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Portfolio Building and Identity Reconstruction for leadership skills
  • 3

  • Course Code: MGT4866
  • University: Middlesex University London
  • Country: United Kingdom

General Guidance

This assessment aligns to the module ‘Portfolio Building and Identity Reconstruc tion’ and its associated learning outcomes

Assessment Requirements

There are two elements of assessment to the assessment both of which count to the final module mark. Please ensure that you read the assignment guidance as this provides further information on the requirements and expectations of the assignment brief.

1.    Construction of Portfolio of evidence 

Students construct a portfolio of evidence to prepare for the Professional Discussion element of the EPA.

This is limited to the knowledge standards of:

•    Strategy;
•    Innovation and change;
•    Enterprise and risk;
•    Finance;
•    Leading and developing people;
•    Developing  collaborati ve  relationshi ps.

(No word limit, but must be easily viewable in 30 mins)

2.    Reconstruction  of identity 

Triangulating three sources of data/input, namely your first module assessme nt for ‘Creating Identity and Setting Direction’, a Critical Action Learning perspective on your leadership journey through the programme and a recent conversation with at least one Senior Leader in your organisation, reflect on what sort of leader you have become and how you will continue your professional development as a leader.
(Word count=2,000 )


PART-1:  Construction of Portfolio of Evidence


While doing my MBA study, I have identified many key skills and knowledge of leadership to demonstrate its importance in the future. I have analysed my learning through the development of the previous task on leadership and stakeholder perspectives. The study aims to focus on my learning and developing leadership skills giving evidence. 

The purpose of a portfolio is to help one accomplish their financial goals, such as building wealth, improving financial literacy, paying off debt, or creating an emergency fund. Portfolios are typically intended to be something other than an investment vehicle for all savings (Bridgstock et al. 2019).

Most commonly, a portfolio consists of a mixture of investments that are diversified. Diversification can be a critical component of portfolio building because a too-diversified portfolio can result in higher levels of volatility and lower levels of return. Holding a broad range of different assets limits the potential for investors to lose all of their value at once.

The portfolio protects against the risk of any individual investment falling in value. It's also typically not a good idea to rely on a single source of income, such as a job, which makes it necessary to have savings in case that source of income is lost (Urzelai and Davies, 2022).

The concept is a cornerstone of the diversified portfolio and will be expanded in future chapters. Additionally, according to Bridgstock et al. (2019), the term "portfolio" also describes the process of bringing together a variety of investments into a unified group of assets that, when sold together, generate a notable collection of investment opportunities.

Rich picture diagram
 Rich picture diagram

Figure 1: Rich Picture Diagram
(Source: Learne


This theory says that innovation is a process with four stages that are necessary for an innovation to be successful: 

1) Identifying a problem that requires innovation,
2) Gathering information about the problem,
3) Formulating the problem into a series of requirements and 
4) Selecting and testing an innovative solution.

The change and innovation theory can be understood as a way of viewing the knowledge-action continuum. This theory says there is a relationship between the level of knowledge required to make an innovation successful and the amount of energy required to move it from the "knowing" to the "doing" stage (Floris et al. 2020).

In a traditional environment, this relationship may be direct; in a knowledge-based organization, it is indirect. Knowledge is required to identify the type of change necessary and to gather the essential information.

It states that innovation can be considered a cognitive process of problem-solving and that knowledge results from this process. It says that a problem exists to be solved.

When a problem is identified, we search for new knowledge. Once we have acquired the latest knowledge, we then apply this knowledge to solve the problem, which is then changed. The process repeats itself until we have achieved a new knowledge-action system and move to a new problem.

In practice, we often fail to move from one knowledge-action system to another, and the action is repeated to interrupt the process. This theory explains the difference between the learning of view and the application of theory.

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Knowledge of strategy: 

Strategic management's fundamental objective is to change a firm's trajectory from one that goes to its predetermined future to one that leads to an improved situation the procedures of setting a project and putting a strategy into action help to achieve this.

The two primary purposes of strategic planning are to establish overall goals for your business and to develop a plan of action to achieve those goals (Floris, Wiblen, and Anichenko,  2020).

It requires pausing from day-to-day operations to reflect on the organization's goals and direction. Our strategy establishes the company's aim and provides a set of guiding principles. It helps us comprehend what true success implies. It provides the organization with a route, specifies the objective, and suggests beneficial rest stops.
 Strategy evidence
 strategy evidence1
  strategy evidence2
  strategy evidence4
  strategy evidence4

Figure-01: Knowledge of strategy evidence 
Source: Excerpt from MGT4860: Creating Identity and Setting Directi

workplace evidence

Figure-01.1: Workplace evidence    
(Source: Screenshot captured from MGT 4860 PART 1: STAKEHOLDER PERSPECTIVES)

From this figure-01, I have depicted my learning journey on strategy implementation during the MBA module courses. Throughout this process, I have gained a deep understanding of strategic thinking abilities, which are crucial for addressing complex issues and formulating future plans with critical thought.

My strategic thinking ability helps me to understand and apply knowledge skills of strategic management, vision, and mission for the organisation (Guzmán et al., 2020). In the intricate tapestry of leadership, strategic thinking stands out as one of the most vital threads.

Capacity to see the bigger picture, foresee possible obstacles, and make future plans are essential for every leader trying to guide an organisation towards success.

When I reflect back on my own career path, I have realised that the actual value of strategic thinking is frequently found in the details of day-to-day decision-making, rather than solely in the majesty of visionary planning.

This notion is shown by one particular example from my own practise. One day before a crucial meeting with stakeholders, I received an agenda full of potentially divisive topics.

It was expected that the meeting would establish the organization's strategic direction for the following fiscal year. Realising how important the conversation was going to be, I decided to give myself plenty of time to get ready.

Prior to delving further into the subject matter, I took a comprehensive approach. I thought about the desired outcomes, considered possible obstacles, and then painstakingly drew a route that would get us over these difficulties.

This required breaking down each item on the agenda, foreseeing potential objections, comprehending the underlying worries of every stakeholder, and developing remedies that were not only reactive but also firmly anchored in the organization's larger strategic goals.

I drafted essential themes and woven them into a captivating and consistent story to make sure my ideas were conveyed precisely and clearly. This was more than just delivering data or statistics; it was also about telling a tale that spoke to the audience's fears and hopes.

When the meeting day finally arrived and I entered the conference room, I was overcome with a feeling of peace. This was the result of my conviction that I was well-prepared, not of laziness.

Throughout the discussion, I remained rooted to the strategic framework I had created, even in the face of unforeseen inquiries or opposing points of view.

Because I had prepared so thoroughly, I was able to maintain my concentration, avoid distractions, and skillfully guide the conversation in the right path. This event served as evidence of the practical use of strategic thinking.

Through preparation and thinking mapping, I managed to synchronise the conversation with the organization's main goals. Moreover, this approach transcended the confines of that particular meeting. It became emblematic of how I approached leadership challenges – with foresight, preparation, and a steadfast commitment to strategic imperatives.

In the realm of leadership, Guzmán et al. (2020) aptly highlight the significance of understanding an organisation's purpose, mission, and vision. Strategic leaders, as they posit, must not only comprehend these foundational elements but also envisage the future trajectory.

The meeting I referred to was not just about addressing immediate concerns; it was an exercise in aligning current decisions with future aspirations.

In conclusion, strategic thinking is not a sporadic endeavour but a consistent practice. Whether it's preparing for pivotal meetings, resolving conflicts, or charting the organisation's future course, a strategic mindset is the linchpin that holds the myriad facets of leadership together.

By investing time and effort in preparation, leaders not only enhance their own efficacy but also pave the way for organisational success. This, in essence, underscores the profound interplay between strategic thought and impactful leadership.

Applying strategic thinking skills, leaders are able to apply their clear visionary ability, and critical thinking ability and they can apply their problem-solving skills to solve organisational problems and conflicts between team members.

Executives use diverse management styles to create a vision for their company that helps it adapt to changing economic and technical conditions. Strategic leaders may utilise this vision to inspire and unite people and departments to alter their company.

Strategic leadership streamlines procedures, boosts strategic productivity, promotes creativity, and creates a climate that encourages people to be productive, autonomous, and innovative.

Strategic leaders utilise reward and incentive systems to motivate and achieve objectives. Strategic leaders must comprehend their organization's purpose.

This entails understanding the company's mission, customers, and value proposition. Strategic leaders must then imagine the mission's future. Leaders must create a plan to implement that goal (Guzmán et al., 2020). The plan should outline the actions a corporation must take to reach its goal.

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Knowledge of change and innovation 

knowledge of change and innovation

Innovation has historically fluctuated in popularity, rising to prominence during economic booms and falling out of favour during recessions. However, the dynamics have evolved due to the impact of globalization, which has eradicated geographical boundaries and market barriers, enabling companies to unlock their full potential.

The capacity of a business to foster innovation while also harnessing market ideas from various stakeholders, including employees, partners, buyers, distribution companies, and external networks, has transitioned from a passing trend to an enduring strategic imperative.

The systematic administration of the innovation process inside an organization is the main emphasis of the theory of innovation management. Concept generation, concept selection, idea development, and idea execution are some of the actions involved.

The sentence mentions how corporations have changed how they approach innovation and now see it as a key factor in productivity, profitability, and growth, which is an allusion to this philosophy.

Businesses may plan ahead and maximize their innovation efforts to maintain competitiveness and adjust to shifting market and economic conditions with the aid of the notion of innovation management.

Drawing upon theories of innovation management and open innovation, it is evident that modern businesses now recognize innovation as a central driver of growth, productivity, and profitability.

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Change and Innovation Theories 

Ad-hoc portfolio analysis forecasts essential adjustments using environment and organization analysis. This theory emphasizes competitiveness and market attractiveness. This theory predicts change and innovation using the matrix. Focusing on Basic Skills, another creative and adaptive management strategy, emphasizes employee skills.

This model considers potential customers, rivals, and strengths and talents. This idea reduces expenses by assigning individuals to occupations that match their interests. The Balanced Scorecard theory advocates using innovative technology to conduct managerial and strategic planning. Change and innovative management theories are incomplete and cannot be applied individually. Since such theories complement one other, applying them to workplace transformation and creativity may be beneficial.  


Source: MGT4860- Creating Identity and Setting Direction

 knowledge of change and innovation evidence

Figure 02: Knowledge of change and innovation evidence 
Source: Excerpt from CISD   MGT4844: Creating Value Through Innovation

From figure 02, illustrates the paramount importance for leaders to prioritize the needs of the organization. In my role as an operational manager, I have found that a strong grasp of innovation and technology serves as a compelling motivator for leaders to initiate transformative changes.

Effectively navigating the technical and non-technical aspects involves leveraging my understanding of change management theories (Dirani et al., 2020) to identify areas where adjustments are necessary. Moreover, it requires astute consideration of the organization's available resources and the specific requirements of the workplace to ensure a seamless integration of changes while preserving the organizational culture.Innovation is fundamental and changes accidentally.

Change involves improving procedures, rules, workflows, and infrastructure. While maintaining the same core, common phrases like optimizing and maximizing are employed. This ensures safety and comfort. Many modifications do not cause learning.

Continuous change does not encourage innovation. Innovation goes beyond ideation. Help leaders and managers embrace new techniques to evaluate new ideas. Also, encourage team innovation.

Knowledge Of Risk And Enterprise

Risk and Enterprise knowledge

Enterprise Risk management is significant in many different areas. A comprehensive ERM framework simplifies and improves risk monitoring so that you can identify the key risks that could affect the organization, better measure and handle them, and put the required measures in place to eliminate or reduce the risk (Moldoveanu, and Narayandas, 2019).

Businesses emphasize the necessity for a robust board to allow choices on corporations and identify risks, and to evaluate if a risk management mindset should be applied further down in the organization.

Enterprise risk management integrates all hazards into a strategic framework. It contrasts with the silo method, where organizations handle one risk at a time in a decentralized manner.

ERM is the organization-wide application of a risk management framework. Organizations have varied structures, but people, norms, and tools remain constant. People are those with obligations. These people reduce risk via repeatable methods and technology. ERM adds value to firms, both macro, and micro.

Innovation, often regarded as the lifeblood of an organisation, is not a spontaneous phenomenon. It is meticulously cultivated, fostered, and nurtured within an environment that encourages creativity, challenges the status quo, and emboldens individuals to venture beyond the known. In my leadership journey, I have consistently endeavoured to create such an environment.

By sharing my vision and granting my colleagues the latitude to harness their ingenuity, I have witnessed a transformative shift in our organisational dynamics. A defining principle of my leadership style is the belief that a shared vision is exponentially more potent than a solitary one.

While I may chart the initial course, it is the collective wisdom, insights, and creativity of my team that refine and elevate it. To this end, I make it a point to regularly communicate the broader organisational objectives and aspirations, ensuring that every team member understands not just the 'what' but the 'why' behind our endeavours. This alignment with a shared purpose invariably acts as a catalyst for innovative thinking.

However, merely communicating a vision is insufficient. It is equally imperative to create a milieu where colleagues feel empowered to use their initiative. Recognising this, I have been proactive in carving out dedicated 'innovation time' within the workweek.

This is a designated period where team members are encouraged to step away from their routine tasks and dedicate time to brainstorming, research, or even pursuing passion projects that align with our organisational ethos. This initiative, inspired by similar practices at pioneering global firms, has yielded remarkable results, with several transformative ideas emerging from these sessions.

The efficacy of this approach was vividly illustrated during our work on the LEO assignment. Tasked with optimising our logistical operations, I shared my vision of a leaner, more sustainable, and technologically-driven supply chain. While the overarching direction was set, I encouraged the team to dissect the challenge, explore unconventional solutions, and champion their ideas.

The freedom to experiment, coupled with the safety net of a supportive environment, led to a groundbreaking proposal. One team member, leveraging the 'innovation time', devised a predictive analytics model that could forecast demand surges, thereby streamlining our inventory management. This not only reduced overheads but also significantly diminished our carbon footprint, aligning with our sustainability goals.

Similarly, during the CVTI assignment, where we were confronted with the challenge of integrating emerging technologies into our customer interface, the emphasis on creative autonomy bore fruit. I elucidated my vision of an immersive and intuitive customer experience, but refrained from prescribing specific solutions.

This void was filled by a cross-functional team that, capitalising on their creative space, conceptualised an augmented reality (AR) interface. This innovative solution not only enhanced user engagement but also set us distinctly apart in a saturated market.

Such instances are not anomalies but a testament to the power of an inclusive vision and the potency of empowered creativity. By ensuring that innovation is not the sole preserve of a select few but the collective responsibility of the entire team, leaders can unlock unparalleled potential. In conclusion, fostering innovation is a delicate balancing act.

While a clear vision sets the direction, it is the freedom, trust, and resources granted to colleagues that truly catalyse creative breakthroughs. Through initiatives like 'innovation time' and by championing an inclusive approach to problem-solving, leaders can construct a vibrant tapestry of ideas, solutions, and progress.

My experiences with the LEO and CVTI assignments serve as tangible proof of this philosophy in action, underscoring the transformative impact of collaborative innovation

knowledge of risk and enterprise evidence

Figure-03: Knowledge of risk and enterprise evidence 
Source: MGT4860: Creating Identity and Setting Direction

The pursuit of leadership excellence is a journey punctuated by introspection, recalibration, and evolution. While self-awareness provides the foundation for leadership growth, it is often through the lens of others that we gain the most profound insights into our strengths, areas of improvement, and the nuances of our leadership style.

The 360-degree feedback, an encompassing assessment tool, has been instrumental in my leadership evolution, illuminating facets of my approach that were previously obscured.

Embarking on the feedback process, I was acutely aware of its potential significance. However, nothing could have prepared me for the breadth and depth of insights that emerged. The feedback painted a comprehensive picture, highlighting areas where I excelled and pointing out aspects that warranted attention.

One recurring theme in the feedback was the perception of my leadership style as being somewhat centralised. Colleagues felt that while I was adept at decision-making and setting direction, there was a tendency for most decisions, even those of a more operational nature, to flow through me.

This inadvertently positioned me as a 'hub' – a central point through which information and decisions passed, leading to potential bottlenecks and limiting the empowerment of my team.

This revelation was particularly enlightening. While my intent had always been to ensure alignment and consistency, the feedback underscored the unintended consequence of this approach. Recognising the imperative to evolve, I embarked on a journey to transform from being a hub to becoming a bridge.

A 'bridge' in leadership parlance signifies a leader who facilitates connections, empowers team members, and ensures seamless flow of communication and decision-making across the organisation. It is about enabling, rather than controlling; guiding, rather than directing.

To action this transformation, I instituted a series of initiatives:

1.    Decentralisation of Decision Making: I consciously began delegating more operational decisions to team leads. For instance, in a project concerning product development, instead of personally vetting every design iteration, I entrusted the team lead with the responsibility, providing overarching guidelines but granting them the autonomy to make decisions.

2.    Fostering Open Communication: I initiated bi-weekly open forums, where team members could share ideas, concerns, or suggestions without any hierarchical barriers. This not only facilitated a free flow of ideas but also engendered a sense of collective ownership.

3.    Leadership Workshops: Recognising that my evolution was just one piece of the puzzle, I organised leadership workshops for middle management, equipping them with the tools and frameworks to take on more prominent leadership roles within their domains.

The impact of these changes was palpable. In the subsequent months, I observed a marked improvement in team dynamics. Projects were executed more efficiently, team members showcased heightened levels of engagement, and there was a discernible uptick in innovation.

A tangible example of this transformation was evident during our annual strategy formulation exercise. Unlike previous years, where I would set the direction and seek inputs, I inverted the process.

Departmental teams were entrusted with crafting their strategic blueprints, which were then integrated into the broader organisational strategy. This bottom-up approach not only yielded a more robust strategy but also fostered a sense of collective ownership.

In conclusion, the 360-degree feedback was not just an evaluative tool but a catalyst for transformative change. By highlighting the inadvertent centralisation of my leadership approach and offering insights into its ramifications, it set the stage for my evolution from a hub to a bridge. Leadership, as I've come to realise, is not about holding the reins tightly but about building bridges that empower, enable, and elevate the entire organisation.

Through a comprehensive analysis of figure1 to 3, I have gained valuable insights into the critical role of IT expertise and technology for security and operations managers. The process of risk management, comprising identification, assessment, and control of potential risks to the company's resources and revenues, has been a focal point of my learning.

This knowledge has equipped me with the necessary tools and strategies to effectively address security challenges and safeguard the organization's assets in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.

These risks may stem from a wide range of factors, including financial illiquidity, legal obligations, technology issues, poor strategic management, mishaps, and natural disasters. I now understand how to use technology and IT expertise to execute risk management in a business or organisation.

Managing risk is crucial for businesses (Setini et al., 2020). Risk management is a vital organisational function and leadership skill at all levels. After identifying and assessing hazards, risk management involves reducing their chance or effect.

Managing risks, I have learned about enterprise and assessing risk in the organisation. That helps me to understand the upcoming risks and opportunities for the future also. The journey of leadership is seldom linear; it is characterised by undulating terrains of learning, unlearning, and relearning.

While each experience carves out a unique facet of our leadership persona, it is the structured introspection, such as that afforded by formal modules, that truly propels transformative growth. As I reflect upon the LEO initiative, the prism of insights garnered from this module offers a rich tapestry of lessons, underscoring the evolution of my leadership approach.

The LEO initiative was a landmark project, pivotal not just in terms of organisational objectives but also as a testament to my leadership style at that juncture. Tasked with overhauling our logistical operations, the project presented multifaceted challenges – from technological integration to stakeholder management.

My approach, as was my proclivity then, was a blend of meticulous planning and directive leadership. While this ensured a structured progression and alignment with set objectives, it inadvertently curtailed spontaneous innovation and, at times, made team members reticent about championing unconventional ideas.

Post the completion of this module, armed with a treasure trove of insights, I was compelled to introspect on my leadership behaviour during the LEO initiative. The module underscored the significance of adaptive leadership, the potency of collective wisdom, and the imperative of fostering an environment that celebrates creativity and divergent thinking.

Drawing parallels with the LEO initiative, I recognised areas where a more inclusive and adaptive approach could have further augmented the outcomes. For instance, while devising the technological blueprint for logistical optimisation, I had steered the team towards a specific solution based on precedent and industry benchmarks.

In hindsight, and informed by the module's teachings, I realise the merit in fostering a more collaborative ideation process. This could have entailed brainstorming sessions, cross-functional think tanks, or even seeking external expertise, ensuring a more holistic and innovative solution spectrum.

Another pivotal insight from the module was the value of psychological safety in leadership. While I had always prided myself on being approachable, the module illuminated the nuanced difference between perceived approachability and genuine psychological safety.

Reflecting on the LEO initiative, I acknowledged instances where team members might have hesitated to voice concerns or alternative viewpoints, possibly perceiving them as dissent.

Post-module, I have been more conscious of fostering an environment where diverse opinions are not just tolerated but actively encouraged. This has entailed tangible measures such as open forums, anonymous feedback mechanisms, and dedicated ideation sessions.

The transformation in my leadership behaviour, post the module, has been both introspective and actionable. On a personal front, it has made me more receptive to feedback, more agile in my decision-making, and more appreciative of the myriad perspectives within a team. In terms of tangible actions, my approach to leading projects now places heightened emphasis on collaboration, iterative feedback, and adaptive planning.

In conclusion, the LEO initiative, while a success in its own right, has been a beacon of learning in the luminous light of this module's insights. Leadership is not a static trait, etched in stone; it is fluid, evolving with each experience and insight.

This module has not just enriched my understanding of leadership but has tangibly recalibrated my approach, ensuring that as I tread the path of future initiatives, I do so with a more inclusive stride, a more adaptive mindset, and a more profound appreciation for the collective genius of a team.

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Knowledge of Finance 

D1 / D2 / D3 Understands financial strategies including scenarios, modelling and identifying trends; application of economic theory to decision-making, and how to evaluate financial and non-financial information.
D4 / D5 Understands financial governance and legal requirements, and procurement strategies.

Strong financial awareness and choice abilities help individuals choose when and how to save and invest, compare prices before a significant transaction, and prepare for pension or other long-term investments. It aids in developing future company objectives while enabling you to enhance your financial plans, decision-making, and welfare system. Every corporation should have reliable financial information for planning and forecasting to maximise economic potential.


Figure -04:  Evidence of finance skills 
Source: MGT4860- Creating Identity and Setting Direction


Figure -04:  Evidence of finance skills (Continue)
Source: MGT4873: Growing The Organisation

At the beginning of my journey, my understanding of finance skills was focused on their relevance in cost planning for organizations. However, as I progressed, I realized that finance skills extend beyond traditional cost planning.

I have come to appreciate the significance of data management, IT skills, and technological knowledge in developing a comprehensive grasp of financial strategies.

These additional competencies have not only broadened my perspective but also enhanced my abilities as a manager within the organization.

With a deeper understanding of finance skills, I am now adept at cash flow management, proficient in database management, and skilled in analyzing profit and loss scenarios, all of which play a pivotal role in optimizing business finance.

The evolution of my knowledge in finance has been instrumental in making informed financial decisions that positively impact the organization's growth and success. A broad base in financial education may help with a range of life goals, including prudent debt management, business startup, and saving.

Financial literacy includes knowledge on how to create a budget, plan for retirement and severance pay, and monitor luxury spending.

As a leader, I need to evaluate the needs of forecasting, accounting, and ratio analysis which also helps to develop my strengths and analytical skills. To develop my personal skill the module helps me to identify investing, budgeting, credit management, and cash flow management, cost-effectiveness.

Every leader has to have a strong grasp of money in their toolbox (Moldoveanu, and Narayandas, 2019).

Understanding how to produce and quantify value may help with stakeholder communication, career growth, and better decision-making in the workplace. Finance requires data analysis.

The Investment Management Institute defines analytical skills as “an individual's capacity to recognise a problem, research to locate relevant data, and create a logical solution.” As a finance department head, good reporting skills complement analytical talents.

The Managing Director may want weekly cashflow updates. The intricate dance of organisational success often revolves around the harmonious synchronisation of various strategic elements. Of these, the finance strategy, often deemed the lifeblood of an organisation, plays a quintessential role.

My journey through the realms of leadership and strategy has instilled in me a profound appreciation for the confluence of finance strategy with overarching organisational objectives.

The insights gleaned have been particularly instrumental in shaping the trajectory of the GTO assignment, underscoring the symbiotic relationship between finance and strategy.

Historically, finance was perceived primarily as a backend function, focused on bookkeeping, compliance, and reporting. However, in the contemporary business landscape, finance has transcended these traditional confines, evolving into a strategic partner that informs, supports, and often drives organisational strategy.

This metamorphosis, which I have come to understand and embrace more deeply post this module, has redefined my approach to strategic leadership.

The GTO assignment, centred around the expansion of our organisation into new geographies, presented a myriad of challenges – from market analysis to operational logistics.

However, underpinning these challenges was the crucial element of finance strategy. The pivotal question wasn't just about whether we should expand, but whether we could afford to, how we would fund it, and what the financial implications and projections would be.

Armed with a deeper understanding of the nexus between finance and organisational strategy, I approached the GTO assignment with a bifocal lens. The initial phase entailed a rigorous financial analysis – understanding the capital expenditure required, projecting the revenue streams, analysing potential risks, and modelling various scenarios.

This wasn't just a numerical exercise but a strategic one. It illuminated the markets that offered the best return on investment, the product lines that were most financially viable, and the timelines that were both ambitious and financially prudent.

Furthermore, the finance strategy played a pivotal role in stakeholder communication. With clear financial projections and models, I was able to articulate the strategic vision of the GTO initiative to internal stakeholders, investors, and partners. This quantitative backing lent credibility to our strategic vision, facilitating buy-in and support.

The symbiotic relationship between finance and strategy was also evident in resource allocation. Guided by financial insights, we made informed decisions about where to invest – be it in marketing campaigns, supply chain optimisation, or talent acquisition.

Every strategic decision was underpinned by financial prudence, ensuring alignment with both our short-term objectives and long-term organisational goals.

Reflecting on the GTO assignment in the aftermath of its execution, the confluence of finance and strategy was unmistakably the linchpin of its success. By understanding the financial implications of each strategic choice, we were able to navigate the complexities of expansion with clarity, agility, and confidence.

In conclusion, the intertwining of finance strategy with organisational objectives is not just a theoretical concept but a practical imperative. As leaders, our role is not just to envision the future but to chart a path towards it that is both aspirational and anchored in financial reality.

The GTO assignment, illuminated by the insights from this module, stands as a testament to the transformative power of an integrated approach to finance and strategy.

As I look ahead to future strategic endeavours, the lessons from this module will undoubtedly remain a guiding beacon, underscoring the inextricable bond between the numbers on a spreadsheet and the vision on a strategic canvas.

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Skills and knowledge of leading and developing people 


People management: Leaders accomplish more. They encourage individuals to work together and independently to attain goals. Leaders inspire, strategize, and think large. Encouragement, task management, and listening to criticism are all skills that effective leaders possess.

However, they also have the flexibility to solve problems in a workforce that is continually changing. By educating individuals for leadership, one may have an impact on the company's future growth. In order to participate more proactively to the goal of the organisation, one may also inspire others to the best of their skills.


Source: MGT4860: Creating Identity and Setting Direction

Figure-05: Evidence of leading and developing people 
Source: MGT4842: Leading the Entrepreneurial Organization

Although the section highlights the value of competent managers and their role in advancing a company's goals and encouraging growth, several parts might use revision and enhancement:

Insufficient Support or Examples: The paragraph asserts the importance of competent supervisors and the necessity of emphasizing decision-making abilities for the advancement of employees' leadership and development.

But it doesn't provide any concrete proof or instances to back up these assertions. The argument would be stronger and more convincing if it included research or real-world examples that showed how better decision-making and competent management affect organizational success.

It is unclear what is meant by terms like "specific growth requirements" and "positive and efficient workplace" or how they are quantified, which makes the section vague and ambiguous. To guarantee a thorough knowledge of the objectives, it is crucial to be more detailed and precise when explaining the intended results of management training and staff growth efforts.

Limited Scope of Leadership Development: Effective leadership requires a broader set of competences, even while improving decision-making skills is definitely beneficial. Some vital components of leadership that are just as important for a manager to succeed include communication, emotional intelligence, team building, and flexibility; they are not covered in this section. A more all-encompassing strategy for developing leaders would be advantageous.

Communication skills help me to accomplish good relationships with employees and help to accomplish cooperation and remove the chances of conflicts. Strong communication skills can help me to know and sharing the company's objectives may help the team succeed.

Skilled executives remind staff of these aims and ensure they understand how to achieve the company's purpose. Workplace culture influences performance. Leaders must foster a healthy workplace culture, which is shaped by workers' actions and beliefs.

From the module, I have learned about how to lead people in the organisation, and how to strengthen leadership skills. Recognizing and honoring a company's diverse individuals and ideas may enhance morale and create a friendly workplace (Alrowwad, and Abualoush, 2020).

My knowledge about employee performance has been developed after going through this study and I have come to know about the value of employees and their performance in the companies. This helpd me a lot.

This will helps me in future when I will engage in my dream company as a leader. This evolution will allow me to be an effective part of the company. Empowering employee performance is another key factor to develop leadership skills.

Leaders must successfully manage their own and their colleagues' performance in order for everyday operations to function smoothly and achieve the company's objectives.

Monitoring is an effective factor in leadership skills. Multiple competent CEOs typically lead a firm to success. Training leaders properly ensures the organisation has great leaders. After building a good connection with the mentor, choose a trainee to mentor.

Great leaders may motivate people to learn and share the company's objectives and procedures (Custódio, Ferreira, and Matos, 2019). Organisation skills are the most important factor to accomplish goals. Staying organised and encouraging others may boost job productivity.

A tidy and focused workplace helps minimize effort stress. Employees may follow leaders with organisational skills. Leaders need patience, empathy, great listening abilities, and good manners.

People skills are vital because if employees can not express themself or comprehend how other colleagues feel about a project, job, or issue, they can not work together to accomplish shared objectives.

Applying knowledge in real-world settings (praxis) is a key component of effective leadership development. To guarantee that the business has qualified and skilled people leading the way, leaders must receive the necessary training. For knowledge transfer and skill development to be facilitated, a strong mentor-mentee connection is necessary.

During this procedure, it is crucial to choose prospective trainees who exhibit promise and fit in with the organization's objectives and beliefs. Strong leaders are able to energize and inspire their groups, encouraging a culture of lifelong learning and bringing staff members into line with the goals and policies of the organization (Custódio, Ferreira, and Matos, 2019).

An effective leader's ability to stay organized is one of their most important traits. Leaders may inspire individuals to be more effective and productive in their professions by modeling organization for their teams. In order to accomplish the objectives of the company, this organizational competency is essential. 

Skills And Expertise in Developing Collaborative Leadership 

Developing Collaborative Relationships
G2 / G3 Knowledge of the external political environment & use of diplomacy with diverse groups of internal & external stakeholders.
G4 Understands working with board and company structures.
G5 Knowledge of brand and reputation management.

Collaborative leaders have some features like this, 
●    Responsibility-taking.
●    A freer exchange of ideas and opinions.
●    More ideas and information means better decisions and solutions.
●    Eliminating internal damaging competition and improving company-wide collaboration. 

Organisations that encourage collaboration are five times less likely to perform well. Future leaders may be found inside, saving money and assuring continuity. Collaborative leadership fosters organisational transformation and a more compassionate corporation. However, adopting a collaborative leadership mindset takes time (Lei, Gui, and Le, 2021).

Before selecting a project method, a collaborative leader asks the team. Video calls, blackboard brainstorming, and document sharing. Collaborative leadership promotes workplace harmony. The leader prioritises the team above direct reporting. Leading a horizontal team requires close relationships and influence. This defines a cooperative leader.

 workplace evidence

Figure- 6.1: Workplace evidence
(Source: Screenshot captured from MGT 4860 PART 1: STAKEHOLDER PERSPECTIVES)

To guarantee well-rounded decision-making, I must actively seek data from several sources and have a wide skill set as a collaborative leader. Important facets of my job include mediation and dispute resolution, which allow me to promote a peaceful and cooperative workplace.

I use a variety of evidence, not simply that found in previously published work, while addressing problems in order to come up with the best answers. I can make wise judgments that are advantageous to the team and the company as a whole by taking into account various viewpoints and investigating various information sources.

I can rapidly understand difficult topics and go deeper into the subject at hand because I am fast to comprehend and ask appropriate questions. By doing this, problems may be effectively resolved as well as possible issues can be recognized and addressed before they become more serious.  

An asset, if not a need, in the complicated realm of organisational leadership is the capacity to quickly understand difficult issues and go into their depths. But this complex knowledge is not only the result of intelligence; it is also a result of a combination of natural curiosity, a willingness to ask pointed questions, and the ability to see connections and consequences.

There have been several times during my leadership path when this tendency to quickly understand and question subjects has come in handy. One particular incident in particular sticks out as an example of the transformational potential of curiosity in problem-solving.

One of the challenges I faced when managing the integration of a recently acquired company was bringing diverse operational procedures into harmony. Initially, it seemed like a simple matter of coordinating procedures and optimising processes. But as I dug more, I found hidden complications, especially with regard to the subsidiary's distinctive customer relationship management (CRM) system.

While the temptation was to institute a wholesale migration to our existing CRM, my instinctual drive to understand intricacies spurred me to take a more measured approach. I dedicated time to familiarising myself with the subsidiary's CRM, rapidly grasping its functionalities, nuances, and the rationale behind its design.

This deep dive was punctuated by a series of questions, directed not just at the technical team but also at the end-users. These questions ranged from the strategic - "How does this system align with the subsidiary's customer engagement philosophy?" - to the operational - "What challenges do you foresee in migrating to a new platform?"

This inquisitiveness unveiled a wealth of insights. I discovered that the subsidiary's CRM, though seemingly archaic, was tailored to cater to a niche customer segment, encapsulating bespoke features that our existing system didn't offer.

More importantly, the frontline staff had developed a profound expertise in leveraging this system to enhance customer relationships, and a hasty migration risked not only operational disruptions but also potential customer dissatisfaction.

Armed with these insights, the solution became evident. Instead of an immediate migration, I proposed a phased approach. After thorough training sessions for the subsidiary's workforce, the first phase involved integrating the special features of the subsidiary's CRM into our current system. After this, and only after we had made sure that the transfer went well, would we start the actual migration.

This method, which was based on a thorough knowledge and was highlighted by perceptive questions, was highly praised. The employees at the subsidiary experienced a sense of worth and inclusion, and the ultimate shift transpired seamlessly with minimum disturbances and ongoing client contentment.

When one considers this scenario, a few key lessons emerge. First off, there is no denying the importance of curiosity. Although it is simple to be influenced by appearances, the real meaning of a problem frequently lies under the surface, just waiting to be discovered by those who are prepared to go deeper. Second, the correct questions can reveal avenues that might otherwise go unnoticed, particularly if they challenge the status quo.

Lastly, in the intricate dance of leadership, understanding is the precursor to action. By first seeking to comprehend, leaders not only make more informed decisions but also foster an environment of inclusivity and respect.

In conclusion, the ability to rapidly comprehend complex topics and delve into their depths is a potent weapon in a leader's arsenal. However, it's the marriage of this understanding with the art of inquisitive interrogation that truly catalyses transformative solutions.

As I navigate the myriad challenges of leadership, this episode remains a poignant reminder of the power of curiosity, the significance of understanding, and the transformative impact of asking the right questions.

Resources are another thing that I understand is important to provide my team members as a collaborative leader. I make certain that students have all the resources, time, and money needed to finish their classes effectively. I provide my team the tools they need to maximize their performance and successfully accomplish our goals by doing this.
In the multifaceted realm of leadership, different situations often necessitate varied approaches. While certain scenarios demand decisiveness and directive leadership, others thrive under a more inclusive, collaborative paradigm. Over the years, I've come to appreciate the transformative power of collaborative leadership, recognising its potency in harnessing collective wisdom, fostering ownership, and driving holistic solutions.

A salient instance from my professional journey underscores the efficacy of this approach and its role in achieving a pivotal organisational goal. Amidst a period of organisational restructuring, we were presented with the challenge of overhauling our product development strategy.

The market landscape was evolving, consumer preferences were shifting, and competitive pressures were mounting. Recognising the multifaceted nature of the challenge, which spanned across domains from marketing to technology, I discerned that the solution wouldn't emanate from a solitary vision but from the confluence of diverse perspectives.

To facilitate this collaborative endeavour, I convened a cross-functional taskforce, comprising representatives from various departments. To ensure a methodical approach, I sent out a detailed agenda well in advance of our first meeting. In addition to outlining the main goals, this booklet also emphasised important conversation areas, giving participants plenty of time to be ready and think things through.

The purpose of the conference was to serve as an example of collaborative leadership. I began by outlining the importance of the work at hand and stressing that group intelligence, not individual genius, would lead to the answer as we gathered in the boardroom. After that, I took on a more facilitative role, making sure the conversation was fair and inclusive.

Every agenda item was carefully examined. It was encouraged for participants to express their opinions, raise issues, support outlandish concepts, and even question well held beliefs. In order to guarantee full involvement, I used a round-robin method in which every person, regardless of rank within the hierarchy, was given the opportunity to share their viewpoint.

This collaborative crucible yielded insights that were both profound and diverse. The marketing team shed light on evolving consumer trends, the technology team showcased potential innovative solutions, while the finance team modelled various scenarios, outlining potential returns on investment. Each contribution was a piece of a larger jigsaw puzzle, and as the meeting progressed, the holistic picture began to emerge.

Post the meeting, the collaborative ethos persisted. Teams were encouraged to continue their dialogues, refine their proposals, and seek feedback from their peers. This iterative, collaborative process culminated in a product development strategy that was not only innovative but also grounded in market realities, financial prudence, and technological feasibility.

The outcome of this collaborative endeavour exceeded our most optimistic projections. The revamped product line resonated with our target audience, driving significant market share gains and bolstering our brand equity.

However, beyond these tangible metrics, the true success lay in the process itself. Team members, having been part of the solution crafting, felt a heightened sense of ownership and commitment.

The collaborative approach fostered inter-departmental synergies, breaking silos and facilitating seamless integration. Reflecting upon this episode, several lessons stand out.

Collaborative leadership is not about abdicating responsibility but about amplifying collective potential. By creating an environment where diverse perspectives are valued, leaders can craft solutions that are both robust and holistic.

Furthermore, the process of collaboration fosters a culture of respect, mutual trust, and collective ownership, attributes that are indispensable for sustained organisational success.

In conclusion, as I navigate the intricate corridors of leadership, this episode remains a beacon, illuminating the transformative power of collaboration. It underscores the belief that in the confluence of diverse perspectives lies the genesis of true innovation, a principle that continues to guide my leadership philosophy.

Figure -06.2: Evidence of collaborative leadership knowledge
Source: MGT4860: Creating Identity and Setting Direction

Figure -06.2( Continue) : Evidence of collaborative leadership knowledge
Source: MGT4860: Creating Identity and Setting Direction

 Figure -06.3: Evidence of collaborative leadership knowledge (Continue)
Source:  Excerpt from MGT4842: Leading the Entrepreneurial Organization

Throughout the modle, I have diligently explored the skills and knowledge associated with the collaborative leadership style. To effectively demonstrate my understanding of collaborative leadership, it is crucial to delve into its distinctive features and characteristics.

These features include fostering open communication and active listening among team members, promoting a culture of inclusivity and diversity, encouraging collaboration and shared decision-making, and leveraging the strengths of individuals to achieve collective goals.

Additionally, collaborative leaders emphasize building trust, facilitating constructive conflict resolution, and cultivating a supportive and empowering work environment. By examining these key elements, I aim to showcase a comprehensive comprehension of the principles and practices that underpin collaborative leadership.

Leaders sponsored collaboration

Leaders must model cooperation and make it a company value. Leaders must promote cooperation as a common goal with advantages for everybody, regardless of the size of the business.

Managers and leaders coach effectiveness 

Collaboration requires a culture of sharing information and expertise. However, firms without structured mentoring and coaching programs exhibited greater cooperation. Leaders and executives actively coach and mentor because they wish to increase team and company cooperation.

Collaboration in the community 

Connection enhances cooperation. Organizational communities need careful design. It extends to leadership and communication for firms with many distant employees.


Leaders must explain duties and positions. By allowing individuals to explore their positions and build a shared strategy, cooperation begins (Guinan, Parise, and Langowitz, 2019).

Collaboration requires partnerships. Leaders that are adept at building and keeping connections with their staff and establishing an atmosphere where colleagues work closely together promote cooperation.

From the above evolution of leadership skills, enterprise, risk, and different theoretical perspectives demonstrating my workplace evidence I have come to know about the change management of the organisation wherever it is required.

So, the study has effectively helped me to understand my workplace and its management process. So, that I can collaborate with the team and it can make effective teamwork.  

The study will help me to enter into a new company and make my leadership skills. The odyssey of leadership is one of perpetual growth, where every experience, interaction, and, crucially, every academic endeavour plays a pivotal role in moulding and refining one's leadership acumen.

This study, with its rich tapestry of insights, frameworks, and best practices, has been instrumental in sharpening my leadership skills, making them more adaptive, strategic, and empathetic.

As I contemplate venturing into a new organisational landscape, these enhanced skills, fortified by academic rigour, will undoubtedly be my guiding compass.

1.    Adaptive Leadership: The modern business landscape is characterised by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. This study has underscored the importance of adaptive leadership – the ability to navigate change, pivot strategies based on evolving scenarios, and ensure that teams remain agile and resilient.

In my current role, this adaptive leadership was manifest during a product launch amidst unexpected market disruptions.

Instead of rigidly adhering to the original plan, I channelled the principles learnt in the study, recalibrating our approach, ensuring real-time communication with stakeholders, and navigating the team through the turbulence with minimal disruptions.

2.    Strategic Foresight: The study has imbued me with a heightened sense of strategic foresight. Leadership is not just about managing the present but envisioning the future. This involves understanding macro trends, anticipating potential challenges, and crafting strategies that are future-proof.

Demonstrating this in my role, when spearheading our digital transformation initiative, I didn't just focus on current technological trends. Drawing from the study's insights, I integrated potential future technologies, ensuring that our transformation was not just for today but poised to embrace tomorrow.

3.    Empathetic Leadership: Perhaps one of the most profound insights from the study has been the significance of empathetic leadership. Leadership, at its core, is about people, and understanding, respecting, and valuing their emotions is paramount. In my role, this was vividly evident during a phase of organisational restructuring.

Recognising the potential anxieties and apprehensions of the team, I ensured open communication channels, one-on-one sessions, and workshops to address concerns. This empathetic approach, rooted in the study's teachings, ensured a smoother transition and reinforced trust within the team.

4.    Collaborative Decision-making: The study has highlighted the power of collective wisdom. While a leader sets the direction, it is the insights, feedback, and perspectives of the entire team that truly enrich the decision-making process. In my role, when crafting our market expansion strategy, I instituted cross-functional think tanks, ensuring that decisions were not top-down but a product of collaborative deliberation. This approach, informed by the study, not only yielded a more robust strategy but also fostered a sense of collective ownership.

5.    Continuous Learning: A salient theme of the study has been the importance of continuous learning in leadership. The best leaders are those who recognise that leadership is a journey, not a destination, and are committed to constant growth. Demonstrating this principle in my role, I have institutionalised regular feedback mechanisms, peer reviews, and even external leadership audits, ensuring that my leadership style remains dynamic, relevant, and effective.

In conclusion, as I stand at the precipice of entering a new company, the insights from this study will be my guiding star, illuminating my path and ensuring that my leadership style is not just effective but transformative.

Leadership, as the study has so eloquently elucidated, is not about authority but about influence, not about power but about empowerment. As I apply these principles in my new role, I am confident that I will not just lead teams but inspire movements, not just achieve targets but craft legacies.

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Part 2: Reconstruction of identity 


This task has approached a reflection of the experience of studying and working on the module  along with the experience of communicating with seniors regarding leadership approaches.  

In the initial part of my reflection, I discussed the invaluable experience of engaging with senior leaders to address business practices and leadership. Through these interactions, I received constructive feedback that allowed me to gain deeper insights into the complexities of organizational decision-making and strategic planning.

The feedback helped me recognize the significance of effective communication and the art of active listening in the realm of leadership. Analyzing this experience, I have come to appreciate the importance of fostering open dialogue with senior leaders to exchange ideas and perspectives.

Moreover, the discussions highlighted the need for continuous learning and adaptability in a dynamic business environment. Moving forward, I intend to apply the lessons learned from this experience to further refine my communication skills and refine my approach to collaborative leadership.

Moreover, Here I have also provided a reflection of working on the module assignment and has provided a detailed reflection of the things learned while working on the module assignment, and has highlighted overall issues and challenges faced during the modules.

The reflection has also approached a detailed understanding of the type of knowledge that has been improved while working on the assignment and module.

The second part of the module has further approached a series of information that I have gained while participating in communication with senior managers and has described the knowledge I have gained while communicating with experienced leaders from the IT industry and Pharmaceutical industries.

The third part of the paper has further analysed the experience of the courses and the type of leader Ob has become, along with a description of the approaches I will be taking to ensure stability in my professional development.  


The leadership journey is the most critical in life. It is an essential quality of a leader. It goes beyond understanding the product or service we are selling to providing a service to our employees and stakeholders.

To accomplish this, a leader needs to develop their skills and abilities. That’s what a leadership journey is. It’s a process where leaders move beyond theory into action. The skill of a leader is to have a servant’s mind (Alrowwad and Abualoush, 2020). They always want to look at the bigger picture and take decisions that impact others.

We all know that to achieve anything in life, we need a lot of patience, endurance, good decision-making skill, and motivation. If we can learn how to keep patience and focus, we can achieve anything. A leader, then, possesses such qualities. We all have an instinct to try and get what we want in life.

Our leaders also use this instinct to try and get what they want for their employees and stakeholders. A leader uses their mind to try and determine what other people want, but they always want to do what is right and moral.

To be successful leaders, we must think like servants and do whatever is best for the organization. A leadership journey is a process where we learn leadership and its importance.

In the process of leadership, a leader has to become a servant. Once leaders become servants, they can provide better service to the organization and the people around them. A good leader is also one who has a clear vision, a clear strategy, and a clear path to what needs to be done.

A good leader should also make everyone in the organization happy. A leader can only do this by ensuring their employees and stakeholders are treated well. 

Understanding Leadership:

Exploring Different Leadership Types: I delved into various types of leadership and their respective missions and goals, which broadened my perspective on effective leadership.

Role of Leaders: I learned about the responsibilities and tasks that leaders undertake when managing their teams and professional peers.

Comparing Abilities: The assignment allowed me to compare my own abilities with those of successful leaders, prompting self-reflection on my strengths and weaknesses as a leader.

Expectations: I learned to communicate expectations, standards and rules with my teams.

Excellence: The exercise allowed me to practice effective leadership as I was able to manage a team of peers and mentor a team of future managers.
I learned through this assignment: 

•    That being an effective leader is about listening, engaging, communicating, and giving praise. 
•    How to effectively manage a team.
•    My weaknesses, and the abilities I can improve.
•    Effective use of social media to reach and connect with my audience.
•    The importance of setting and meeting standards.
•    Mental health and wellbeing.

This assignment helped me:
•    learn more about how to communicate effectively with people.
•     learned to give more constructive feedback to people on their work, and to not put myself in their place when it comes to the work. It was an important lesson that made me realize my strengths and weaknesses in communicating and my potential to become a better communicator.
•    learn about the different types of leadership and the way each leader has a different mission, but share common qualities such as: the ability to communicate and engage people.
•    learn more about the importance of working in a team and knowing the role and responsibilities of each member.
•    the importance of communication and working together with my colleagues.
•    learn to become a better listener and a more engaged communicator.
•    By focusing on the importance of listening to others, I learned that communication is a two way street where not only do you have to listen to others, but you also have to give effective feedback and encouragement.
•    learn more about the impact my personal attitudes and behaviour have on my people and my work environment.
•    learn to listen to my peers and teammates, and provide them with constructive feedback on their performance and work.
•    learn to be an effective leader and share my ideas and concerns.

Identifying Knowledge Gaps:

Lack of Understanding: I realized that I had a limited understanding of leadership, which made it challenging to find adequate information for the assignment. This assignment taught me about what I don't know, particularly about time management and how to build my resume with a variety of work experiences.

I learned how to manage my time effectively. The experience taught me that I lacked in time management and had to improve my priorities. 

Prioritizing Self-Knowledge: The assignment revealed several important aspects of my leadership journey. Firstly, it allowed me to gain clarity on my priorities concerning leadership development. By engaging with the subject matter and exploring various leadership concepts, I could identify which areas I find most intriguing and relevant to my growth as a leader.

Additionally, the assignment helped address my queries and uncertainties about leadership. Through research, reflection, and analysis, I could find answers to questions that had previously been unclear to me. This newfound knowledge contributed to a more comprehensive understanding of leadership principles and practices.

Moreover, the assignment provided an opportunity for self-assessment. By examining different leadership qualities and styles, I was able to reflect on my strengths and areas for improvement as a leader. This self-awareness is invaluable as it allows me to build on my existing qualities and work on areas that may require further development.

The experience taught me to manage my time more effectively and prioritize what's important. The experience taught me about my priorities and what's important.

Identifying Knowledge Gaps: I wanted to be the most effective leader I can be in any given situation and this assignment was an opportunity to define and learn more about leadership through a practical experience. The experience taught me that my priorities are not clearly defined.

I have to clarify them to be effective.  This was an incredible experience to me. I learned more about myself than ever before! In addition, I learned the importance of self-reflection and how to be more aware of my strengths and weaknesses.

Importance of Practical Knowledge: Learning from Leaders' Experience: Through my interactions with senior leaders, I had the opportunity to gain valuable insights into their real-life leadership challenges and the skills they consider crucial for achieving success.

During these engagements, senior leaders shared their experiences of navigating complex leadership scenarios and the obstacles they encountered. They emphasized the importance of effective communication as a cornerstone of successful leadership. Being able to articulate ideas, convey a compelling vision, and foster open dialogue with their teams and stakeholders were key aspects highlighted.

Communication and Programs: Participating in leadership programs and communicating with senior leaders enhanced my awareness of how leaders handle complex situations and manage organizations.

Senior Leaders' Advice: Seniors emphasized the significance of self-awareness, communication skills, team-building abilities, transparency, and consistency in leadership.

Leadership for the Future: Senior leaders spoke about their desire to help prepare new leaders for a future that is uncertain, global, and more complex.

This course helps you achieve success as a Manager/Lead of People.

This is a highly interactive course with plenty of exercises, videos, and real-life experiences.

This is a very practical course focusing on how to manage people.

Learn from the mistakes of others and make your own successes with this course!

The importance of effective communication is a crucial skill for managers to master. This course teaches managers the seven most powerful communication skills, which are also the key aspects of successful leadership.

Leading people towards success can be hard. Most people are not born with this specific gift. This course will teach you to have conversations with your employees, customers, and co-workers, and effectively use them to help your business to be more successful.

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Exploration of Leadership Theories:

Behavioural Leadership Theory: Studying this theory deepened my understanding of how leaders behave and interact with others.
Contingency Theory of Leadership: This theory helped me grasp the importance of adapting leadership styles to different situations, making my leadership skills more effective.
Social Learning Theory: This theory provided me with a better understanding of how leaders learn new behaviours.
Social-Ecological Theory: My study of this theory has helped me understand how my environment influences my behaviour and how I impact others.
Social Psychological Theory: I studied this theory to understand how we develop attitudes and personality characteristics that impact our choices.

Reflection on the skills and knowledge gained from the module  

The reflection of self overview can help me understand the new knowledge I have developed through the study and insight into my overall progress in my career (Iansiti and Lakhani, 2020). The skills and  knowledge that have been developed through the module will further go through a process of  professional developmental planning which will ensure the strengthening of skills and knowledge for achieving my career goals.  

The module I have undertaken during my course has significantly contributed to shaping me as a leader and has played a crucial role in my leadership development. This contribution can be attributed to both the content covered in the module and the methods of learning and application.

The module has exposed me to various leadership theories, concepts, and best practices. Through lectures, readings, and discussions, I have gained a deeper understanding of different leadership styles, approaches, and their impact on organizations and teams.

Learning about leadership in diverse contexts has broadened my perspective and allowed me to appreciate the complexities of leadership.. This is because these modules have supported me with a wide range  of knowledge regarding leadership and have helped me address challenges faced in improving my leadership abilities.

The number of work I have completed for this module has further  supported me with insight into the steps and measures I should consider  for becoming a leader (Kaluza et al., 2020). My journey through this model helped me to learn about strategies for developing strong communication skills, ways of motivating others, developing leadership in  management, ways of managing employee engagement, and goals for setting accountability.

 Through a self-overview, I can say that these modules and the absolved stated experiences had  me much about democratic and situational leadership, as I am now aware of how I am required to adapt to different organizational situations as a leader.

Through this module, I also learned  about the importance and benefits of building strong with team members and every other  member of the organization; this instant made me prefer democratic leadership among other leadership styles (Douglas et al., 2021). 

According to my point of view, the combination of both situational leadership and democratic leadership are the styles that fit my personality the  most and for developing these leadership styles, as this will prepare me for different situations and will increase overall flexibility. 

I will consider the following points that I have learned from the module and during my communication with the  seniors. I would develop a personal development plan that I will follow as a guide toward  professional development.

During the development process, I will take measures to develop my personality, analyze my weakness and strengths and learn new things through practice aiming to overcome my weakness and maximize my strength (Douglas et al., 2021).

The steps for  professional development of these leadership styles will be to improve communication strategies, develop personalities, learn ways to solve real-life issues, improve decision-making skills, and increase self-confidence and self-awareness.

I would collect feedback from  other members in order to measure my progress and will make use of every opportunity, which would increase my strength.  

By developing my democratic and situational leadership skills, I will become a successful leader and capable of managing teams and ensuring organizational success  (Parakhina, Boris, and Strielkowski, 2019).

The knowledge gained from these modules will  guide my understanding of what is expected of a leader and what I should do to ensure that I meet all the requirements of becoming a successful leader. 

Personal action plan (PDP)

Goal Action Timeline
Increasing knowledge of leadership
  • Completing developmental leadership plan
  • Communicating and meeting with experienced leaders
  • Observing and learning from experienced leaders
  • Attending Additional training and conferences
6 to 12 months
Getting real-life organizational experience
  • Join internship programs
  • Work on different projects with teams
  • Communicating with organizations mission and vision, working towards it
  • Step in to leads role for non-departmental projects
12 months
Improving skills including communication skills, decision-making skills, problem-solving skills, and situational management
  • Taking of short term skill developmental course
  • Attend conferences to build external networking
  • Actively participating in different activities to improve skills
  • Using of 360 degree feedback to measure progress
  • Attend other departments team meetings by requesting to build internal networking between teams
Eight months
Enhancing Team Collaboration and Dynamics ● Facilitating team-building exercises and workshops
● Implementing collaborative tools and platforms
● Encouraging open communication and feedback loops within teams
● Organising cross-departmental brainstorming sessions
9 months
Cultivating an Innovative Mindset ● Engaging in creative thinking workshops
● Collaborating with innovation hubs or labs
● Setting aside dedicated time for idea generation
● Encouraging and rewarding innovative ideas within the team
● Participating in industry-specific innovation challenges or hackathons
10 months


This paper has provided a successful reflection on my experiences and has provided a brief  insight into how these experiences have guided me towards professional development. The first  part of the paper has reflected upon the things I have learned while working on the earlier  assignments and has provided an insight into the challenges I faced and the knowledge I gained  through the experience.

The second part of the paper provided an insight into my  communication with seniors and highlighted the things I have learned from their own  experience; the last part of the reflection provided a brief analysis of my leadership style and  the steps I would take for professional leadership development.

In order to develop my  skills and knowledge for professional development, I would reconsider those experiences of  communication and knowledge from the module for developing my plans for future goals and  will then break down my goals into several parts within the personal development plan and  meet those goals one by one in order to ensure strength and stability for future.

In order to avoid  mistakes and complications, I would consider all of the points which I have learned from the  senior and will consider each of them, while leading an organization. in order to increase my  understanding of leadership, I would further view the working style of other experienced leaders and would follow their steps to ensure a better career. Hence it can be said that this paper has successfully reflected my experiences and things I have learned through it.  

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Task-1: Reference list 

Alrowwad, A.A. and Abualoush, S.H., 2020. Innovation and intellectual capital as intermediary variables among transformational leadership, transactional leadership, and organizational performance. Journal of Management Development.
Custódio, C., Ferreira, M.A. and Matos, P., 2019. Do general managerial skills spur innovation?. Management Science, 65(2), pp.459-476.
Dirani, K.M., Abadi, M., Alizadeh, A., Barhate, B., Garza, R.C., Gunasekara, N., Ibrahim, G. and Majzun, Z., 2020. Leadership competencies and the essential role of human resource development in times of crisis: a response to Covid-19 pandemic. Human Resource Development International, 23(4), pp.380-394.
Guzmán, V.E., Muschard, B., Gerolamo, M., Kohl, H. and Rozenfeld, H., 2020. Characteristics and Skills of Leadership in the Context of Industry 4.0. Procedia Manufacturing, 43, pp.543-550.
Lei, H., Gui, L. and Le, P.B., 2021. Linking transformational leadership and frugal innovation: the mediating role of tacit and explicit knowledge sharing. Journal of Knowledge Management.Guinan, P.J., Parise, S. and Langowitz, N., 2019. Creating an innovative digital project team: Levers to enable digital transformation. Business Horizons, 62(6), pp.717-727.
Moldoveanu, M. and Narayandas, D., 2019. The future of leadership development. Harvard business review, 97(2), pp.40-48.
Setini, M., Yasa, N.N.K., Supartha, I.W.G., Giantari, I.G.A.K. and Rajiani, I., 2020. The passway of women entrepreneurship: Starting from social capital with open innovation, through to knowledge sharing and innovative performance. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 6(2), p.25.

Task-2: References 

Guzmán, V.E., Muschard, B., Gerolamo, M., Kohl, H. and Rozenfeld, H., 2020. Characteristics and Skills of Leadership in the Context of Industry 4.0. Procedia Manufacturing, 43, pp.543-550.
By, R.T., 2021. Leadership: In pursuit of purpose. Journal of Change Management, 21(1), pp.30-44.
Floris, M., Wiblen, S.L. and Anichenko, E., 2020. Senior project leadership skills and career stallers: Analysis of perception differences and implications for careers. Project Management Journal, 51(2), pp.214-234.
Sousa, M.J. and Rocha, Á., 2019. Leadership styles and skills developed through game-based learning. Journal of Business Research, 94, pp.360-366.
Issah, M. and Al-Hattami, A., 2020. Developing Leadership Skills in the Classroom. Innovations in Educational Leadership and Continuous Teachers’ Professional Development, pp.39-58.
Day, C., Sammons, P. and Gorgen, K., 2020. Successful School Leadership. Education development trust.
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Appendix – 1 ( Feedback after meetings via emails)

1. Email from the Chief Pharmacist @WDP

I want to congratulate your new beginning from the perspective of leadership. During the last meeting, I found you to be extremely courageous and confident as a new leader, as I have seen your desire for improvement. I have reviewed your leadership abilities during the communication and have found out that your desire of about learning more about leadership is one of the major strengths that will guide you in the long term. According to my view, I have found you fit for being a democratic leader as you have strong communication skills along with friendly and calm behaviour. I want to wish you all the very best for your future as soon you are going to start progressing in your career as a leader and will come across bigger responsibilities. 

2. Email from the IT office 

Today I am writing this email as feedback on the conversation that we earlier had. Your curiosity about learning more about leadership during the last communication  has made me find interested in you and made me want to support you with suggestions. According to my view, one of the major weaknesses that I have found in your personality  was impatience. This profession of management can lead to different challenges as it might impact the decision-making process and can managemental performance of a leader. Another weakness that I have found is anxiousness, this in future can cause distractions and can give rise to complications while managing members with different opinions, hence I believe it is essential for you to overcome your anxiousness as soon as possible. I also found your communication method to be too friendly due to which I suggest you increase your professionalism while communicating, or else you might come across issues of your team members taking advantage of you. Other than this I found your behaviour and traits to be extremely suitable as a leader, which will fuel you towards your career development. With this, I want to wish you the best of luck for your coming future and best wishes for achieving your dreams of becoming a successful leader. 
Kind regards

3. Email from one of our value added partner Wizards Ltd

Our relationship with WDP has relied on slowly and incrementally building a coherent managed telecoms estate across the many remote offices of the organisation. While we know this estate is stable there are periodic changes required. Covid and lockdowns imposed radical change at short notice across the business exacerbated by the healthcare nature of that business. Without his vision and coordination of his team we could not have achieved that stable estate nor coped with the short term changes demanded by the business in lockdown. He quietly remains a good negotiator always securing the best deal on behalf of his organisation while at all times remaining professional, amiable and a pleasure to deal with.  

4. Email from one of our value added partner Bluesaffron Ltd

In working with you as a key vendor and partner, I have found you to consistently demonstrate calm and confident leadership. You very much appreciate and promote the qualities of great teamwork. This is regularly demonstrated in both the interactions with your internal team and also in the broader context with us as a trusted partner. Your supportive style as a leader and key member of the management team is very much appreciated.

5. Email from Medical Director and Former CEO
He has always been an excellent leader. He leads by example, is always available, nurtures and develops his team and is always pleasant and easy to deal with. He has a can do attitude and will take very complex problems and solve them in a way that seems effortless. He is a team player and enables trust in him and his leadership style and uses humour to great effect
1.    What are three words that you would use to describe me?
Can do, Helpful and great to work with
2.    What do you see as my greatest strength?
Solve complex IT issues
3.    When would you most want me on your team?
Will think things through and will deliver on spec
4.    When would you least want me on your team? Not applicable
5.    How do I add value to you or your work? (For direct reports – How is my leadership supporting you in your work here?)
You deliver!!!!
6.    What do you want me to keep doing?
Keep delivering in your inimical style
7.    What do you wish I would stop doing?
Eat less sugar and no sugar in your tea
These are for the formal business management styles of leadership. Could you please advise me that where I fit into please?
•            Democratic Leadership
•            Autocratic Leadership
•            Laissez-Faire Leadership
•            Strategic Leadership
•            Transformational Leadership
•            Transactional Leadership
•            Coach-Style Leadership
•            Bureaucratic Leadership
List of Great Leadership Behaviours. Please let me know your comments about my leadership behaviors.
•            Being grounded in ethics and integrity. ...
•            Building trust. ...
•            Bringing others along. ...
•            Inspiring those around you. ...
•            Making decisions. ...
•            Encouraging innovation. ...
•            Reward achievement.

Appendix – 2 ( Questionare replay) 

1.    Current CEO (Line manager)
I am doing a Master of Business Administration (Apprenticeships)in Leadership.
As part of my MBA study, I need to do an assignment regarding my leadership style and behaviours.
My Assignment is attached.
Could you please provide your comments and answers to the questions below which will enable me to do my assignment? 
The Questions:
1.    What are three words that you would use to describe me? Conscientious, practical, kind
2.    What do you see as my greatest strength? Ability to deliver against a plan and deliver as an expert lead
3.    When would you most want me on your team? When delivering a clearly defined plan and when negotiating with suppliers.
4.    When would you least want me on your team? When the IT specialism is less relevant
5.    How do I add value to you or your work? (For direct reports – How is my leadership supporting you in your work here?) You bring expertise to the team and I am confident in your delivery against clear objectives
6.    What do you want me to keep doing? Keep ensuring that your team deliver good operational IT services
7.    What do you wish I would stop doing? Don’t worry about what you do and don’t lead. Instead, focus on bringing your specialism but contributing more broadly in a leadership capacity – helping to break silo working. 
These are for the formal business management styles of leadership. Could you please advise me that where I fit into please?
•            Democratic Leadership
•            Autocratic Leadership
•            Laissez-Faire Leadership
•            Strategic Leadership
•            Transformational Leadership
•            Transactional Leadership
•            Coach-Style Leadership
•            Bureaucratic Leadership
List of Great Leadership Behaviours. Please let me know your comments about my leadership behaviors.
•            Being grounded in ethics and integrity. ...demonstrates strong ethics and integrity and can bring more of this as we begin to work more collaboratively
•            Building trust. ...this is a strong trait, but it is important that where things are feeling personally challenging (e.g. if you feel left out of something) that this is picked up at an early stage in discussion and explored in a way that helps both parties develop/nips the issue in the bud
•            Bringing others along. ...this is variable depending on who it is I suspect. A key strength is exploring with people what it is they are trying to achieve before jumping to a solution. Take more time to follow up directly with people early on – e.g. when IT equipment is moved without informing IT. Help others to understand the reasons for this – otherwise, it becomes a more emotional discussion and people will remember the frustration and emotion rather than the reason not to move the IT equipment 
•            Inspiring those around you. ...when people work closely with you, I am confident that this happens
•            Making decisions. ...Good at making decisions, negotiating with suppliers, etc
•            Encouraging innovation. ...not sure about this – I think that may be more about the organization and focus on budgets though
•            Reward achievement. I think there's evidence of this, achievements are recognized. I think there's more to do to develop this approach within a framework that supports key members of the IT team to develop concerning their behaviors and engagement

2.    Current Medical Director

The Questions: 
1.    What are three words that you would use to describe me? 
Quietly clever, kind, forward-thinking 
2.    What do you see as my greatest strength? 
Planning and taking people with you 
3.    When would you most want me on your team? 
All the time-with you the crisis does not come because you have already planned for it 
4.    When would you least want me on your team? 
Not applicable 
5.    How do I add value to you or your work? (For direct reports – How is my leadership supporting you in your work here?) 
You keep all things within your sphere of responsibility contained well-staff, planning, upgrades, etc 
6.    What do you want me to keep doing? 
All you currently do 
7.    What do you wish I would stop doing? 
These are for the formal business management styles of leadership. Could you please advise me that where I fit into please? 
You have several styles depending on the situation, but I have highlighted some 
•            Democratic Leadership 
•            Autocratic Leadership 
•            Laissez-Faire Leadership 
•            Strategic Leadership 
•            Transformational Leadership 
•            Transactional Leadership 
•            Coach-Style Leadership 
•            Bureaucratic Leadership 
List of Great Leadership Behaviours. Please let me know your comments about my leadership behaviors. 
•            Being grounded in ethics and integrity. ... 
•            Building trust. ... 
•            Bringing others along. ... 
•            Inspiring those around you. ... 
•            Making decisions. ... 
•            Encouraging innovation. ... 
•            Reward achievement. 

3.    Service Manager ( My department deliver service to Her service)

The Questions:
1.    What are three words that you would use to describe me?
Approachable, hardworking, and knowledgeable
2.    What do you see as my greatest strength?
Proactive and supportive.
3.    When would you most want me on your team?
When I need help to solve an IT problem in the service.
4.    When would you least want me on your team?
If it is about service users treatment plans (sorry)
5.    How do I add value to you or your work? (For direct reports – How is my leadership supporting you in your work here?)
Whenever I need support concerning IT (i.e. service problems, mobile phones & laptops requests for the staff or general IT questions) you are always available and if you do not know the answer you will go away and find the answer and come back to me. 
6.    What do you want me to keep doing?
Keep being approachable and supportive
7.    What do you wish I would stop doing?

4.    Business Administrator

Please find answers to the questions below.  I hope they are ok.  Feel free to amend them to suit your requirements.
The very best of luck with your Masters.
8.    What are three words that you would use to describe me?
Good listener, Empathetic and Thoughtful
9.    What do you see as my greatest strength?
The ability to take on board a problem and work through it to successful completion. Taking on board other viewpoints to ensure that the best solution is achieved for all concerned. For example, when new IT solutions are introduced to Central Office, he will endeavor to seek feedback and get ideas from staff about the best ways forward in implementing new solutions.
10.    When would you most want me on your team?
In the beginning. Strategic thinking from the start prevents potential issues from being issues in the future and ensures that any pitfalls can be negated or worked around. he is approachable and always ready to support colleagues when any issue arises that needs effective remedied. He is a team player whilst leading from the front to ensure goals are achieved.
11.    When would you least want me on your team?
Unfair question. He is an important part of the team in all aspects from the beginning of a process to its successful conclusion
12.    How do I add value to you or your work? (For direct reports – How is my leadership supporting you in your work here?)
Reliability is always an important aspect with work colleagues. In him, you can depend on results for any potential issues you might have to deal with.
13.    What do you want me to keep doing?
Keep being approachable. In this way, the team functions more efficiently and the results are achieved. His team-centered approach gets the best from his colleagues who are motivated to do well and achieve the goals set out
14.    What do you wish I would stop doing?
Unfair question. He is an accommodating person who seeks to achieve results and is a team player. Keep doing you.
These are for the formal business management styles of leadership. Could you please advise me that where I fit into please?
•            Democratic Leadership
•            Autocratic Leadership
•            Laissez-Faire Leadership
•            Strategic Leadership
•            Transformational Leadership
•            Transactional Leadership
•            Coach-Style Leadership
•            Bureaucratic Leadership
I believe he is focused on democratic leadership. As a good listener, he takes on board other views and incorporates these in achieving successful outcomes. His leadership style connects people to their work and engenders a team ethos that leads to much better productivity. This also creates an environment of a happy workplace.

In this way, his team is invariably knowledgeable where colleagues work alongside each other with trust and understanding of the direction ahead. His managerial style approach creates inclusivity where his team feels part of the process, where each member of the team can provide input and suggestions to the tasks at hand.
List of Great Leadership Behaviours. Please let me know your comments about my leadership behaviors.
•            Being grounded in ethics and integrity. ...
•            Building trust. ...
•            Bringing others along. ...
•            Inspiring those around you. ...
•            Making decisions. ...
•            Encouraging innovation. ...
•            Reward achievement.
Ethics and integrity are fundamental core in the creation of any team. His adherence to these core values generates trust and builds a trusting working environment. He is always ready to assist colleagues and goes the extra mile to help any Colleague who may have an issue that needs assistance. He encourages innovation which further cements a good team spirit and rewards achievement where everyone feels part of the team. His strong work ethic is inspiring both within his team and with other various departments throughout the organization.

5.    Operations Manager

The Questions:
1.    What are three words that you would use to describe me?
Responsive, consistent, thorough
2.    What do you see as my greatest strength?
Your ability to listen to a problem, take on the views of the other person, and jointly come to a resolution.
3.    When would you most want me on your team?
On specific projects, for example when a service is being set up or when a service is being decommissioned.
4.    When would you least want me on your team?
When there is heavy lifting needed 😊 Really, I don’t think there is a time that I wouldn’t like you on my team.
5.    How do I add value to you or your work? (For direct reports – How is my leadership supporting you in your work here?)
With your knowledge and experience.  I have complete trust and belief in what you say and what is and is not possible.  Your expertise concerning IT has made my role a lot easier.  You have also recruited an excellent team, that although small is responsive and effective across the whole of the organization.  
6.    What do you want me to keep doing?
Being you.  You are consistent and thorough and knowledgeable.  This knowledge and your skills enable us all to perform our tasks.
7.    What do you wish I would stop doing?
Maybe being so cost-effective.  Sometimes I think you need to think more about yourself and your department's needs and the resources you have.  You continually try to save the organization money and I think this may add more work/pressure to yourself and your team.
These are for the formal business management styles of leadership. Could you please advise me that where I fit into please?
•            Democratic Leadership
•            Autocratic Leadership
•            Laissez-Faire Leadership
•            Strategic Leadership
•            Transformational Leadership
•            Transactional Leadership
•            Coach-Style Leadership
•            Bureaucratic Leadership
I think you have a mixture of leadership styles, which is good (Theory-Y).  
At times you are autocratic, whereby you need to take the lead, make a decision and be responsible for that decision.  An example of this was at the start of COVID, we had to have staff working from home and getting them access to phones and laptops in a very short time.  You took control of the situation and together with the IT team made this happen in a very short time.  
In other times you are more democratic.  An example of this was when we did the decommissioning of Hackney.  You met with us at the decommissioning meetings and we all worked together as a team, making sure everyone was listening to and working collaboratively.

In addition to these styles of management, I have seen you take a more coach-style. An example of this was supporting Charlotte to take the lead in the decommissioning process.  I could see you had built a strong professional relationship of trust on both sides which then led to good collaboration.
List of Great Leadership Behaviours. Please let me know your comments about my leadership behaviors.
•            Being grounded in ethics and integrity. ...
You are a good kind man.  You take pride in your work and reflect on feedback.  Although you work in IT and do not have direct service user contact, you are always mindful of who we work with and why we do the work we do.
•            Building trust. ...
You install trust both in your team and colleagues.  When I observe you in meetings it is clear that people trust you, as you are knowledgeable about your subject matter and we know you will do what you say you will do.
•            Bringing others along. ...
You lead by example.  You work hard and are flexible and so do the rest of your team.  The IT work well as a team together and support each other when particular tasks need completing ie when you are focussing on setting up a new service, the rest of the team will take on more day to day tasks.
•            Inspiring those around you. ...
Not sure about this as I don't work in your team, but I would imagine that you inspire your team to develop new ideas and push themselves to achieve their work goals. 
•            Making decisions. ...
You make informed decisions swiftly and confidently and this allows your colleagues to have faith in you and those decisions.  You are responsive and clear in those decisions and can say no as well as say yes.
•            Encouraging innovation. ...
•            Reward achievement.
You publicly recognize achievements and openly thank staff both in your team and other teams when they have done well with a particular piece of work or reached a goal.

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