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Application Of Blockchain In The Financial Sectors 
  • 6

  • Course Code: FINM4100
  • University: Kaplan Business School
  • Country: Australia


•    Create a report on Blockchain in the context of Fintech and RegTech.
•    This task is to be done individually.

Assessment Description

Background: Blockchain is an emerging technology of great importance in Finance, Economics and Accounting. It impacts the way we deal with and monitor financial transactions, trade, identify ourselves, and is having an impact on auditing and regulation.

You are a compliance manager in a financial institution. Your company wants to use blockchain for three purposes:
1.    As a mechanism for secure digital transactions and smart contracts
2.    As a way of managing digital identities
3.    To offer clients the chance to invest in cryptocurrencies

However, the executive management team are not sure of all of the benefits of these applications or possible ethical, legal and privacy issues.

You have been requested to prepare a report for management that will address the three key purposes above and to address the concerns raised by the executive. Your report should explain what blockchain is, explain these uses (applications) and how it will benefit yourself and the company auditors in a report, as outlined below.

Introducing Blockchain and Its Multifaceted Applications

In the contemporary digital age, the technological landscape is incessantly evolving, with innovations propelling industries into novel realms of operations. Among these innovations, one that stands paramount in its potential to revolutionise multiple sectors is blockchain (Renduchintala et al., 2022).

At its core, blockchain is a decentralised digital ledger, meticulously designed to record transactions across numerous computers in a manner that ensures the data can be neither modified nor deleted without consensus.

This characteristic imbues it with an unparalleled level of transparency and immutability, rendering the technology exceptionally secure and trustworthy. Historically rooted in the realm of cryptocurrency – most notably with Bitcoin in 2009 – blockchain's applicability has, over the past decade, expanded far beyond the confines of digital currencies (Nelaturu et al., 2022.

In the financial sector, for instance, blockchain holds the promise to dramatically streamline operations, eliminate intermediaries, and significantly reduce the time and costs associated with transactions.

Traditional banking systems, often criticised for their bureaucratic tendencies and inefficiencies, stand to benefit immensely from the adoption of this technology (Kursh and Gold, 2016).

Smart contracts, self-executing contracts with terms directly written into code, epitomise the automation capabilities offered by blockchain. They not only expedite transactions but also ensure that contractual agreements are unerringly adhered to, minimising disputes and enhancing trust amongst parties (Fosso Wamba et al., 2020).

Furthermore, the realm of supply chain management is witnessing transformative changes, courtesy of blockchain. With the ability to provide an immutable, transparent record of every product's journey from its source to the consumer, blockchain offers unparalleled traceability.

Such transparency not only bolsters consumer trust but also aids in swiftly identifying inefficiencies or fraudulent activities within the supply chain (Lee and Low, 2018).

Additionally, the healthcare sector is exploring blockchain's potential in ensuring the security and privacy of patient data. With data breaches becoming increasingly commonplace, a system that can securely and immutably store sensitive information is of paramount importance (Kumari and Devi, 2022).

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Application Being Focused On Here 

In the rapidly evolving digital sphere, three salient applications of blockchain are under deliberation for their profound implications within the financial domain. Firstly, the technology serves as a robust mechanism for secure digital transactions and the execution of smart contracts (Susanto et al., 2022).

These self-enforcing contracts, encrypted within the blockchain, activate transactions automatically upon meeting predefined criteria, thereby enhancing efficiency whilst ensuring adherence to contractual terms (Xu, Chen and Kou, 2019).

Secondly, the arena of digital identity management is witnessing transformative strides, courtesy of blockchain. In a world riddled with identity theft and data breaches, the necessity for a secure, immutable system for verifying and managing digital identities is paramount (Pompella and Matousek, 2021).

Blockchain offers a decentralised solution, ensuring that individuals' personal information remains incorruptible and safeguarded from unauthorised access. Lastly, the burgeoning realm of cryptocurrencies presents a lucrative investment opportunity.

As digital assets, cryptocurrencies leverage blockchain's transparent and immutable characteristics, offering investors a novel avenue for portfolio diversification. By facilitating these investments, financial institutions can cater to the modern investor's appetite for innovation, whilst ensuring the integrity of the transactional process (Iqbal et al., 2021).

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Blockchain's Triad of Applications: An In-depth Analysis

In the contemporary digital landscape, blockchain's potential is not merely confined to the boundaries of cryptocurrencies. Its foundational principles, centred around decentralisation, transparency, and immutability, are being harnessed in an array of applications.

Delving deeper into the three focal areas elucidated earlier, one can discern the intricacies of blockchain's utility and its profound implications for the financial domain.

1.    Secure Digital Transactions and Smart Contracts: 

At the heart of blockchain's architecture lies its ability to facilitate transactions that are both transparent and tamper-proof. Given that every transaction is recorded across a distributed network and subjected to rigorous consensus protocols, the risk of fraudulent activities diminishes significantly. In this environment, smart contracts emerge as a natural progression (Renduchintala et al., 2022).

These digital contracts, encoded directly within the blockchain, execute predefined actions autonomously when specific conditions are met. The implications of this are manifold.

Financial institutions can sidestep the bureaucratic quagmire often associated with traditional contract enforcement, resulting in processes that are both swifter and less prone to human error (Nelaturu et al., 2022). Furthermore, the removal of intermediaries, a hallmark of blockchain, ensures reduced costs and heightened efficiency.

2.    Managing Digital Identities: 

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the safeguarding of one's digital identity becomes a paramount concern. Traditional systems, often siloed and centralised, present vulnerabilities that malevolent actors can exploit. Blockchain offers a radical departure from this paradigm (Kursh and Gold, 2016).

By distributing identity data across a network and encrypting it, the technology ensures that an individual's personal information remains both secure and under their control.

A singular, verified digital identity can be created for each individual, reducing the complexities associated with multiple credentials. This not only streamlines authentication processes but also significantly mitigates the risks of identity theft and fraud.

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3.    Investment in Cryptocurrencies: 

The meteoric rise of cryptocurrencies is inextricably linked to blockchain. As digital assets, they derive their value from their scarcity, security, and the trust engendered by the blockchain.

Offering clients, the opportunity to invest in cryptocurrencies allows financial institutions to tap into a burgeoning market, catering to an increasingly tech-savvy clientele (Fosso Wamba et al., 2020). Cryptocurrencies, being devoid of centralised control, offer investors a unique proposition – one characterised by potentially high returns and a measure of insulation from traditional market volatilities.

Furthermore, the transparent nature of blockchain ensures that every transaction is recorded and verifiable, lending credibility and trust to the entire investment process. In summation, blockchain, with its myriad applications, presents a transformative opportunity for the financial sector (Lee and Low, 2018).

The Multifaceted Application of Blockchain in the Financial Sector

1.    Secure Digital Transactions and Smart Contracts: 

Traditional financial transactions, often entangled in layers of bureaucracy and intermediaries, suffer from inefficiencies and vulnerabilities (Susanto et al., 2022). Blockchain's decentralised ledger system, by contrast, offers a streamlined alternative.

Each transaction, once verified by participants in the network, is chronologically added to the chain. This not only ensures transparency but also significantly reduces the potential for fraud.

Smart contracts are a paradigm change in this framework. According to the conditions of a contract or agreement, these programmable contracts automatically carry out, regulate, or record pertinent occurrences (Pompella and Matousek, 2021). 

2.    Management of Digital Identities: 

Identity theft and data breaches are becoming frighteningly common in the digital age. Due to their single points of failure, today's centralised systems frequently fall short in protecting sensitive user data (Xu et al., 2019).

Blockchain provides a creative answer to this conundrum. Digital identities are made safe and easily verifiable by decentralising and encrypting user data.

On the blockchain, every person may have a unique, unchangeable digital identity, guaranteeing smooth service access and significantly lowering the dangers connected to data mishandling or malicious assaults (Pompella and Matousek, 2021).

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3.  Investment in Cryptocurrencies: 

With their foundation in blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies open up new investing opportunities. They provide a level of financial independence never before possible because of its decentralised structure, which guarantees that they are not subject to state regulations or conventional financial institutions.

Financial institutions stand to gain from allowing cryptocurrency investments in two ways.

First of all, it capitalises on a young industry with enormous development potential (Kursh ad Gold, 2016). Additionally, investors might feel even more secure because of the immutability and transparency of transactions made possible by blockchain technology.

Potential investors are encouraged to have faith in digital currencies because of its cryptographic properties and the blockchain's decentralised ledger, which guarantee investments are safe and traceable. In conclusion, blockchain's multifarious applications in the financial sector are a testament to its transformative potential (Lee and Low, 2018). 

The Implications Of Blockchain for Auditors, Compliance Officers, and Organisational Prosperity

In the intricate labyrinth of financial oversight, auditors and compliance officers perennially grapple with the challenges of ensuring transparency, accuracy, and adherence to regulatory standards (Renduchintala et al., 2022).

Blockchain, with its avant-garde features, offers a suite of benefits that can substantially ameliorate these challenges, culminating in significant positive repercussions for the entire organisation (Kursh and Gold, 2016).

At the forefront, blockchain's immutable nature is a boon for auditors. Once data is inscribed onto the blockchain, it becomes tamper-evident, ensuring that any unauthorised alterations are instantly discernible (Lee and Low, 2018).

This unparalleled level of data integrity simplifies the audit process, as auditors can place augmented reliance on the veracity of the records, thus expediting audit timelines and enhancing efficiency.

For compliance officers, the decentralised and transparent nature of blockchain is a game-changer. The technology facilitates real-time monitoring of transactions, ensuring instantaneous detection of any non-compliant activities.

This proactive approach not only ensures adherence to regulatory standards but also significantly reduces the risks and costs associated with potential breaches (Xu et al., 2021).

From an organisational perspective, the benefits are manifold. Enhanced audit and compliance processes bolster stakeholder trust, a critical component for financial institutions in an age of skepticism (Iqbal et al., 2021). 

Ethical And Privacy Implications Of Blockchain Applications In The Financial Domain

In the contemporary milieu, as financial institutions gravitate towards the integration of blockchain technology, a thorough assessment of the ethical and privacy implications becomes indispensable (Nelaturu et al., 2022).

1.    Data Immutability and Ethical Concerns: 

The very cornerstone of blockchain is its immutability, meaning that once data is committed to the blockchain, it becomes virtually indelible. From an ethical standpoint, this poses significant dilemmas (Fosso Wamba et al., 2020). For instance, should a customer's personal data, mistakenly or unlawfully recorded, need rectification, the immutable nature of blockchain might impede such corrections.

2.    Privacy and Transparency Dichotomy: 

Blockchain's transparent nature ensures that transactions are open to verification by all participants in the network. However, this very transparency could inadvertently compromise the privacy of stakeholders (Lee and Low, 2018). 

3.    Impact on Staff Roles and Ethical Training: 

The integration of blockchain might render certain roles within the financial institution redundant, particularly those that act as intermediaries. This could lead to ethical dilemmas surrounding staff redundancy, retraining, and redeployment (Kumari and Devi, 2022).

4.    Cryptocurrency Investments and Ethical Oversight: 

Offering clients, the opportunity to invest in cryptocurrencies brings forth a suite of ethical concerns. The volatility of cryptocurrency markets, combined with their nascent regulatory frameworks, might expose clients to undue risks (Susanto et al., 2022).

5.    Digital Identity and Data Sovereignty: 

While blockchain offers robust solutions for digital identity management, it also raises questions about data sovereignty. As data becomes decentralised, spread across a global network of nodes, determining jurisdiction and control over this data becomes complex, potentially conflicting with regional data protection regulations (Pompella and Matousek, 2021).

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Fernandez-Vazquez, S., Rosillo, R., De La Fuente, D. and Priore, P., 2019. Blockchain in FinTech: A mapping study. Sustainability, 11(22), p.6366.
Fosso Wamba, S., Kala Kamdjoug, J.R., Epie Bawack, R. and Keogh, J.G., 2020. Bitcoin, Blockchain and Fintech: a systematic review and case studies in the supply chain. Production Planning & Control, 31(2-3), pp.115-142.
Iqbal, S., Hussain, M., Munir, M.U., Hussain, Z., Mehrban, S. and Ashraf, M.A., 2021. Crypto-currency: future of FinTech. In Research Anthology on Blockchain Technology in Business, Healthcare, Education, and Government (pp. 1915-1924). IGI Global.
Kumari, A. and Devi, N.C., 2022. The Impact of FinTech and Blockchain Technologies on Banking and Financial Services. Technology Innovation Management Review, 12(1/2).
Kursh, S.R. and Gold, N.A., 2016. Adding fintech and blockchain to your curriculum. Business Education Innovation Journal, 8(2), pp.6-12.
Lee, D.K.C. and Low, L., 2018. Inclusive fintech: blockchain, cryptocurrency and ICO. World Scientific.
Nelaturu, K., Du, H. and Le, D.P., 2022. A review of blockchain in fintech: taxonomy, challenges, and future directions. Cryptography, 6(2), p.18.
Pompella, M. and Matousek, R. eds., 2021. The Palgrave Handbook of FinTech and Blockchain. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
Renduchintala, T., Alfauri, H., Yang, Z., Pietro, R.D. and Jain, R., 2022. A survey of blockchain applications in the fintech sector. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 8(4), p.185.
Susanto, H., Ibrahim, F., Rosiyadi, D., Setiana, D., Susanto, A.K.S., Kusuma, N. and Setiawan, I., 2022. Securing Financial Inclusiveness Adoption of Blockchain FinTech Compliance. In FinTech Development for Financial Inclusiveness (pp. 168-196). IGI Global.
Xu, M., Chen, X. and Kou, G., 2019. A systematic review of blockchain. Financial Innovation, 5(1), pp.1-14.

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