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A Systematic Literature Review Of CRM Use In Hotels 
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  • Course Code: MMN224938
  • University: Glasgow Caledonian University
  • Country: United Kingdom


In today's fast-paced, digital hotel industry, knowing the customers and keeping an eye on what they want is more important than ever. Because of these changes make Customer Relationship Management (CRM) more important in the modern hotel industry (Al-Gasawneh et al., 2021).

Customer relationship management, or CRM, is a set of strategies and plans that hotels can use to keep track of and analyse their customers' talks and data throughout their stays. The goal is to increase customer trust and business profits.

Research background

The hotel industry has been using digital tools more and more lately to improve customer service and relationships with guests (Sofi et al., 2020). Hotels can better connect with their guests using customer relationship management (CRM) tools. Zeleke and Kumar (2019) say that CRM systems have grown into a set of plans and methods for managing and analysing customer information.

Surprisingly, hotels started using customer relationship management (CRM) tools more in the late 2010s. Experts use these tools to customize visitors' experiences and speed up routine tasks to increase customer engagement and revenue. As this area of study has grown, a lot of different kinds of books showing CRM's many uses have also appeared. Better visitor immersion, skilled metrics management, and metric-based solutions are some of the benefits that Meena and Sahu (2021) mention.  

Aims and Objective


The main goal of this study is to gather all the literature on deploying CRM in hotels. This study does not just talk about how CRM is used now; it also shows how it is currently used, finds knowledge gaps, and gives ideas that could affect future research and real-world uses in the hotel industry.

Research Objectives

•    To collect all academic papers about the topic (2000-2020) for analysis.
•    To analyse by way of different models the use of CRM in hotels.
•    To offer recommendations for hotels and future research.

Research Questions

The study's report will cover both the objective and subjective goals. This report will perform a systematic literature study based on the pursuing research fields to conduct this evaluation.
•    How are the same variables weighed differently by hotels of various sizes and types when determining whether or not to deploy a customer relationship management system?
•    What customer relationship management (CRM) tools and techniques do hotels employ most frequently to boost customer engagement, loyalty, and satisfaction?
•    How many improvements to the CRM system do researchers have in mind?

Literature Review

As building solid and enduring relationships with customers is becoming more and more vital, customer relationship management, or CRM, is playing a bigger role in the hotel sector as a strategic tool for comprehending and serving guests.

The literature on customer relationship management (CRM) is extensive, but surprisingly little of it discusses the wide range of uses of CRM in the hotel industry. By advocating the use of customer relationship management (CRM) as a digital tool in the hotel industry, Rodrigues et al. (2020) offered a novel viewpoint.

Its potential to improve relationships with tourists was the main focus. The research by Sofi et al. (2020) reinforced the idea that hotels might gain from integrated CRM systems by highlighting the connection between effective CRM and overall guest satisfaction.

CRM is more than just digital tools, as Lin et al. (2020) showed. It's also an important part of controlling ties with customers and talking to them in many ways. There are still a lot of questions because past studies only looked at CRM and not the whole system (Sota et al., 2020). Because new technologies are being made quickly, more research needs to be done on how CRM can be used in busy businesses (Kumar et al., 2021).

The main idea of this book review is to show how customer relationship management (CRM) works in the hotel business. Coming up with a single point of view and making the talk better are the goals. This site is not just meant to gather information that's already out there. Of course, one needs to be able to spot patterns, build a strong case, and find flaws that have been hidden. That is why this method not only helps one study more but also lets businesspeople and researchers view things in various ways.

With a full mental framework, one can better understand the different parts of customer relationship management (CRM), such as how it impacts exchanges and customer service. By taking a close look at customer relationship management (CRM) in the hotel business, this literature review aims to fill in any information gaps. It will be looked at and its history, how it is used now, and what changes could be made to make it even better in the future. People are still talking about customer relationship management (CRM) and how it has changed the field of hotel management, which is changing very quickly. 

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Literature Gap

The hotel business still has trouble managing its customers, but they are working hard to fix it. If researchers use too much publicly available data, they might be skewed by past research and forget to look at things that are special to places like high-end hotels (Duarte et al., 2020).

If one only read books that came out between 2000 and 2020, one might miss important historical events and growth. Since every hotel is different, it's hard to make broad statements (Yasiukovich & Haddara, 2010). The study's results are important, but people should know what it couldn't do so they can fully understand the results and not go beyond what the study allowed.


Research Design

The research strategy, which is also the study's framework, tells us how to collect data, analyse it, and figure out what it all means. This study used a testing method to examine how CRM is used in hotels. This study was done to fill in some gaps in the existing research and learn more about the difficulties of implementing CRM in different types of hotels (Al-Gasawneh et al., 2021).

The method that was chosen was a thorough study of the literature. This requires a well-planned search for relevant academic papers and then carefully reading these papers to find helpful information. There is no doubt that this study is cutting-edge since it uses research from 2000 to 2020. This strategy facilitates the integration of several data sets into a unified whole, according to Afaq et al. (2023), which in turn allows for the development of problem-specific research questions.

Research Philosophy

Most of the research on hotel CRM systems is based on the positivist model. The main point of this paradigm is to learn by dealing with things in the real world. It is said by Zeleke and Kumar (2019) that quantitative methods are the best way to reach goals that can be measured. There is a lot of talk about how important it is to plan studies well and use data in this way.

Reading about real-life data that can be carefully used to draw smart conclusions seems to be the best way to learn all about hotel CRM. This method lets hotels try out different CRM strategies and see how they affect income by testing guests' trust before and after the system is put in place. Some people, like Meena and Sahu (2020), say that positivism encourages objective evaluations that take all the facts into account before making hasty choices.

Research Approach

For in-depth studies of how hotel customer service works, strict methods and inferential logic are often used. To think logically, one must first turn a thought into a claim that can be proven. The idea that was put forward needs more study, according to Rodrigues et al. (2020). This research will help find new things by adding to what is already known.

An important part of how this study was set up is a careful review of the literature. Its goal is to help the hotel business deal with customer relationship management (CRM) issues by using tried-and-true methods and research reasons from various sources. The main goal is to use well-known ideas from well-known books to help the hotel business improve its customer relationship management (CRM).

Some well-known ideas are used in this study to shed light on less well-known parts of the subject. As the study goes on, more evidence is found to support its claims. This makes it clear how hard CRM can be in the hotel business.

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Data Collection

Second-hand sources were significant to our study of CRM methods used in the hotel industry. Secondary data, which has already been collected and released, has become more valuable because it is cheap, easy to get, and widely available (Lin et al., 2020). Much research was done in academic databases like JSTOR, Google Scholar, EBSCOhost, and ScienceDirect to find applicable books, journals, and other educational writings for this study.

Works released between 2000 and 2020 were prioritised to ensure they were relevant and up to date. More search terms were combined and added to this report, like "CRM in hotels," "hotel customer management," and "guest relationship techniques," to cut down on the number of search results. The authors named Afaq, et al. 2023, Al-Gasawneh, et al. 2021, Duarte, et al. 2020, Kumar, et al. 2021, Lin, et al. 2020, Meena, & Sahu, 2021, Rodrigues, et al. 2020, Saha, et al. 2021, Sofi, et al. 2020, Sota, et al. 2020, Yasiukovich, & Haddara, 2021, Zeleke, & Kumar, 2019 have examined the study.

Data sampling is essential to research, especially when looking at big topics like installing a CRM system in a hotel. The 2020 study by Sota et al. says that sampling is picking a part of a population from which to conclude the whole population. It would be too much work to look at each hotel separately because there are so many worldwide.

Sampling is an excellent way to find general trends because of this. A stratified sample method might be helpful for our study on hotel CRM tactics. This method breaks the huge hotel business into smaller, easier-to-handle parts, which lets representative samples be taken.

Data Sampling

It takes samples to find out the pros and cons of putting in place a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system in hotels, just like it does for any large-scale study. To learn more about a population as a whole, Sota et al. (2020) say that selecting is choosing a group of people from that population. That being said, it is very important to choose groups that show the whole community.

It is very important to use stratified sampling to look at customer relationship management techniques in the hotel business because it is so big around the world. This method breaks the huge hotel business down into smaller, easier-to-handle parts that make it easier to get samples that are representative of the whole. To get the work done faster, the sampling method will look for copies that follow the rules set by the dissertation review board. This will make sure that the study's results are correct and true.

Ethical issues/ limitations

Ethically, the study will keep all information collected secret, ask participants for their permission before using them as subjects, and hide their names. It is very important not to copy other people's work, and giving thanks to all sources and writers is a key part of the plan. It also shows how important it is to follow the rules of good writing, like being honest and not sharing the same thing twice.

When talking about ethics, one way to be more open is to talk about possible conflicts of interest, such as personal or financial ties that could affect the study. Not all was well with the study, though. It's possible to miss new ideas and trends that will change the world if one only studies events that happened between 2000 and 2020 for the literature review.

The study looked at people from all over the world, so it's possible that it missed changes in how CRM is used in the hotel business. The paper says that some issues make it impossible to use the study's findings for the whole hotel business. It is well known that getting info from different outside sources can change its quality and dependability.

There is a chance that this study was skewed towards publications, even though it searched through a lot of sources and terms. One needs to know about and deal with these ethical problems and limits to do a fair and honest literature review. 


Step no. Stages Week 1-2 Week 3-4 Week 5-6 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 8-9 Week 10 Week 11
1 Collection of the research project subject                  
2 Understanding the background of the research project topic                  
3 Utilizing sources for examining the scope of the study                  
4 Examining the research problem and rationale                  
5 Development of research aim, objectives and questions                  
6 Conducting literature review                  
7 Research methodology development                  
8 Collection of secondary research materials for the findings                  
9 Summarising the study discussion                  
10 Reaching a constructive conclusion                  
11 Reviewing the entire project                   
12 Submission of the research project                  

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