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Consumption Of Chilli Pepper And The Development Of Gastric Ulcer
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  • Course Code: LBR7457
  • University: Birmingham City University
  • Country: United Kingdom


epidemiological oral presentation question

Slide 2 – Introduction

  •     Association between dependent variable and independent variable

  •     Dependent variable: Development of gastric    ulcer (Yang et al. 2019).

  •     Independent variable: Consumption of Chilli pepper

  •     Primary Study: The connection or the association between the both will be established. 

In this paper the primary study design will be used to find the association between the consumption of Chilli pepper and the development of the problem of gastric ulcer among the people who consume it. There will be detailed finding as to whether only the consumption of chilli pepper can be so strong to develop gastric ulcer among the patients that is how the two variables are positively associated.

Slide 3 - Selection Of Epidemiological Study Design

    Discussion of Epidemiological Study 

  •     Epidemiological study: Randomized control trial technique will be used.

  •     Two types of groups taken: Experimental group and Control group    

  •     Experimental group: Will eat chilli pepper

  •     Control group: Will not eat chilli pepper

  •     Finding: Increase in the development of the cases of gastric ulcer in the experimental group that is the ones eating the chilli pepper (Luo et al 2021).

The epidemiological study that will be associated in the study is the Randomised Control Trial (RCT) technique. In this technique there will be two groups that are involved.

One group is the experimental group and the other is the control group. The people of the experimental group will be given chilli peppers regularly to consume. Whereas, the control group is the group that will not be allowed to eat the chilli pepper. On the basis of this, it will be found out which of the team is actually developing the gastric ulcer more.

Slide 4 - Research Question

What is the association between the consumption of Chilli pepper and the development of gastric ulcer?

Before starting the research, there is a research question that needs to be asked. In this study, the most appropriate question that can be proposed is whether there is any association that can be established between the two variables that is the consumption of chilli pepper and the development of gastric ulcer among the people who consume it. This will give a better scope to find out the needful information. And also, make it more relevant.

Slide 5 - Hypothesis

  •  Independent variable: Consumption of Chilli pepper 

  •  Dependent variable: Development of gastric ulcer, idea taken from (Du et al. 2021).

  •  The research hypothesis will be developed by using the above stated dependent and independent variables in the following slide. 

The hypothesis of the research is that there is no development of the gastric ulcer due to the consumption of chilli pepper. That is to say that the development of gastric ulcer among people is not solely dependent on the consumption of chilli pepper.

There may be many other reasons for the development of the gastric ulcer among the people like poor eating habits.

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Slide 6 – Null And Alternative Hypothesis

  •     Null hypothesis – The development of gastric ulcer is not dependent on chilli pepper consumption.

  •     Alternative hypothesis – The development of gastric ulcer is dependent on chilli pepper consumption. 

  •     Group involved: Both experimental and the control group.

The alternate hypothesis of the paper states that it is clear that the development of gastric ulcer is definitely associated or dependent on the consumption of the chilli pepper among the people. It will be found out through extensive research process that people who will eat the chilli pepper that is the experimental group will be at a higher risk of developing the problem of gastric ulcer than the control group that is the people who are not consuming the chilli pepper.

Slide 7 –Choice Of Inferntial study

  •     The selection of inferential statistics for data analysis is significant any primary study. 

  •     The same has been rationalized in (Xiang et al. 2021) 

  •     The inferential statistics that will be taken is that of correlation.

  •     Correlation between the two data or statistics will be established.

To perform this study successfully there is a need to establish a correlation between the data or the statistics that will be collected. The data that should be collected through the extensive research done will be how many people are consuming the chilli pepper and how many out of the people who are consuming it develops gastric ulcer. It can also be studied that how many people from the control group that is not consuming chilli pepper develop the problem.

Slide 8 - Rationale For Chosen Statistics

  • Why the inferential statistics that will be taken is that of correlation?

  • The reason behind the decision of choosing correlation as a method of study will be established. 

  • Proper reasoning will require proof and examples that will be established.

There is a need to explain the reason behind the choice of the inferential statistics that is correlation. It will be clearly explained that the process of correlation between statistics and data is developed for a better understanding of the study. That is by correlating the statistics that is found; it will be easier to establish that whether the development of gastric ulcer is genuinely dependent on the consumption of chilli pepper or is there other factors that are related to it.

Slide 9 - Limitations

  • Lack of time

  • This can be one of the major limitations as the time required for the study can be long and therefore, can prove to be a big problem.

One of the major factors that can prove to be a huge limitation in performing the specific study is that of a lack of time. In order to understand whether consumption of chilli pepper is really causing the gastric ulcer to cause may require a larger time span. Therefore, often it can be impossible to maintain such a long time span.

Slide 10 -Limitations Contd

  • Sample size getting smaller

  • Sample size is important in a research.

  • Two groups of sample are involved in the particular study.

Sample size is considered to be one of the most important factors in the performing of a research study.  In this particular study there are two types of groups that are involved. One of the groups is the experimental group and the other is the control group. Naturally there are a lot of people who will be required for the study to be made successful. Getting so many people for the study can prove to be a challenge.

Slide 11 - Limitations Contd.

  •     Maintaining Discipline

  •     Two groups of people required for the entire time.

  •     Long time span is a discouraging factor.

The long time span can prove to be a discouragement. Though people can participate in the beginning, there is a chance that they will lose the interest over the span of time and may gradually stop participating making the study incomplete. 

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Slide 12 -References

Du, Y., Lv, Y., Zha, W., Hong, X. and Luo, Q., 2021. Chili consumption and risk of gastric cancer: a meta-analysis. Nutrition and Cancer, 73(1), pp.45-54.
Luo, L., Yan, J., Wang, X., Sun, Z., Luo, L., Yan, J., Wang, X. and Sun, Z., 2021. The correlation between chili pepper consumption and gastric cancer risk: A meta-analysis. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 30(1).
Xiang, Q., Guo, W., Tang, X., Cui, S., Zhang, F., Liu, X., Zhao, J., Zhang, H., Mao, B. and Chen, W., 2021. Capsaicin—The spicy ingredient of chili peppers: A review of the gastrointestinal effects and mechanisms. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 116, pp.755-765.
Yang, Y., Zhang, J., Weiss, N.S., Guo, L., Zhang, L., Jiang, Y. and Yang, Y., 2019. The consumption of chili peppers and the risk of colorectal cancer: a matched case-control study. World journal of surgical oncology, 17, pp.1-7.

Consumption Of Chilli Pepper And The Development Of Gastric Ulcer

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