Object Oriented System Requirement Analysis, Design, And Development : Case Analysis

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Object Oriented System Requirement Analysis, Design, And Development
  • 3

  • Course Code: 7CS091
  • University: Derby University
  • Country: United Kingdom


Description of the assessment

This coursework is completed in 2 parts, you need to apply suitable industrial approaches to the design and implementation of a software system using Object Oriented principles.

Assessment Content and Deliverables

We will have two course works (CW) but they are connected. CW1 is about the object-oriented (OO) analysis and design of a system using UML diagrams. CW2 is about updating the design of the class diagram with OO design patterns and backend implementation of the classes and objects. You must pass CW1 and CW2 to pass the module.
The system scenario can be selected from:
1. Hotel Management System
2. Library Management System
3. Patient Booking System
4. Room Booking System for Hospitals

CW 1 (Learning outcome 1, 2) 50%


A presentation for the indicated system: The outline below provides the structure for the presentation's content; during the lectures, you will learn about the steps required to design and implement the system using Object Oriented principles successfully. You are also expected to do your  
research on what should be included in the presentation.

1. Introduction  

1.1 Purpose, Scope, and Objectives of the Project 5%
1.2 Project Description 5%
1.3 Project Deliverables with detailed time planning 5%
1.4 Development Environment of class diagram and objects (detail the tools and techniques 
used) 5% 
2. Requirement collection for OO design (30%) 
2.1 Requirement Collection Methodology 10%
2.2 Functional Requirements (with use-case diagram) 20%
3. OO System Design (40%) 
3.2 Class Diagrams 40%
4. Structure and clarity of the presentation (10%) 

CW1: What you are expected to submit: 

Appropriately formatted and structured 4-5 minutes PowerPoint slides or PDF presentation containing all relevant information of introduction, requirements and design. Presentation beyond 5 minutes will not be marked.

CW 2 (Learning outcome 3,4) 50%

Deliverables: The implementation of the class diagram within a suitable application paradigm using OO programming language. 

Implemented code for the class diagram for CW1 using python programming language, which include: 

1. Demo refined UML class diagram with key design principles such as design pattern 
2. Backend Coding Implementation of classes and objects using Python Programming Language and Explanation of the Class Diagram. No Graphical User Interface (GUI)implementation is needed. (70%) 

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CW2: What you are expected to submit:

A zip file containing:
• Implementation Code of the Class Diagram using Python Programming Language. 
• A 3-4 minutes video that recorded the presentation of the new class diagram and backend code explanations. Video content beyond 4 minutes will not be marked.


Slide 1: Title

Slide 2: Purpose, Scope, and Objectives of the Project

●    Using the Python programming language, a Hotel Administration System has been developed to optimize and automate numerous hotel processes.
●    Create user-friendly interfaces, handle bookings, billing, and payment processing, and integrate the processing of payments.
●    Ensure system security, boost productivity, and increase visitor pleasure while allowing data-driven decision-making (Kurzadkar, 2022).

SN: The goal of the project is to create a Python-based management system for hotels that will streamline operations and improve visitor experiences. Their responsibilities include developing user-friendly interfaces, managing booking and billing, and implementing payment processing. Their primary objectives are to protect system security, improve efficiency in operation, and increase visitor happiness through data-driven decision-making.

Slide 3: Project Description

●    In Python, development of a hotel management system.
●    Room booking, check-in, and check-out features are now available.
●    The hotel’s operations have been simplified, and customer service has been improved (Hamdan and Othman, 2022).
●    Effective reservation and guest service administration solutions are provided.

SN: This project comprises creating an entire Hotel Management System in Python. The system includes a room booking capability and quick check-in/check-out operations, making it an essential component of effective hotel administration. Its primary goal is to improve client experiences while streamlining bookings and guest service administration, resulting in more effective hotel operations.

Slide 4: Project Deliverables with detailed time planning

●    Python Hotel Management System that allows for real-time room booking (Marques, 2023).
●    Check-in, check-out, and billing are all automated.
●    Tools that improve hotel operations and visitor experiences.
●    For the development of the hotel management system total 59 days will be required. 
Figure 1: Timeline
(Source: Project-libre)

SN: The project resulted in the creation of a fully working Python Hotel Administration System. It provides real-time room booking, smooth check-in and check-out, and automatic invoicing. For deliverable of the project project initiation, system requirements, room booking process, check in and check out process, user friendly interface and feedback integration system have been developed. 

Slide 5: Development Environment of class diagram and objects

●    Class and UML Use Case Diagrams created in Wondershare Edraw Max in accordance with UML standards.
●    Google Colab was used to translate class diagrams into Python code, which sped up development (Naik, Naik and Patil, 2022).
●    Ensured that the system object structure was accurately represented.
●    Project-libre was used to organize, schedule, and track the Python Hotel Management System project.

SN: Wondershare Edraw Max was used to create Class, and UML Use Case Diagrams for this project while sticking to UML standards. Through translating schematics into Python code, Google Colab aided in simplified development. Collaboration ensured that the system object structure was accurately represented. Project-libre was used to handle the planning, scheduling, and tracking.

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Slide 6: Requirement Collection Methodology

●    Analyzing existing hotel procedures to discover opportunities for improvement.
●    Investigating effective hotel industry methods for incorporation into the system.
●    Obtaining information from online review sites and guest remarks.
●    Evaluating user feedback on the present hotel administration system in order to create a guest-focused and effective design (Vargas-Calderón et al., 2021).

SN: The collecting process comprises a detailed examination of the hotel's present practices in order to identify opportunities for improvement. The relevance of studying industry standards and collecting ideas from internet evaluations and guest comments for this task is significant. In addition, customer feedback on the current hotel administration system will be analyzed to guarantee a guest-centric effective design.

Slide 7: Functional Requirements (with use-case diagram and activity diagram)

Use case diagram 
Figure 2: Use case diagram
(Source: Self-created)

 activity diagram
Figure 3: Activity Diagram
(Source: Self-created)

: The use case diagram is responsible for creating a relationship between the guest and the administrator. This also shares the tasks that the parties are responsible to do. The activity diagram visualizes the activities that the guests, hotel system and the admin is responsible for.

Slide 8: Class Diagrams

 class diagrams
Figure 3: Class Diagram
(Source: Self-created)

SN: The class diagram is responsible for visualizing the different classes such as hotel, guest, room, payment and their specific objects that are aligned to the different classes. The hotel class contains objects, names and rooms. The guest class contains objects, name, room number, check in date and check out date. The rooms class contains objects, room number, room type and price per night. The payment class has objects, name of the guest, room_number and total amount. This payment class has two subclasses which are Cash Payment and Credit Card Payment.

Reference list

Hamdan, I.Z.P. and Othman, M., 2022. Predicting Customer Loyalty Using Machine Learning for Hotel Industry. Journal of Soft Computing and Data Mining, 3(2), pp.31-42.https://penerbit.uthm.edu.my/ojs/index.php/jscdm/article/view/12798  
Kurzadkar, S.H.A.I.L.E.S.H., 2022. Hotel management system using Python Tkinler GUI. Int. J. Comput. Sci. Mobile Comput, 11(1), pp.204-208.https://www.academia.edu/download/80177085/V11I1202234.pdf 
Marques, D., 2023. An Investigation of Hotel Booking Cancellation Using Machine Learning Approaches in Python (Doctoral dissertation, St. John's University (New York)).https://search.proquest.com/openview/c872d8c221d1ed949bfab358bc7f0832/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y 
Naik, P., Naik, G. and Patil, M., 2022. Conceptualizing Python in Google COLAB. India: Shashwat Publication.https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Poornima-Naik/publication/357929808_Conceptualizing_Python_in_Google_COLAB/links/61e7ee675779d35951bca9d2/Conceptualizing-Python-in-Google-COLAB.pdf 
Vargas-Calderón, V., Moros Ochoa, A., Castro Nieto, G.Y. and Camargo, J.E., 2021. Machine learning for assessing quality of service in the hospitality sector based on customer reviews. Information Technology & Tourism, 23, pp.351-379.https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40558-021-00207-4 


Slide 1: Introduction

●    Designing a UML class diagram with the key principles in this  presentation.
●    Visualizing the backend coding with classes and objects for the project.
SN: This course work has aimed for designing a UML class diagram and implementing a backend coding aligned to the class diagram.

Slide 2: Class diagram with key principles

●    Reservation for the guests
●    Room Availability checks
●    Hotel system assigns the room to the guest
●    Check in system
●    Assigned rooms to the guest
●    Check out system

class diagram for hotel management system 
Figure 1: Class diagram for hotel management System
(Source: Self-created)

: The class diagram contains the key principles, reservation into the hotel by the guests. Other principles will be checking the room availability for booking, assigning one or many rooms to the guests, checking into the hotel and departure or checking out from the hotel.

Slide 3: Backend Coding Implementation

 backend coding
Figure 2: Backend Coding
(Source: Google Colab)

SN: This figure shows two classes, Guest and Room. The Guest class comprises different attributes which are the name, name of the guest who wants to register in the hotel and book a room, room number, the specific room numbers that the guest wants to book if available. Check in date the attribute that stores the date of the guest’s check into the hotel and check out date the attribute that stores the date when the guest departs from the hotel.

The Room class comprises different attributes which are the room number, the specific room numbers that the guest wants to book if available. Room type the attribute that stores the date of the guest’s assigned room in the hotel and price per night the attribute that stores the price to pay for the night stay in the hotel.

Slide 4: Backend Coding Implementation

backend coding 2
Figure 3: Backend Coding
(Source: Google Colab)

backend coding3
Figure 4: Backend Coding
(Source: Google Colab)

SN: The payment class has attributes, name of the guest, room_number and total amount. This payment class has two subclasses which are Cash Payment and Credit Card Payment. The class hotel has attributes, name and rooms. The name attribute is the name of the hotel and the room attribute is the rooms in the hotel. This class has different objects that are checked in that are defined with attribute guest.

This object is responsible for room booking to the guest by retrieving the personal information of their guest, room number if  not occupied by another guest and the check in and check out dates. The check out object of the class Hotel is responsible for departing the guest by retrieving the room number of the guest if  the room number entered wrong by any chance either of the two messages will be shown that are Room room number is not occupied or Room room number is not available. Either way the message will show check out successfully.

The next object will visualize the room details  that are allocated to guests. Another object is generate payment which is responsible for generating the payment options and look after for successful payment. The calculate total amount object calculates the payment amount as per night stay.

Slide 5: Backend Coding Implementation

Figure 5: Backend Coding
(Source: Google Colab)

SN: This figure visualizes 4 choices in the code. If the user chooses the first choice, the user will be able to book a room in the hotel by sharing the personal details, room number, check in date and check out date. The user will be booked in the hotel if the room is not already occupied. If the user chooses choice 2 and choice 4 the user will be able to check the room details that the user booked and the user will be able to check out. The choice 5 looks after the payment for the room stay as per nights. The choice 6 will allow the user to exit from the system.

Slide 6: Output of the Backend coding

Figure 6: Output of backend coding
(Source: Google Colab)

SN: The figure visualizes the output of the backend coding. According to the output after choosing option 1 the user is able to book a room in the hotel by giving name, room number and check in check out dates. When the user chooses option 4 the user is able to see the details of the booked room. After choosing option 5 the user can pay for the night stay in the room by the mentioned payment methods. After choosing option 2 the user either sees check out successful or room 101 is not occupied.

Slide 7: Conclusion

●    UML class diagram has been visualized and discussed in this course work.
●    Successful implementation of the backend coding by python has been discussed with output.

SN: This course work has designed a UML class diagram and the key principles have been discussed. The backed coding has been implemented with the output and has been discussed properly.

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Object Oriented System Requirement Analysis, Design, And Development

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