well-defined timetable, serving as a scaffold for organized and effective care:
•    07:45 - Handover: This initial phase focused on disseminating crucial updates on clients' mobility and the efficacy of ongoing therapies.
•    08:30 - Physical Therapy Sessions: A critical component geared towards enhancing motor functions.
•    12:00 - Lunch: A scheduled nutritional intake phase.
•    14:00 - Rest Period: Allocated for clients to recuperate from morning activities.
•    16:00 - Cognitive Exercises: Aimed at stimulating cognitive faculties.
•    18:00 - Dinner: The day's concluding communal meal.

Daily Living Tasks

My responsibilities within the unit were comprehensive, encapsulating a wide array of supportive roles in both mobility and cognitive therapeutic exercises. Of particular note was my involvement in physical therapy sessions, an arena requiring precision and an understanding of individual limitations and potentials.

Communication with All Stake Holders

The symbiotic relationship that existed amongst staff members was one of the defining characteristics of the healthcare ecosystem that existed within the unit. The nurses in particular were quite accommodating in responding to my questions, which contributed to an atmosphere that encouraged further education.

On this day, family connections were quite limited, which may have been a reflection of the intensive care environment, which is characterised by a preponderance of involvement from medical professionals.

Identification of Situations / Issues

The experiences that were had during the day served as a microcosm of the wider healthcare scene and were both stimulating and demanding. The day's tapestry was like a tapestry weaved with experiences. After a client suffered a severe stroke, I was able to help him in standing alone for the first time since the stroke.

This provided me with a great sense of success and put me on the rewarding end of the spectrum. This watershed event provided as a physical reinforcement of the therapeutic methods that were being deployed, and it underlined the transforming power of gradual improvement in hospital settings.

On the other hand, due to the specialised nature of the unit, it posed its own set of unique issues, most notably in the area of client communication. A complex obstacle to communication was provided by a single patient who, as a result of having a stroke, was struggling with his ability to communicate verbally.

In order to effectively communicate with the customer, the circumstance called for an original strategy that went beyond the traditional communication paradigms.

In a nutshell, my time spent working in the stroke recovery unit was an eye-opening experience that provided me with a nuanced comprehension of the difficulties that are inherent in specialised healthcare.

The events of the day, which ranged from emotionally uplifting to professionally demanding, served as a wonderful crucible for my continuous development as a healthcare professional and were really helpful in this regard.

This experience drove home the point that healthcare is diverse and requires not only professional acumen but also emotional intelligence, flexibility, and a never-ending need for knowledge.

Work Experience Diary Entry 4

Description of Immediate Setting

My clinical rotation was allocated to the geriatric unit, a specialized environment meticulously designed to cater to an elderly population aged between 80 and 95 years. These individuals, predominantly female, are characterized by frailty and necessitate a high level of dependency care.

The unit was notably smaller in scale, sheltering 10 clients. However, the intensity of care required was offset by a robust staffing structure that included three registered nurses and three Healthcare Assistants (HCAs), inclusive of myself.

Routine of the Care Setting

The operational protocol of the unit was anchored by a regimented timetable:
•    07:30 - Handover: A critical juncture for assimilating overnight developments and specific care requirements for the day.
•    08:00 - Morning Care: Comprising bathing and dressing routines, with an accentuated focus on skin integrity.
•    12:00 - Lunch: A scheduled period for nutritional intake.
•    15:00 - Social Activities: Aimed at fostering interpersonal interactions among clients.
•    17:00 - Tea Time: A secondary, lighter meal opportunity.
•    20:00 - Preparing for Bed: The concluding phase of the day, ensuring clients are comfortably positioned for the night.

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Daily Living Tasks

My role in the geriatric unit was multifaceted, extending from intimate tasks such as bathing and dressing to nutritional support during lunch and tea times. The morning care routine was particularly intricate, requiring meticulous attention to detail to prevent skin tears, a common affliction in this demographic due to their frailty.

Communication with All Stake Holders

The culture of the department was clearly one of collaboration, and it was distinguished by an open line of communication between staff members. My coworkers were an excellent source of information, offering advice and direction that enriched my whole educational experience thanks to their keen insights.

In addition to this, I was given the chance to have meaningful conversations with many members of the family, during which I provided them with updates and reassurances on the treatment of their relatives.

These exchanges provided as a powerful reminder of the emotional toll that receiving medical treatment can have not just on patients, but also on their families.

Identification of Situations / Issues

The day was peppered with instances that were both satisfying and challenging, and each of these occasions contributed in their own unique way to the maturing of my professional knowledge.

On the positive end of the spectrum, I was able to help a client with severe arthritis in her dressing routine without making her discomfort any worse. This was a really fulfilling experience.

This encounter was a monument to the power of person-centered care, and it reflected the significant impact that seemingly commonplace actions can have when they are conducted with expertise and respect.

On the other hand, the day posed its own particular difficulties, the most notable of which was the administration of time. Even though it is very necessary, the morning care routine is a time-consuming process that requires striking a careful balance between being comprehensive and being efficient.

While keeping to the restrictions of a tight timeline, the challenge was to ensure that each customer received individualised treatment that was provided in a calm and leisurely manner.

In conclusion, working in the geriatric unit was a formative experience for me, as it provided me with a nuanced perspective into the complexity and demands of providing care for the elderly.

The day acted as a microcosm of the larger healthcare scene, offering a multiplicity of scenarios that tested not only my clinical skills but also my talents in communication, empathy, and flexibility. While the day served as a microcosm, the larger healthcare landscape served as a macrocosm.

As a result, the event served to confirm my determination to work in the healthcare industry, which I view as a profession that is both challenging and gratifying. This line of work requires a seamless fusion of technical expertise, emotional intelligence, and an unyielding spirit of inquiry.

Work Experience Diary Entry 5

Description of Immediate Setting

The fifth day of my clinical rotation was situated in the outpatient unit, a decidedly different setting characterized by a diverse patient demographic ranging from 40 to 75 years. Unlike the high-dependency environments I had previously been exposed to, this unit catered to clients with various conditions coming in for check-ups and exhibited low to medium levels of dependency.

Despite its seemingly straightforward nature, the unit was bustling with activity, accommodating 20 clients over the course of the day. The staffing matrix was comprehensive, involving three registered nurses, two Healthcare Assistants (HCAs), and one attending physician.

Routine of the Care Setting

The day was governed by a structured timetable, tailored to meet the unique demands of an outpatient setting:
•    09:00 - Handover: A critical session for understanding the day's appointments and anticipated challenges.
•    10:00 - Assisting in Patient Consultations: A high-activity period involving back-to-back consultations.
•    12:30 - Lunch: A brief interlude for staff to regroup.
•    14:00 - Administrative Duties: A period allocated for managing paperwork and organizing patient records.
•    17:00 - Preparing for Closure: The concluding phase, ensuring all administrative tasks are completed for the day.

Daily Living Tasks

My role was distinctly diverse, encapsulating both clinical and administrative responsibilities. Clinical tasks included assisting nurses in capturing patient vitals and aiding in the setup of consultation rooms. The nature of these tasks required a blend of clinical acumen and organizational skills, particularly in the context of the unit's fast-paced environment.

Communication with All Stake Holders

The facility provided a large number of possibilities for direct patient involvement, but there were less opportunities to interact with patients' family members. My encounters with staff were really instructive; they provided helpful insights into the administrative processes of the unit, which enriched my overall comprehension of healthcare from the perspective of its operational aspects.

Identification of Situations / Issues

The day was full with challenging and energising encounters that served as priceless opportunities for growth and development. The fast-paced nature of the outpatient unit needed a degree of efficiency and agility from me, which I found to be both demanding and enjoyable.

On the positive side, this aspect of the job was quite rewarding. The feeling of success that came from deftly navigating this tornado of activity while simultaneously highlighting the significance of adaptability in healthcare settings was immeasurable.

On the other hand, the unit provided its own distinct set of difficulties, most notably in terms of balancing administrative responsibilities with providing care to patients. It turned out to be a difficult task to find a middle ground between these two opposing aspects of healthcare, and as a result, I was forced to reevaluate my objectives on a regular basis.

In conclusion, the time I spent working in the outpatient unit significantly contributed to the expansion of my knowledge on the provision of medical treatment. It served as a powerful reminder that the healthcare industry is a multidimensional profession that requires not just clinical skill but also operational acumen.

This event was a strong reminder of this fact. The events of the day drove home the point that flexibility, effective communication, and multitasking are all extremely important in contexts related to healthcare.

In addition to this, they emphasised that despite the fact that the specifics of the duties may change, the overarching goal of providing high-quality care that is centred on the patient does not.

This experience, which was abundant in its variety and complexity, has strengthened my dedication to the field of healthcare by demonstrating that it is, in fact, a discipline that necessitates the possession of a composite skill set that includes both clinical expertise and administrative savviness.

Work Experience Diary Entry 6

Description of Immediate Setting

My sixth day of clinical rotation led me to the palliative care unit, a specialized environment designed to provide end-of-life care for individuals aged 55 to 85 with terminal illnesses. The unit was relatively small, housing only six clients, but the level of care required was intensive, necessitating a high staff-to-client ratio.

The staffing matrix comprised two registered nurses and two Healthcare Assistants (HCAs), including myself.

Routine of the Care Setting

The structure of the day was delineated as follows:
•    08:00 - Handover: An indispensable session to understand the nuances of each client's condition and to discuss pain management strategies.
•    09:00 - Pain Management and Comfort Measures: A dedicated period for administering medication and implementing comfort interventions.
•    12:00 - Lunch: Nutrition tailored to individual dietary needs and comfort.
•    15:00 - Family Visits: A window for families to spend time with their loved ones.
•    18:00 - Dinner: A concluding meal, again customized for comfort and nutritional needs.

It was an intensely emotional environment since the major priority was to protect the comfort and dignity of the clients.

Daily Living Tasks

In this facility, a large portion of my duties was pain management and setting up rooms for family visits. The customers' comfort required careful consideration of the time and administration of painkillers as well as the positioning of cushions and blankets to maximise physical comfort.

Communication with All Stake Holders

Particularly when dealing with relatives who were coming to terms with an impending death, interactions in the palliative care unit were loaded with strong emotions. The staff's guidance and emotional support were very beneficial to the families as well as to me as an aspiring healthcare professional.

It was quite helpful for myself and the family. The nature of the unit demanded a greater degree of emotional fortitude and empathy from its members.

Identification of Situations / Issues

Events that were both emotionally gratifying and exhausting on the person made up the day's events. On the plus side, I was able to provide my emotional support to a family member who was struggling to accept their loved one's circumstance, which was a good experience.

Even though it drained my emotional reserves, this interaction was quite fulfilling and provided more support for the value of compassionate care in healthcare settings.

The day, though, had its own unique set of challenges, chief among them the emotional toll that the impending loss has on families. The agony they were going through served as a stark reminder of the emotional complexities that are a necessary component of palliative care.

A very high level of emotional intelligence is also necessary for this form of care in addition to professional expertise.

In conclusion, my experience in the palliative care unit had a profound impact on me and gave me a nuanced understanding of the complexities associated with providing care for people who are terminally ill.

It served as a powerful example of how providing medical care is both a very human undertaking and a purely scientific one. More than any other unit, this one emphasised the need for a healthcare delivery system that combines professional expertise with emotional understanding.

The most emphasis was placed on this requirement in this unit. The capacity to give emotional support and communicate with empathy is typically what has the most influence on the lives of patients and the people who care for them, even while possessing the requisite technical skills is vital for delivering good pain management and comfort care.

The incident provided as a powerful illustration of the complexity of healthcare, which necessitates a delicate balance between technical proficiency and emotional sensitivity (EQ).

Work Experience Diary Entry 7

Description of Immediate Setting

On the seventh day of my clinical experience, I was assigned to the rehabilitation unit, a dynamic milieu dedicated to aiding individuals aged between 25 and 60 who are in the process of recovering from surgeries or traumatic accidents.

The unit harbors a medium-dependency clientele comprising a diverse gender mix. Limited to just ten clients, the unit is staffed by a multidisciplinary team consisting of two registered nurses, three Healthcare Assistants (HCAs), including myself, and a specialized physiotherapist.

Routine of the Care Setting

The regimen for the day was meticulously structured to encompass a range of therapeutic interventions:
•    07:30 - Handover: A pivotal juncture for disseminating information on overnight developments and the day's therapy plans.
•    08:00 - Morning Exercises: A dedicated slot for initiating physical therapies aimed at enhancing mobility.
•    12:00 - Lunch: Nutritional replenishment tailored to support rehabilitation goals.
•    15:00 - Afternoon Therapies: A continuation of specialized therapies to augment recovery.
•    17:00 - Leisure Activities: An interval designed for social interaction and mental well-being.

The crux of the day's activities was concentrated on the various rehabilitative therapies, each tailored to the unique needs of the clients.

Daily Living Tasks

My role in the unit was multifaceted, encompassing assistance in morning exercises and specialized therapies. Additionally, I was involved in facilitating leisure activities, a crucial but often overlooked component of holistic rehabilitation. The complexity of these tasks necessitated a nuanced understanding of each client's physical limitations and psychological needs.

Communication with All Stake Holders

The level of involvement with patients in this unit was unusually high; patients' participation frequently extended beyond clinical dialogues and dove into discussions about personal experiences and goals. My comprehension of the psychological aspects of rehabilitation was much improved as a result of the increased degree of communication.

Concurrently, the personnel provided an environment that was favourable to study and professional development via their remarkable support and encouragement of students.

Identification of Situations / Issues

The day was marked by times that were both gratifying and demanding, serving as experiences that were ultimately enlightening. When a patient was able to walk without assistance for the very first time after their injury, it was the most satisfying moment of the day. This big milestone not only re-energized the customer but also imbued the entire unit with a feeling of having achieved something worthwhile.

On the other hand, the unit had its own unique difficulties, most notably when interacting with a patient who was obviously aggravated by the sluggish progress of their recuperation. Not just professional expertise was required, but also emotional intelligence and the ability to communicate effectively, in order to successfully navigate the psychological intricacies of such circumstances.

In conclusion, my time spent in the rehabilitation centre was not only educational but also humiliating on my part. It provided a complete picture of the myriad of problems and benefits that are linked with psychological and physical healing.

The events of the day served as a powerful reminder that healthcare is not a singular thing; rather, it is a complicated tapestry that is weaved from clinical competence, psychological understanding, and the human touch.

The success of rehabilitation is not just dependent on the therapeutic interventions that are implemented; rather, it is also strongly impacted by the psychological fortitude of patients as well as the support systems that surround them.

This insight has broadened my viewpoint and instilled in me a more holistic approach to healthcare, one that integrates clinical competence and emotional quotient into a unified whole.

Work Experience Diary Entry 8

Description of Immediate Setting

On the last day of my work experience, I was assigned to work in the general care unit, which is a setting that serves a diverse clientele ranging in age from 40 to 80 and who are affected by a wide variety of medical diseases with varying degrees of reliance.

The patients in this unit have a wide range of severities of medical dependence. There were 14 patients in all on the ward, and there were three registered nurses and four healthcare assistants (HCAs), including me.

Routine of the Care Setting

The daily itinerary was structured as follows:

•    07:45 - Handover: A pivotal briefing that provided essential updates on each client's condition and set the tone for the day.
•    08:30 - Activities of Daily Living (ADLs): A rigorous period dedicated to personal hygiene, grooming, and other essential daily tasks.
•    12:00 - Lunch: A communal meal tailored to individual nutritional needs.
•    16:00 - Activities: A slot designed for recreational and therapeutic activities.
•    18:00 - Dinner: The final meal of the day, adapted to individual dietary restrictions.

The emphasis of the day was squarely on routine care and activities designed to enhance both physical and emotional well-being.

Daily Living Tasks

I had a variety of duties, including helping clients with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) including clothing, grooming, and bathing. I also had a key role in the development and implementation of the afternoon activity session, a crucial element that provides opportunity for social contact and cerebral stimulation in addition to the clinical components of treatment.

Communication with All Stake Holders

The level of contact with both customers and workers was quite pleasing to observe. The environment was suitable for the delivery of holistic treatment since the patients were open to discourse and the staff members were both enlightening and encouraging. The majority of the day was spent doing routine tasks, which may have prevented meaningful encounters with family members.

Identification of Situations / Issues

The day was filled with times that were both gratifying and challenging in equal measure. I had the honour of leading an activity session, which was welcomed with enthusiastic involvement from the clients, which was a satisfying experience on the more positive end of the spectrum.

This incident provided as a concrete reminder of the significant influence that even actions that may appear to be inconsequential may have on the overall health and happiness of a client.

On the other hand, the day provided its own unique set of difficulties, the most notable of which occurred during the ADL session in the morning. The sheer amount of jobs, in combination with the various requirements of the customers, presented a substantial obstacle in terms of managing time effectively. In spite of the challenges, it resulted in the acquisition of priceless knowledge concerning time management and organisation.

My time spent in the general care unit served as a suitable end to my professional experience, perfectly capturing the challenges and benefits that are inherent in the healthcare industry. The events of the day brought into more focus the necessity of adopting a holistic strategy that combines sound clinical knowledge with an awareness of human psychology.

It is frequently the intangible parts of care, such as empathy, communication, and the capacity to generate moments of joy, that are responsible for the most profound influence that healthcare has. This is despite the undeniable significance of the technical aspects of care.

This last day was a tribute to the complex nature of healthcare, which demands not just clinical acumen but also a deep-rooted awareness of the human condition. This final day was a monument to the multidimensional nature of healthcare.

It was an eye-opening event that has strengthened my resolve to pursue a line of work that is as intellectually challenging as it is emotionally satisfying.

Section 3: Reflection 

New Learning Experience

The work placement at Beneavin Lodge has been instrumental in augmenting my healthcare skills and broadening my understanding of client-centered care across diverse units—ranging from dementia to palliative care.

One of the most salient learnings has been in the realm of person-centered planning. Tailoring care plans according to the unique needs and preferences of each client has underscored the importance of individualized care, thereby reinforcing my commitment to treating each patient as a distinct individual.

Furthermore, I have gained invaluable experience in pressure area care, a crucial component in managing clients with high levels of dependence. I have no doubt that my new skill set will be useful in any healthcare environment where long-term patient care is required.

I have also improved my communication abilities, especially in emotionally charged situations, which has given me the ability to handle challenging encounters with both family members and clients. The process of incorporating these new skills into my professional repertoire is not only additional; it is also transformational.

They improve my ability to deliver high-quality care and help me become a more flexible and sympathetic healthcare assistant. These abilities not only meet current employment demands but also lay a solid foundation for positions in the healthcare industry in the future, maybe even in specialised disciplines requiring a complex grasp of patient care.

Challenges encountered and resolutions

I faced a variety of difficulties throughout my work placement that put my professional knowledge and emotional fortitude to the test. I had to help a person who was prone to unexpected hostile behaviour when I was assigned to the dementia unit, for example.

The standard methods were ineffectual, which forced me to reconsider my tactics. I engaged in a collaborative discourse to develop an updated, individualised strategy to control the agitation of this specific resident, drawing on my training and the nursing staff's knowledge. I was able to build a connection with the resident by using nonverbal cues and visual clues, which helped to temper his violent inclinations.

Time management during morning care routines in the geriatric ward, where the fragility of clients required delicate attention to prevent skin rips, was another key difficulty. Here, the resolution lay in effective teamwork and collaboration. After a series of briefings and debriefings with the nursing staff, we devised a rotation system that allowed for adequate time with each patient while ensuring that all essential tasks were completed.

These experiences have been instructive in honing my problem-solving and adaptability skills. They have equipped me with a nuanced understanding of the complexities inherent in healthcare provision, thereby making me a more competent and versatile healthcare assistant.

Positive Experiences

Among the myriad experiences encountered during my work placement, several stand out for their profoundly positive impact. One such pivotal moment occurred in the stroke recovery unit, where I assisted a client in standing up for the first time since his stroke.

The unspoken joy in the patient's eyes and the palpable sense of accomplishment among the healthcare team were indescribably rewarding. Similarly, another occasion in the rehabilitation unit saw a client walking unassisted for the first-time post-surgery.

Such milestones not only bring immense professional satisfaction but also imbue a deep sense of purpose to the daily rigors of healthcare work. These experiences have provided me with a more comprehensive understanding of the healthcare profession.

They have underscored the importance of an interdisciplinary approach, and the irreplaceable value of empathy and patient-centred care. Moreover, these moments have highlighted the transformative power of healthcare, not just in alleviating physical ailments but also in restoring human dignity and enhancing quality of life.

Future work experience improvements

In retrospect, one area warranting improvement for future work placements would be a more proactive approach to interdisciplinary collaboration. While the existing synergy among healthcare professionals was commendable, fostering more structured communication channels could potentially enhance patient outcomes.

Additionally, I would endeavour to allocate time for more in-depth research on specific patient conditions to augment clinical decisions. These lessons, born out of reflective practice, are instrumental for my professional evolution.

By incorporating these insights, I intend to not only fortify my clinical acumen but also to contribute more effectively to the healthcare teams I will be a part of.

Sample application letter

Dear Director of Day Services,

I am writing to express my keen interest in the position of Care Staff for Day Services, as advertised. As an accomplished Healthcare Assistant with a QQI Level 5 qualification in Healthcare Support, and experience in a variety of care settings, I am confident that my skills and dedication align impeccably with the requirements of this role.

During my recent work placement at Beneavin Lodge, I gained hands-on experience in diverse care units, ranging from dementia care to palliative units. This extensive exposure has equipped me with a broad skill set, including proficiency in person-centered planning, intimate care, and multidisciplinary teamwork. These competencies, I believe, would enable me to contribute effectively to your esteemed organisation, particularly in implementing and tailoring day programmes to meet the individual needs of service users.

Moreover, my professional journey has cultivated in me a profound respect for ethical considerations, such as maintaining confidentiality and adhering to risk management guidelines. Concurrently, it has strengthened my communication skills, rendering me adept at liaising between service users, their families, and healthcare providers.

Thank you for considering my application. I am highly motivated to contribute my skills and enthusiasm to your multidisciplinary team and am available at your convenience for a formal interview.

Yours sincerely,
John Doe

Research on future career paths and qualifications

In contemplation of future career trajectories, the "Role Care Staff Day Services" advertisement serves as a valuable point of reference. The role, operating from Palmerstown and Balgaddy in South West Dublin, elucidates a multifaceted set of responsibilities, ranging from the provision of personalized care to administrative duties.

It mandates a minimum qualification of QQI Level 5 in Healthcare Support and emphasizes the necessity of teamwork, adaptability, and patient advocacy. This particular role aligns well with my existing qualifications and offers a pathway to further career progression through exposure to a diverse range of care settings and multidisciplinary teamwork.

Moreover, post-QQI Level 5, there exist numerous avenues for academic and professional advancement. For instance, a Higher Certificate in Arts in Healthcare Support at Dundalk Institute of Technology is a viable option for those aspiring to deepen their clinical knowledge.

Additionally, the Bachelor of Science in Nursing provides a comprehensive curriculum that would not only elevate one's clinical expertise but also offer the possibility of specialization, whether it be in gerontology, pediatrics, or mental health.

Another noteworthy course is the Postgraduate Diploma in Healthcare Management, aimed at those looking to amalgamate their clinical experience with managerial skills. Thus, the roadmap to career progression is multi-pronged, with each pathway designed to fulfill specific professional objectives.

The decision to embark on a particular route should be predicated upon a judicious assessment of one's career aspirations, skill set, and the gaps that further education is poised to fill.

Work Portfolio as Healthcare Assistant in Beneavin Lodge

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