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Activity 1A

1. Define the terms below and give an example of each: 

  • Social differences 

  • Cultural differences 

  • Spiritual differences.

Social differences: Social distinctions, on the other hand, are defined as the differences between people with regard to their social roles, for instance, race, class, age, sex and power relations of people. Example: One client may be from a high class, and therefore has insurance and financial might to get good health care and education, while the other may be a poor client, whereby he cannot afford good health care or education (Learner Guide, 2023).

Cultural differences: Cultural differences therefore refer to the differences that people display depending on the culture in which they were brought up and which they practise; they include country, religion, nationality, ethnicity, family and past experiences. Example: An example would be that one client may be practising the celebration of Christmas so they are Christian and English-speaking while the other client may be observing the Islamic practice of Ramadan so he is Muslim and Arabic speaking (Learner Guide, 2023).

Spiritual differences: Religious and spiritual differences are therefore the differences in the way people think and conduct themselves, especially concerning their spirituality and religion. Religion is an organised set of beliefs and practices while spirituality can entail involvement in such activities as meditation and yoga (Learner Guide, 2023).  

Example: While one client is a Christian who attends church meetings the other is a Buddhist who meditates daily. Spiritual Differences are crucial to understand and acknowledge these spiritual practices to be able to support and meet patients’ needs.

2. How can you respect the individual differences when providing consumers with care and support? (Maximum 100 words)

In asserting personal differences in care and support, it is important that each person is considered on or on the basis of his or her social, cultural or spiritual identity. Listening to the clients and acknowledging everything they say, focusing on their backgrounds. Personalised care according to the client's values and choices has to be offered. Facilitate clients' choices and personal expression by agreeing with their preferences on things like clothes, functions, or living environment (Learner Guide, 2023).

3. This is a role play activity to be conducted in pairs during your practical. Respectfully ask about your partner’s social, cultural and spiritual beliefs. Without giving any personal information away, note their social, cultural and spiritual  differences and document it below.

One must take a turn to ask questions to the other so as to get to know him/her, but without revealing any information about oneself. One of the partners in the relationship learns about the different ethnicity, religion and cultural imprint of the other partner  (Learner Guide, 2023).

Recording all these disparities contributes to the development of tolerance, which is crucial to the recognition and appreciation of the variation in people’s ideas and ways of life in a professional context that is viable in rendering personalised and sophisticated assistance.

Activity 1B 

1. Summarise your own values and attitudes.

I believe that the values and attitudes concerning the job should be based on empathy, refraining from prejudice, and respect for individuals accompanied by a passion for the in-depth study of each client's requirements.

When it comes to fulfilling clients' needs I would appreciate physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization needs in line with Maslow's classification of those needs (Woolfolk & Margetts, 2012).

Addressing patients' needs that pertain to their spirit, culture and sexuality shouldn't be ignored because they are important. I recognize the relevance of thinking about each client's developmental stage while providing support activities.

2. How can you ensure that you avoid imposing your values or attitudes on other people?

To prevent limiting the liberty of the individuals, make use of active listening and apply empathy, to make sure you are aware of their needs and views. Adopt the patient's cultural, spiritual, and personal beliefs and honour them while offering care relevant to those beliefs. Individualise your communication and support techniques to be aligned with the client's needs and promote their independence (Learner Guide, 2023). One should practise self-reflecting about biases in order to identify them and to participate in cultural competence training continuously.

3. Give different examples of the ways that you have/can support a person to express their own identity and preferences.

●    About dress, advise clients to wear their preferred or cultural clothing.
●    The clients shall be assisted in selecting their preferred foods and recipes for the meals.
●    Assist the individual in participating in cultural or religious events.
●    Assist clients accurately in choosing the right styles that they want in their abode.
●    Organise social activities which are close to the hobbies of the clients such as reading groups or dancing lessons.
●    Ensure the clients get what they want as far as personal care items are concerned.
●    Support and promote clients’ sexual rights.
●    Closely listen to as well as acknowledge personal experiences that the clients have to share.

Activity 1C 

1. Using information gathered from Activities 1A and 1B outline a person’s individual needs, their stage of life and development and their strengths. Give three considerations when  engaging in support activities. (This can be done along with the role play activity 1A (3).

Self-interest means those of physical, psychological, social, esteem, and self-actualization types of a person. For example, an elderly client in the vulnerable elder stage may require help with things such as “assistance with daily tasks" because of cognitive or health conditions. Some of the needs may include; safety, social interaction as a way of covering loneliness, and achievement as a way of boosting their morale (Learner Guide, 2023).

●    Safety: Make sure that there are no risks to the hygiene of the client or to their general health in the context of the environment.
●    Respect for Identity: Respect the individua's preferences, and cultural or religious beliefs  (Learner Guide, 2023).
●    Empowerment: Ensure the child/children are allowed to be independent and express his/her/their ideas and opinions so that he/she/they develop/have a positive self-esteem.

Activity 1D 

1. Give 2 examples of the different ways you can accommodate your consumers’ expressions of their identity. 

●    Support people to engage in cultural festivities and spiritual activities without discriminating against them.
●    Offer the client situations in which he or she might go out and do the things that he or she enjoys, like reading or dancing.

2. What does expression of sexuality include and what are the effects of suppression?

The elements of sexual expression entitle individuals to the use of assistive/protective devices, affection, need to express private and secretive behaviour, physical appearance, and touch. Their suppression may result in depression, frustration, anger and or violence, and social isolation which are all detrimental to the overall mental health of the client (Learner Guide, 2023).

3. What would be your response to the following scenario: An older gentleman called Graeme whom you have been supporting is homosexual and is in a relationship with a man who visits him frequently. He hasn’t told his family or friends that he is homosexual but he tells you that he feels like now is the right time to tell his friends and family. What would you do as part of your role in caring for Graeme.

●    Consideration of Privacy and Confidentiality
●    Encourage and assure him not to judge him for what he is willing to share and to explain his feelings
●    Likely the response of his loved ones towards the idea
●    Encourage the person to talk and to share their feelings 
●    Recommend the matter to be taken to a counsellor or group therapy (Learner Guide, 2023). 

Activity 1E 

Case Study 1 - Linda 

1. Create a list of activities which could be arranged in order to ensure that Linda’s individual physical, social, cultural, and spiritual needs are fulfilled.

Physical Needs:

●    Novice cooking classes to enhance cooking abilities and food consumption patterns.
●    Yoga classes, work on chairs, stretching and strengthening exercises for body agility to become more muscular (Social Care Institute for Excellence, 2024).

Social Needs:

●    Friend or neighbourly meetings and interactions such as birthday parties, church meetings, funerals, weddings, and barbeque parties.
●    Routine home visits or phone calls in order to decrease a patient's social phobia and feelings of isolation (Social Care Institute for Excellence, 2024).

Cultural Needs:

●    Find out about Lebanese cultural events or cooking classes that can help her feel closer to her roots.
Spiritual Needs:
●    Engaging in worship and other activities common among people of the Christian faith or engaging in church-related activities (Social Care Institute for Excellence, 2024).
●    Home calls by a local pastor or spiritual person to encourage the patient.

Activity 2A 

Case Study 2 – Jim

1. What are Jim’s strengths?

●    Personal Hygiene: Carries out daily personal care activities on his/her own.
●    Medication Management: Diet management is mostly independent of the caregiver’s help, as well as the use of medication with rare help from the caregiver.
●    Social Interaction: Kind, and sometimes will approach other people just to start a conversation (Social Care Institute for Excellence, 2024).
●    Leisure Activities: Likes reading books as well as solving puzzles and other board games.
●    Adherence to Routine: Has a schedule for taking meals as well as for sleeping.
●    Positive Attitude: Optimistic and Interactive 

2. What is Jim’s self-care capacity?

The personal care needs coverage of Jim includes his good adherence to personal hygiene whereby he takes a daily shower with the help of his caregiver. He carries out the administration of his medicines on his own and follows the meal and sleep timetable rigidly (Learner Guide, 2023). Although the patient requires assistance in moving around because of his knee replacement surgery and help with incontinence, he is most vigilant about his personal care. 

3. How can you acknowledge and promote Jim’s independence?

Addressing him as an independent man and fostering this aspect, one has to strengthen and utilise his existing assets (Social Care Institute for Excellence, 2024). Motivate him to undertake activities that he ought to do alone, including the bathing regimen and administration of the drugs on his own. Encourage engagement in tasks he likes and would complete with satisfaction, for example, reading, and board games. 

Activity 2B 

1. Give examples of the different ways that you can assist a consumer to identify opportunities to utilise their strengths.

●    Analyse Jim's activities and determine activities that can be given to him for self-care during his free time, for instance, reading and playing board games (Social Care Institute for Excellence, 2024).
●    Encourage Jim to participate in social-related exercises like coffee mornings to boost social contact.
●    Offer recommendations that would involve what the boy enjoys doing and can do by offering to assist with errands around the facility.
●    Support Jim in achieving his decisional capacity and assign tasks to build Jim’s confidence.

Refer to Case Study 2 - Jim

2. List 5 resources that will be needed to suit Jim’s needs.

●    For the reimbursement of any continuous medical expenses in connection with Jim’s knee replacement as well as pain control (Personal Futures Network, 2024).
●    For mobilisation which includes rising from bed and walking, or transfers to and from wheelchair.
●    Cloth and other hygiene products used by those who suffer from incontinence such as incontinent pads.
●    To help Jim cope with the breakthrough and the change that is going to occur in his life (Personal Futures Network, 2024).
●    Attendance of the licensed facility events such as the coffee morning to ensure one is socially active.

3. What support strategies could be put in place for Jim to utilise his strength to get in and out of bed more independently? Explain the steps that Jim can take for the same.

Support Strategies for Jim:

●    Install Grab Bars to ensure safety when moving in and out of bed for Jim.
●    Use a Bed Rail to enable him to sit and turn on his own.
●    Provide a Transfer Aid
●    Physical Therapy to become mobile (Learner Guide, 2023).
●    Adjust Bed Height

Steps for Implementation:

●    Assessment: From the case, assess Jim’s current level of functionality in terms of bed mobility and potential deficit zones that require assistance.
●    Installation: Organise for installation of grab bars, and bed rails among other accessories dependent on the needs of the patients (Learner Guide, 2023).
●    Training: Explain how to use the aids and then give a practical example to Jim with which he can sample and be sure that it is safe to use the aids.
●    Follow-Up: Consequently, monitor Jim’s progress and modify the details of the support strategies if necessary.

4. List 3 things you can communicate with Jim regarding the importance of using the available support to get in and out of bed?

●    Enhanced Safety
●    Increased Independence (Learner Guide, 2023).
●    Pain Reduction

5. What resources and networks would benefit Jim?

●    Physical Therapy Services
●    Incontinence Support Groups
●    Home Aids
●    Social Activities
●    Medical Funding Programs

Activity 2C 

1. Give 5 examples of the different support services and resources that are available within your area for older people.  Home Health Care Services such as physiotherapy, and assistance in performing activities of daily living.

●    Senior Activity Centers such as social and leisure activities like games and trips
●    Meal Delivery Services to address Jim’s nutritional requirement 
●    Incontinence Support Programs to get through incontinence to control  (Learner Guide, 2023).
●    Transportation Services for medical appointments, shopping, social events 

2. As part of your role and responsibility, what support services could Jim be referred to in order to obtain expert advice and assistance? Name at least three. 

●    Physical Therapy Services to help the patient after knee surgery 
●    Geriatric Care Specialist for handling various health conditions 
●    Support Groups for Incontinence to obtain facts and advice on incontinence.

Activity 2D 

1. What is consumer directed Care (CDC)?

Consumer Directed Care or CDC, is a model of service delivery that enhances consumers' choices and choices for the procedures and supports they receive. CDC enables the individual to make choices as to the kind and extent of services to be utilised and providers, goals to work toward and to participate in the planning of one's care (Learner Guide, 2023).

From its strategic objectives of the client focus and involving people in decision-making processes, the CDC endeavours to respect the client's wishes and make the service more personalised and therefore more independent and satisfying.

2. How can you provide support that allows the consumer to self-manage their own service delivery?

●    Offer Education
●    Facilitate Skill Development
●    Promote Decision-Making
●    Provide Access to Resources
●    Support Goal Setting

Activity 2E 

1. Outline 5 ways that you can encourage consumers to build, strengthen and maintain independence. 

●    Support Skill Development to improve his range of motion and personal independent skills like getting up from a bed or a chair safely etc.
●    Encourage Personal Choices to select his activities for the day and meals 
●    Facilitate Social Interaction to play board games and increase conversations with others, therefore improving his Emotional Well-being and Self-Determination (Learner Guide, 2023).
●    Promote Routine Adherence to develop his personal care washing and taking of medications.
●    Adapt the Environment to accommodate his mobility levels and comfort and the living environment.

2. How can you encourage Jim to strengthen and maintain his independence?

●    Assist with Mobility: Model the correct way to get in and out of bed and chairs for Jim with the hope of making Jim mobile and confident.
●    Promote Self-Care: As far as possible, assist Jim only and let him be more dependent on his own self for performing the personal hygiene-related task (Learner Guide, 2023).
●    Support Activity Engagement: Engage Jim in activities that would keep his mind engrossed and he also requires social interaction to do activities like reading books, solving puzzles, and board games.
●    Encourage Routine: This will enable specific help for Jim in relation to eating and sleeping plans to encourage self-control and regulation (Learner Guide, 2023).
●    Facilitate Pain Management: Provide encouragement regarding his specific situation, and the pain from the knee replacement, which will help him in his physical rehabilitation.

Activity 3A 

1. What does a healthy lifestyle involve? Write any six basic requirements for the good health of a person?

A healthy lifestyle can be defined as the totality of the individual’s way of living to attain optimum physical and mental health. Healthy Lifestyle comprises effective and healthy eating habits, exercise regimen, balanced sleep and stress control.

Healthy Lifestyle includes such aspects as cleanliness and proper care for the body and its functions, regular intake of fluids, and ensuring comfort in the living conditions (Social Care Institute for Excellence, 2024).

●    Taking healthy foods and observing that you take all food groups in the right proportions
●    Specifically, this includes; physical activity and exercise.
●    Adequate sleep and rest
●    Effective stress management
●    Proper washing of hands including the mouth and teeth
●    Hygiene and the people's safety-enhancing living conditions

2. Give five examples of the ways that you can promote and encourage daily living habits that will contribute to your clients’ healthy lifestyle.

●    Encourage moderate physical activity 
●    Set appropriate meal plans and proper arrangements for dietary meals
●    Take enough water during working hours for proper functioning of body organs.
●    Recommend proper ways of personal hygiene (Baker et al., 2020).
●    Ensure that clients interact in activities that can challenge the brain and keep the emotions and brain active through games, books, socialisation etc.

Activity 3B 

1. Why is it important for your consumers to maintain a safe and healthy environment?

Since health is a significant aspect of the consumer, protection of health within the community influences the general well-being of people. Hygiene and safety ensure that there are reduced cases of accidents, infections, and sickness easily controlling the occurrence of the same.

In turn, these contribute to improved psychological well-being and a decrease in stress levels since it creates a sense of security. Furthermore, the development of an organised environment permits a person to accomplish routine operations fully and without hesitance, giving a boost to one's perceived quality of life (Personal Futures Network, 2024).

2. Outline 5 different ways that you can support and assist consumers to maintain a safe and healthy environment.

●    Regular Cleaning and Maintenance 
●    Safety Checks
●    Environmental Adaptations
●    Clear Communication
●    Emergency Procedures

Activity 3C 

1. Give 5 examples of the types of hazards you may come across within your job.

●    Uneven Floor Surfaces
●    Faulty Electrical Appliances
●    Slippery Surfaces
●    Broken Furniture
●    Poor Lighting

2. What are your organisation’s policies and procedures for reporting hazards?

●    Identify Hazards: Record all the dangers or modifying phenomena.
●    Immediate Reporting: Communicate with the supervisor or manager immediately by email or telephone when any hazard or change is observed.
●    Documentation: Incident, illness, or hazard (Learner Guide, 2023).
●    Follow-Up Actions: Possible actions to be taken or correct measures to be taken.
●    Adherence to Procedures: Predetermined guidelines in handling hazards and their reports.

Activity 3D 

1. What are 8 different physical conditions that you need to monitor for any variations? 

●    Aches: Oversee for any chronic or severe pain.
●    Feeling Unwell: If possible, monitor any fluctuation in how uncomfortable the participants claimed to be.
●    Nail Status: Monitor for any alteration in the nail regimen or bizarre manifestations of the nails (Learner Guide, 2023).
●    Oral Health: Look for deviations or problems concerning the oral condition.
●    Skin Tone and Colour: Look out for any changes on the skin such as a brown or reddish tinge.
●    Weight Changes: Record frequent monumental changes in weight.
●    Pain: This includes reporting any new pain that may be present, or pain that has worsened.
●    Fatigue: Take note of the breitter's presence, that is, extreme or very unexplained fatigue.

2. What are 5 signs to look out for to assess the wellbeing of the consumer?

●    Inability to Self-Care: Problems in bathing, dressing, feeding oneself, using the toilet.
●    Emotional Changes: Confusion, sadness or depression and symptoms like confusion, sadness, and depression among others.
●    Fatigue: Fatigue has no apparent reason or is much more serious compared to the usual level of fatigue (Learner Guide, 2023).
●    Social Withdrawal: Agitation or anhedonia is the absence of enjoyment in one's hobbies and social isolation.
●    Appetite Loss: They lose their appetite or their food choices and even gain or lose noticeable amounts of weight.

3. How should you report any variations in the consumer’s physical condition or wellbeing according to organisation’s policies and procedures?

To record variations in a consumer’s physical condition or well-being and how any changes correspond with the organisation’s policies and procedures, in a timely manner document the observations made in relation to their health (Lou & Tse, 2020).

Immediately report the harassment to your supervisor or the person officially assigned to receive the reports through any of the following communication inventions; email or telephone. 

Activity 3E 

1. Identify a physical health situation of a client that is beyond the scope of your own role and answer the following questions

1. Physical health situation

a) Why is it beyond the scope of your own role? 

In a physical health situation for instance diagnosing a complex disease is not within my capacity because to do so, one needs to have a medical background and training that I do not possess. High levels of suspicion accompany such cases and their proper management requires professionalism from the side of the healthcare practitioners for accurate diagnosis and management (Sah, 2022).

b) How should you deal with it? 

In cases of a physical health issue outside of my functional capacity, I should inform a healthcare provider, doctor, or specialist at the moment. Functional capacity helps to ensure adequate medical care and treatment to the client. The role of the organisation entails ensuring that the actual conditions of the problem are explained effectively and the appropriate assistance is made available (Sah, 2022).

c) Whom should you report to? Why should you report to them? 

If there is a physical health situation that is not contained within my area of work, then I must inform a health care provider, for instance, a physician or a specialist, or, depending on the specifics of the work environment, a supervisor or manager (Zivin et al., 2022).

Such reporting is necessary to be made to a healthcare professional since they are in the right position to offer the correct medical response and treatment. In cases where affording medical assistance cannot be done, reporting to one's immediate supervisor or manager helps bring the situation within the organisational framework besides offering the client the necessary attention as soon as possible.

Activity 4A 

1. George needs the assistance of one person for Bed Mobility, to get in and out of Bed and to move from sitting to standing position. 

Explain ten ways on how you would provide positive and supportive communication to George and promote his self-esteem and confidence.  

1. Ten ways positive and supportive communication to George 

●    Encourage George by complimenting him on any achievements that he has made no matter how insignificant they may look.
●    Be gentle with words and tone as for talking to George in a view to easing up the stress.
●    Give George an opportunity to decide what he wants from the assistance point of view.
●    Accept his choices and prior schedules, that is the frequency of events.
●    Allow him to be as long-winded as he wants to be in doing a particular job.
●    Listen to his worries and provide a sympathetic treatment now and then.
●    Help him to make his life easier using communication.
●    Every day practice to reassure him of his skills and accomplishments.
●    In talking to people, you should always be bright and cheerful, should motivation be needed for a task.
●    To show that he has been understood and to express respect, assurance and acknowledgement of his requirements and choices.

Activity 4B 

1. Why is it important to use safe and predictable routines?

●    Structured and uneventful are centralising to clients, in that they provide a certain and mundane pacification (O’Cathain et al., 2020).
●    Such routines can reduce patients’ stress and discomfort resulting from change thus making care more bearable.
●    This structured routine increases comfort and control which is crucial for a client's psychological health.
●    Assists the client assumes a new environment, in that it preserves certain physical structures and routines (O’Cathain et al., 2020).
●    Routine is bound to help create a safety net, well, in the case of clients suffering from memory loss of one kind or another.

2. Give five examples of different ways of providing a safe and predictable routine.

●    Prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time in a day to have a regular schedule.
●    Venue activities such as Bingo nights or coffee mornings.
●    Establish a part of a day such as before going to bed and stick to a particular activity such as reading (O’Cathain et al., 2020).
●    Stick to the consistency of the hair cutting or medical check-up.
●    Activities such as ironing clothes, and doing groceries among other chores.

Activity 4C 

1. What are the benefits of social interaction? 

●    Increases Happiness
●    Enhances Motivation
●    Reduces Loneliness (Personal Futures Network, 2024).
●    Improves Self-Esteem
●    Provides Enjoyment

2. Give examples of different social activities that you could encourage your consumers to participate in. 
●    Book Club
●    Bingo Nights
●    Dance Lessons
●    Arts and Crafts Groups
●    Coffee Mornings

3. Give examples of cultural and spiritual activities that you could encourage your consumers to participate in.
●    Attending Place of Worship
●    Festivals
●    Weddings, Christenings, and Funerals (Hay, 2020).
●    Access to Cultural Dietary Requirements
●    Observing Days of Religious Significance

Activity 4D 

1. Outline THREE aspects of supporting a consumer’s wellbeing that would be outside of the scope of your knowledge, skills and/or job role. 

●    Specialised Emotional Support
●    Cultural or Spiritual Practices
●    Medical Concerns

2. How would you deal with this? What support would you seek? 

For facets of the client 's well-being that fluctuate or worsen, you should first note this and then report well-being following organisational guidelines (Suter et al., 2020). Report the situation to your immediate boss so that the correct measures can be taken.

If the issue is related to a speciality, which requires care from certain persons such as health care practitioners or counsellors, one needs to call the relevant persons to solve the issues ailing the client.

Activity 4E 

Role Play 1

1. Correctly identify the variation in the client’s wellbeing and report it to your assessor. (Write the details of identifying the variation in the clients’ wellbeing and your action regarding reporting

●    These symptoms clearly showed that the character of the client has changed significantly (Maj et al., 2021).
●    Clients complained of feeling fatigued and easily irritated, which are symptoms that deviate from the client’s typical behaviour and feelings.
●    Note the changes seen and what was stated by the assessor and follow the organisational protocols.
●    Suggested going back to a doctor for the possible medical causes to be evaluated and receive the right help.

Activity 4F 

1. Give five examples of cultural issues that may impact the wellbeing of your consumers. What could be the effect of these issues on the consumer?

●    Inability to Participate in Ceremonies: The social aspect: may lead to social isolation or depression especially if key cultural rites cannot be practised.
●    Restrictions on Cultural Clothing: Might cause confusion of identity of the children and depression (Cole & Nguyen, 2020).
●    Lack of Appropriate Food: May affect physical health and might result in failure satisfaction or depression.
●    Discrimination Based on Culture: May lead to low self-esteem and an anxiety disorder.
●    Inability to Express Cultural Identity: Implies could lead to frustration, and a sense of desertion.

2. Give five examples of financial/Career Occupation issues that may impact on the wellbeing of your consumer. What could be the effect of these issues on the consumer?

●    Inability to Pay Rent or Bills
●    Difficulty Affording Care and Support (Cole & Nguyen, 2020).
●    Inability to Provide for Family
●    Job Loss
●    Financial Abuse or Fraud

Activity 4G 

1. What are risk factors related to mental health?
●    Low Intelligence
●    Chronic Illness
●    Experiencing Trauma
●    Low Self-Esteem
●    Abuse and Neglect (psychological damage and a lot of stress).

2. What are protective factors related to mental health? 
●    Strong Cultural Identity
●    Community Attachment (Holding et al., 2020)
●    Supportive Relationships
●    Economic Security
●    Good Physical Health

Activity 4H 

1. Give examples of the different signs of abuse and neglect. (Consider physical, sexual, psychological and financial abuse)

●    Physical Abuse: Bruises, cuts, bone fractures, three-degree burns, scratch marks, and bruises.
●    Sexual Abuse: Swelling around the genital area, rashes in the genital area, tattered or bleeding clothes.
●    Psychological Abuse: Physical aggression like pushing or shoving or verbally abusing, shaking, tremors or rocking like a child with dementia (Bermon et al., 2021).
●    Financial Abuse: Secretive behaviour particularly in handling and expenditure of money, keeps on missing cash or valuables.

2. If you were to identify one of the signs of abuse, how would you report it including suspected abuse situations?

●    Document Evidence: Take notes on signs of abuse and or any other information that may be needed.
●    Report to Supervisor: This should be reported to the supervisor or senior management as soon as possible.
●    Follow Protocol: Organisational policy should be followed including reporting policies of the organisation.
●    Notify Relevant Authorities: Involve other agencies or police in case they are required.


Project 1

1. Create a list of the five basic human needs, briefly explaining them and outlining how meeting these needs contribute to the wellbeing of the person.  

●    Physiological Needs: These include the necessities one would expect such as food, water, and other necessities of life (Personal Futures Network, 2024). 
●    Safety Needs: Protection against/ from physical /emotional/mental harm, financial solvency and position. 
●    Love and Belongingness: Interpersonal affection, bond or association, societal interaction. 
●    Esteem Needs Personal dignity and other people's recognition. 
●    Self-Actualisation: Encouraging higher self-actualization, imagining new amazing things, and aspiring to be the best one can be (Personal Futures Network, 2024).

2. Explain the concept of self-actualisation. 

Self-actualisation is the process of people achieving their unstated and unfulfilled potential. The concept of self-actualisation entails seeking out the pursuit of creativity, solving problems and self-actualization, hence leading to the achievement of purpose.

3. List the stages of human development, giving the age bracket. (40 words)

●    Infancy: 0-2 years
●    Early Childhood: 3-6 years
●    Middle Childhood: 7-11 years
●    Adolescence: 12-18 years
●    Early Adulthood: 19-40 years
●    Middle Adulthood: 41-65 years
●    Late Adulthood: 66+ years

4. Identify five issues that can impact health and wellbeing.
●    Chronic Illness (Vodovotz et al., 2020).
●    Poor Nutrition
●    Mental Health Issues (Happiness, life and environmental stress, anxiety-depression) 
●    Lack of Exercise
●    Social Isolation

5. How can community values and attitudes, including myths and stereotypes, impact upon an individual’s wellbeing?

General population perception can affect self-esteem and the availability of coping resources within communities (Poudel et al., 2020). The value results in stigma which is evident in the myths and stereotypes that are associated with mental health and thus people cannot seek treatment.

6. What are the indicators of following emotions?

a. Anxiety

Anxiety disorder is defined as a state of worrying excessively, being tense and perceiving certain physical symptoms such as having a rush of heart beating and sweating (Sica et al., 2021). Personals can have trouble with concentration, muscle tension, and avoiding situations which cause anxiety, affecting daily tasks.

b. Prolonged sadness 
Chronic dysphoria is such chronic or prolonged sadness that lasts for weeks even months. Some of these are general effects like changes in appetite, wake and sleep pattern, and energy level therefore impacting the performance of normal activities and overall health (Mason et al., 2021).

c. Lack of engagement 
Lack of engagement symptoms can be indicative of low levels of engagement or, in other words, the individual's unwillingness to engage in activities and interactions, and diminished interest and drive (Cook & Zill, 2023). Inability to perform is also seen in people who display low motivation in their work, leave out their responsibilities, and get poor results in their jobs or even personal ability.

7. Create a definition of each of the following and summarise how they are relevant to your current or prospective job role:

Dignity of risk 

Dignity of Risk stands for the notion that people should be allowed to make their own decisions and face the consequences of those decisions and, therefore, should be allowed to risk their lives, etc (Banerjee et al., 2021). As an example, in a job category that deals with clients or clients' care, respecting the clients' dignity of risk involves helping the clients make their own decisions regarding their lives.

Duty of Care

Duty of care is the legal and moral requirements which make a person socially responsible for the welfare of colleagues or clients, as the case may be. Duty of care encompasses action that should be taken to avoid harm in contexts like caregiving or supervision, ensuring suitable measures of care and promoting the well-being of any person under one's care (Banerjee et al., 2021).

Human rights 

International Human Rights represent the standards of freedom and entitlements which are granted to all individuals without prejudice to race, colour, political opinions, national origin, religion, gender, or any other consideration. Some of them include; the right to life, freedom of speech and expression, right to privacy, and equality rights (Personal Futures Network, 2024). In caregiving or supportive professions, making the state all rights of each individual helps ensure that people will be treated fairly.


Discrimination includes acts of unfair treatment that are exercised on people due to attributes, which include race, gender, age, disability or other related factors (Mason & Minerva, 2020).

Discrimination results in disparity and socio-economic injustice and impacts a person's health and available services. Thus, fighting discrimination is vital in every context regardless of the specific position in a company.

Mandatory reporting 

Reporting laws compel an individual who holds a professional position, including educators, doctors and police officers among others to report any case that they suspect to be a child or vulnerable adult abuse or neglect to the authorities (Geiderman & Marco, 2020).

Such legal responsibility is possible to prevent adverse effects that may arise when the matter in question is not looked into as required by the law. 

Privacy, confidentiality and disclosure 

Privacy, confidentiality, and disclosure cover the restriction of information and only allow a few people to have access to such information. Privacy regulates how an individual's data is handled with a focus on the fact that the data should not be disclosed without the owner's permission (Gstrein & Beaulieu, 2022).

Security entails the protection of data from onlookers and other people who ought not to come across such information. Disclosure is the process of releasing information in the right manner and is mostly done when compelled by the law or with permission. 

Work role boundaries, responsibilities and limitations 

Organisational boundaries apply to the tasks that need to be accomplished as well as the demarcations of a particular job. Accountabilities include activities that are required and expected of an individual given his or her position within an organisation, accompanied by performances as established by the organisation's protocols (Abhayawansa et al., 2021).

Constraints pertain to understanding and following certain lines of procedure, for instance, one cannot perform tasks outside his/her area of jurisdiction. 

Project 2

1. Research and explain on various service delivery models and standards. 

Service delivery models 

a) The Medical Model
The Medical Model of care concentrates on the physical nature of the disease or condition for which an individual is receiving services, and centres on assessment and cure (Hagger & Orbell, 2021). 

b) The Social Model
The Social Model of disability lies in the understanding that the state of human health enormously depends on his/her social, economic, and environmental circumstances (Lawson & Beckett, 2020).

c) The Person-Centred Model
The Person-Centred Model makes the individual the centre of attention and involves developing a plan of care depending on the individual’s needs, wishes, and beliefs (Ahmed et al., 2022). 

d) The Integrated Care Model
An integrated model of care delivery concentrates on the appropriate care delivery from various sectors (McGorry et al., 2022). As a result, patient satisfaction and health are sought to be enhanced by enhancing the coordination and organisation of a multiplicity of often fragmented services ranging from primary care to specialists and social services.


a) Quality Standards
Quality standards can define what level of quality should be provided in the services, for example, according to some accreditation or other authorities. 

b) Ethical Standards
Ethical requirements regulate the behaviour of service deliverers so that services will be provided in a way that respects recipients' humanity (Ripoll, 2019).

c) Accessibility Standards
These standards guarantee that the services extend to the disabled and those groups of people with certain barriers.

2. Research and explain various funding models. 

a) Fee-for-Service (FFS)

Fee-for-Service model pays providers for the kind of services provided to the patients by the health facilities (Li et al., 2022). 

b) Capitation
Capitation entails payment per patient on a per diem, weekly, monthly or annual basis without relation to the volume or type of services lasting. Capitation is usually applied in civilizations like managed care environments, for instance, "Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)” (Obikeze & Onwujekwe, 2020).

c) Grants
A grant is a monetary aid given in the form of finances by the government, any foundation that could be “National Institutes of Health" research grants, community development grants and the like (Lauer & Roychowdhury, 2021).

d) Public Funding
Public funding can include such forms as subsidies, block grants, and earmarked funds intending to finance social services such as education, health, or social infrastructural facilities.

e) Venture Capital
Venture Capital entails funding new organisations or any organisation which is in its early stages of development (Lerner & Nanda, 2020). Money is contributed in exchange for an ownership interest in businesses with the objective of earning good profits. 

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