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Applied Leadership theory in practice individual Report
  • 10

  • Course Code: B9MG125
  • University: Dublin Business School
  • Country: Ireland

Part A


This leadership study will focus mainly on Jeff Bezos, Amazon's creator and former CEO, and his unique leadership style.

This research aims to evaluate his strategy for managing change in relation to Kurt Lewin's three-stage model, in addition to examining how Bezos motivated his employees by employing concepts such as Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

Additionally, based on Daniel Goleman's theory, the research will focus on Bezos' emotional intelligence and its impact on his decision-making and team-building skills. This study will examine Jeff Bezos's leadership journey in depth, seeking commonalities between leadership theory and practice.

jeff bezos 

Figure 1: Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos
(Source: CNN, 2021)

Style of Leadership

Jeff Bezos' distinctive and revolutionary leadership style has set him apart from other CEOs and contributed significantly to Amazon's phenomenal success (Dorio, 2022). As a consequence, Amazon has become one of the world's most profitable companies. As Amazon's founder and former CEO, Bezos exhibited a distinctive management approach. This strategy emphasizes the big picture, new ideas, putting the customer first, taking calculated risks, and exceeding the status quo.

The leadership approach of Bezos was characterized by an unwavering focus on the long term and an openness to new ideas (Gradinaru et al., 2020). This remark demonstrates his willingness to take risks on high-stakes initiatives and endeavours that may not yield immediate profits but may eventually lead to game-changing discoveries.

"We are stubborn on vision. We are flexible on details," he says, summing up his approach to hazardous endeavours and ventures that may not pay off immediately but could lead to game-changing advancements in the long run. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is just one example of how the company was able to invest in new businesses that would become profitable as a result of this strategy.

Bezos's statement, "If you are competitor-focused, you have to wait until there is a competitor doing something. Being customer-focused allows you to be more pioneering." exemplifies his customer-focused leadership approach (Tongkachok et al., 2022). This consumer-centric strategy has improved Amazon's products, services, and overall customer experience. These modifications helped the company establish long-lasting relationships with its consumers.

Bezos distinguished himself as a leader by being willing to take even the most negligible risks. Bezos fostered an environment at Amazon that encouraged taking risks and learning from failure. "I knew that if I failed, I wouldn't regret that, but I knew the one thing I might regret is not trying.", he said. By taking this risk, Amazon outperformed its competitors by implementing innovative business practices and cutting-edge technology.

According to Bezos, "What we need to do is always lean into the future; when the world changes around you and when it changes against you – what used to be a tailwind is now a headwind – you have to lean into that and figure out what to do because complaining isn't a strategy." Amazon's expansion into fields like cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and space exploration (through Blue Origin) are all results of the encouragement of his staff to dream significant, and question established norms.

The innovative and revolutionary leadership style of Jeff Bezos is directly attributable to Amazon's culture of innovation and dedication to continuous development (Benmira and Agboola, 2021). Bezos is credited with devising the "Amazon Leadership Principles," which served as a set of guidelines by which employees made decisions and conducted themselves. These concepts contributed to the development of Amazon's culture, fostering customer-centricity, a sense of ownership, and a propensity for action. Amazon's rapid ascent to global superpower status was made possible by its dedication to these fundamental values.

Bezos' management style was lauded and criticized, the former for its contribution to Amazon's success and the latter for its apparent lack of worker empathy. Some critics have expressed concern about Amazon's demanding and intense work culture, which they call "frugality" or a "work-life imbalance." Amazon's labour practices and how it handles its employees have also been scrutinized. Some individuals were concerned that these methods might imperil the employees' health.

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Change Management Leadership

Jeff Bezos, the former CEO of Amazon and visionary entrepreneur, exhibited a change management leadership style consistent with Kurt Lewin's three-step approach to accomplishing organizational change: unfreeze, change, and refreeze. He navigated each phase and constantly generated new ideas within the organization.

Lewins Change Management Model 

Figure 2: Lewin's Change Management Model
(Source: Dzwigol et al., 2019)


In today's fast-paced business environment, Bezos realized that complacency could result in missed opportunities and a decline in performance. He saw the need to "defrost" the organization to abandon tradition and embrace new methods more easily.

Bezos' famous quote, "Invention requires a long-term willingness to be misunderstood," demonstrates his desire to challenge conventional wisdom and investigate unverified ideas.

Bezos urged Amazon employees to dispute established practices to cultivate creativity and new ideas frequently. He fostered an environment where people felt secure experimenting and taking calculated risks and where errors were viewed as learning opportunities.

According to a remark ascribed to Bezos, "I have made billions of dollars of failures at Amazon.com. Literally billions of dollars of failures." This frank admission of failure highlighted Bezos' belief in the importance of taking risks and learning from errors.

The "Day 1" mentality adopted by Amazon exemplifies Bezos' unfrozen disposition. Even as the company grew into a multinational corporation, he made a concerted effort to preserve its entrepreneurial ethos. Amazon remained flexible despite rapidly shifting consumer expectations and market conditions because it never stopped considering each day as "Day 1."

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"We expect all our businesses to have a positive impact on our top and bottom lines. Profitability is very important to us, or we wouldn't be in this business." Bezos' leadership style was characterized by ambitious goals and decisive action, whereas the transition phase involved implementing the change (Junnaid et al., 2020). As demonstrated in the preceding clause, Bezos values long-term growth and strategic objectives more than quarterly profits.

During Jeff Bezos' tenure as Amazon CEO, the company expanded into non-digital domains. Amazon has expanded its presence in grocery stores through acquisitions such as Whole Foods and revolutionary ventures such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), revolutionizing the cloud computing industry (Williams et al., 2022). These audacious endeavours demonstrated Bezos's willingness to take risks and invest large sums of money to disrupt existing industries and pursue new market opportunities.

In addition, Bezos encouraged his employees to act independently and have a voice in business decisions. As a result of a shared sense of commitment to the company's success, staff members were more willing to embrace change and put in wherever they could. This approach fostered a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship at Amazon. This remark demonstrates his desire to elicit criticism and encourage employees to examine and enhance current practices.


Bezos nurtured an environment that was receptive to new ideas and innovations but also recognized the need to codify established procedures. During the final phase, known as "refreeze," the new standards are firmly established throughout the organization. Once a new approach or initiative had proven to be successful, Bezos would work to implement it into Amazon's established procedures and norms.

The dedication of Amazon to customer contentment is a classic example of how to refreeze an organization (Solanki, 2019). One of Amazon's Leadership Principles, "Be customer-obsessed," has significantly impacted establishing the company's culture and guiding its decision-making. High levels of consumer satisfaction and loyalty may be correlated with Amazon's ongoing efforts to improve its customers' purchasing experiences.

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Motivating Teams 

Successful CEOs, such as the founder and former CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, recognize that motivating their employees is crucial to the company's success. His methods both motivated and engaged his personnel.

Bezos' leadership style may be analyzed using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, a critical motivational theory emphasizing the significance of meeting primary human wants to develop motivation and fulfilment (Nurjanah and Suherman, 2022).

Since Bezos understood the importance of having a highly motivated staff, he implemented Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory into his management practices.
Maslows hierarchy of needs

Figure 3: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
(Source: Nurjanah and Suherman, 2022

Meeting Basic Needs

Maslow places physiological and the desire for safety at the bottom of his hierarchy of needs. Bezos stressed the need to make workers feel safe and valued by providing for their basic needs (Walker-Werth, 2022). Among them were generous pay, excellent benefits, and a secure workplace. By providing for his workers' most basic needs, Bezos made it so they could devote themselves to their jobs without distraction.

Belonging and Camaraderie

Maslow's hierarchy of needs clarifies our need to be loved and accepted by others. Bezos understood that a happy and supportive work environment was vital to boosting productivity. He built a strong organizational culture that encouraged staff members to work together and set up open lines of communication (Fernandez-Villaverde and Ohanian, 2021). The Amazon Leadership Principles were crucial in fostering a team-oriented environment where everyone works towards the same goals.
His firm conviction in the value of teamwork and the alignment of staff interests with those of the company's owners and customers is shown by his quote: "If you are long-term oriented, customer interests and shareholder interests are aligned." Bezos also created a culture at Amazon that emphasized teamwork and cooperation.

Intrinsic Motivation

The pursuit of self-actualization and social approval is high on Maslow's list of needs. By giving his workers a say in company policy and a financial interest in the results of their labour, Bezos was able to tap into their inherent drive. He pushed the Amazon staff to quit passing the buck and start owning their work. Workers' feelings of purpose and happiness at work grew due to their improved capacity to make choices and engage meaningfully.

Bezos has created a culture that places a premium on and actively seeks opportunities for professional growth and development. (Gicquel et al., 2020) He realized that giving people room to develop their skills would inspire them to work more. Once, Jeff Bezos stated, "You have to be willing to be misunderstood if you're going to innovate." Bezos encourages people to take chances and try new things by making this comment, creating an atmosphere where people feel safe trying new things and striving for greater heights.

Bezos fostered a culture of competence at Amazon by encouraging the development of workers via training and promotion chances. Employees' dedication and devotion grew as a result of this form of intrinsic motivation, which was fuelled by employees' personal development and a feeling of success.

Impact on Amazon's Success

Success and growth at Amazon have skyrocketed under Jeff Bezos' leadership. He did this by stressing the need of creating a company culture where effort is appreciated and rewarded. The result was a pleasant and productive place of employment for his staff. Because of this, output went up, staff turnover went down, and morale went up.

Bezos's insistence on workers taking on more responsibility and power might be a big factor in Amazon's unique culture. Staff members were pushed to pursue their interests and try new things, which led to the creation of ground-breaking new goods and services. As an early adopter of cloud computing, Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a prime example of this forward thinking.

A strong feeling of community and collaboration has been ingrained within Amazon's workforce thanks to the company's efforts to foster an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual support. By encouraging employees to speak their minds and share relevant information, Amazon was able to swiftly respond to shifting market conditions and satisfy customer demands.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EI) is the capacity to identify and manage one's own emotions as well as those of oneself and others. The current chairman of the board and founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, showed exceptional emotional intelligence throughout his tenure as CEO.

Bezos placed a high importance on many of the characteristics that make up emotional intelligence, including introspection, regulation of one's emotions, sympathy, and communication (Hashimy et al., 2023). Emotional intelligence has gained widespread attention because of the work of Daniel Goleman.
Daniel Goleman's Emotional Intelligence

Figure 4: Daniel Goleman's Emotional Intelligence Ingredients
(Source: Benmira and Agboola, 2021)


Bezos has the EQ and self-awareness necessary for successful leadership. Having a firm grasp on one's own identity is crucial to developing emotional intelligence. He had confidence in his own ingenuity and willingness to take risks, which he used to propel Amazon's growth in novel and daring ways (Hashimy et al., 2023). By soliciting feedback, Bezos demonstrated humility and an openness to improvement. This shows his willingness to adapt and learn. He was self-aware enough to see his own strengths and places for improvement, and he utilized this knowledge to assemble a diverse and gifted group of people to help him fill in the blanks.

Emotional Self-Regulation

Bezos's ability to maintain his calm and keep working under enormous pressure makes him an inspiration. Because of his position as leader, he was subjected to intense examination from both within and outside the organization (Benmira and Agboola, 2021). Bezos remained calm and focused on Amazon's long-term goals despite the company's difficulties. As he puts it, "We are willing to be misunderstood for long periods of time," he shows that he can take criticism in stride and is determined to keep Amazon afloat no matter what. 


Amazon's customer-first strategy showed Bezos' empathy. He brought a deep understanding of consumer wants and preferences to Amazon's customer-centric strategy (Mooers, 2020). According to Bezos, "The best customer service is if the customer doesn't need to call you, doesn't need to talk to you. It just works." demonstrating his customer-centric focus on simplifying their lives.

Bezos was also a compassionate leader because he cared about the welfare of his employees. He recognized the need to create a positive and uplifting environment for his employees, where they could feel valued and appreciated for their efforts. Using this empathetic strategy, Amazon was able to establish a culture of devotion and loyalty among its employees.

Relationship Management

Bezos excelled at relationship management, which requires the skilful application of emotional intelligence to inspire and persuade others. He was admired for his leadership qualities, particularly his ability to inspire others to work towards a common goal. Bezos was able to gain the trust and respect of employees, investors, and consumers through his transparent and direct communication style.

Bezos also placed a premium on sustaining positive relationships with Amazon's diverse constituencies, including customers, investors, and business partners (Al-Dhuhouri et al., 2020). Bezos fostered long-term relationships with Amazon's consumers by accentuating the significance of the company's long-term goals and delivering what they desired. These two factors contributed to Amazon's ongoing expansion.

Therefore, Jeff Bezos' leadership style is modelled after Daniel Goleman's widely acclaimed emotional intelligence. Due to his self-awareness, he was able to optimize his assets while addressing his weaknesses, resulting in a healthy and diverse pool of leadership options.

Bezos was able to steer Amazon with an eye toward the future because of his ability to control his emotions in the face of adversity and criticism (Cissna et al., 2023). His empathetic approach to business is primarily responsible for Amazon's reputation as a customer- and people-centric organization, as evidenced by his emphasis on employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction.

Bezos' interpersonal management skills were also essential for nurturing collaboration, gaining the support of key personnel, and establishing long-term consumer relationships. By incorporating emotional intelligence into his leadership strategy, Bezos was able to steer Amazon through challenging business circumstances. As a result, the company achieved worldwide prominence in e-commerce and technology.


Jeff Bezos's leadership at Amazon demonstrates a high degree of emotional intelligence because he has demonstrated self-awareness, control over his emotions, empathy for others, and skill in managing interpersonal relationships.

Amazon's rise to prominence as a customer-focused, innovative company was dependent on his ability to recognize and manage a wide spectrum of emotions. Bezos was able to create a fruitful and motivating work environment by putting equal emphasis on consumer needs and employee welfare.

Amazon is presently recognized as a global leader in its industry due to its creativity and benevolence.

Part B


In this reflective piece, I will use Gibbs' Reflective cycle to ruminate on what I have learned about leadership and self-discovery during this training. Several assessments and insights have helped me gain a deeper understanding of my own leadership style and approach.

This voyage will investigate how the things I have learned about myself will influence my future contributions as a potential employee, utilizing my strengths and concentrating on areas where I can improve my leadership and cooperation skills.

Gibbs Reflective Cycle

(Source: Pinterest, 2023)
Figure 5: Gibbs' Reflective Cycle



I undertook numerous tests (Attached as Appendices), each of which taught me something new about myself and my personality, team roles, growth mindset, leadership motivation, and leadership style. The DISC analysis of my personality revealed my aggressive and creative tendencies, as well as my propensity to generate and implement original concepts.

I also have a natural propensity for creating and implementing novel ideas. I am able to maintain composure in the face of severe criticism and consistently strive to improve my performance. However, the exam revealed that I have a tendency to avoid taking risks, an area in which I must develop.

On the Belbin Team Roles Test, I received a "Team Worker" result. This title represents the fact that I like working with people and am always prepared to assist when needed. This is consistent with my firm belief that a group's efforts can be multiplied by working together.

According to the results of the growth mindset test, my views on intelligence and education frequently oscillate between a fixed mentality and a growth mentality. In addition, my test of growth mindset revealed that I had a general outlook. I learned that one must constantly maintain a development perspective in order to make continuous advancement in oneself and one's work.

The Leadership motivation assessment validated my strong desire to take command and lead others. This insight corresponds with my objective of encouraging constructive growth and collective endeavour. This evaluation has strengthened my resolve to pursue leadership opportunities, as I perceive leadership as a position from which positive change can be effected.


The majority of the feedback I have received from my evaluations has been beneficial, as it confirms my own perspectives and experiences. The fact that I scored as a Team Worker on the Belbin Team Roles Test correlates significantly with my delight in interacting with others and my belief that we can achieve greater success by combining our individual efforts. This affirmation validates my innate desire to thrive in a collaborative setting.

After taking the DISC test, one of the most important things I learned about myself was that I avoid situations that require me to take risks. While I believe that exercising caution in certain circumstances is prudent, I have found that averting all risks is detrimental to my personal and professional development (Abdullahi et al., 2020).

This realization has heightened awareness of the need for a more comprehensive strategy. I want to take calculated risks with enthusiasm in order to foster innovation and expansion. It is now obvious to me that abandoning my comfort zone and taking calculated risks may result in the acquisition of invaluable learning opportunities and possibly life-altering achievements.

The results of the growth mindset assessment have also provided me with insight into my overall growth mentality, highlighting potential development areas. I have recognized that my perspectives on intelligence and learning may oscillate between a "growth mindset," in which I see the potential in hard work and continued education, and a "fixed mentality," in which I artificially limit my potential by viewing certain talents as innate and unchangeable.

I have fluctuated between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset regarding my intellect and capacity to learn, leading me to this conclusion. The key to overcoming the limitations I have imposed on myself and realizing my maximum potential is adopting a growth mindset and implementing it consistently in all aspects of my life.

To become the most effective leader possible, I intend to continue cultivating a growth mindset and taking calculated risks (Nurjanah and Suherman, 2022). These two procedures complement one another well.

With the knowledge I have garnered from this article, I will be able to utilize my abilities more effectively, address my weaknesses, and contribute meaningfully in any professional setting. My dedication to self-reflection and growth has bolstered my confidence in my capacity to make a positive difference and flourish in environments that require leadership and cooperation.

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Examining the test results has been both engaging and reassuring for me. This is due to the fact that many of the observations matched my own knowledge and findings. I was not surprised by the Belbin Team Roles Test's conclusion that I am a Team Worker.

Since I can remember, working with others towards a common goal has been one of the most pleasant aspects of my profession. This affirmation has bolstered my belief in the power of collaboration and its capacity to accomplish tasks that would be beyond the capabilities of an individual working alone (Cao and Le, 2022).

As a team member, I flourish in environments that encourage open communication, mutual support, and the sharing of ideas for the greater good.

Nonetheless, knowing that I tend to avoid taking risks, as revealed by the DISC personality test, has sparked my creativity. In certain situations, fear is a natural emotion, but I have found that an inordinate anxiety of taking risks can impede one's personal and professional development.

This has made me realize how crucial it is to establish a balance between creativity and appropriate risk-taking. Recent events have demonstrated that taking risks can lead to excellent learning opportunities and new professional and personal relationships.

By taking the growth mindset exam, I was able to gain insight into a vital aspect of my approach to learning and development. Due to my lack of a differentiated development perspective, my beliefs regarding intelligence and learning may oscillate between viewing abilities as malleable and regarding effort and ability as innate (Drigas and Papoutsi, 2019).

As a result, my perspectives on what constitutes intelligence and the capacity to learn may change. This realization has inspired me to develop a more tenacious and unyielding growth mindset. Knowing that I am capable of adapting and growing over time will give me confidence when confronted with obstacles.

Concurrently, I recognize the need to leave my comfort zone and expose myself to the possibility of taking calculated risks in order to stimulate creativity and advance progress. If I am able to maintain a growth mindset, I will be able to adjust effectively to new challenges, make gradual progress towards my objectives, and enthusiastically embrace change.

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The examination of my "undifferentiated growth mindset" has been a monumental enlightenment that has enhanced my understanding of my beliefs regarding intelligence and the potential for development (Aitken and Von Treuer, 2021). My perspective oscillates between the two extremes if I fail to distinguish between what is inherent and what is learned. This demonstrates that I believe talent can be enhanced through diligent practice. This discovery has illuminated the extent to which external stimuli can influence my perspective.

Understanding this aspect of my thought process is crucial because it reveals crucial truths about how I respond to obstacles and growth opportunities. The more I incline towards a fixed mentality, the more likely it is that I will inadvertently impose limitations on myself by concluding that I have no room for improvement in certain areas of ability or aptitude. This may make me less inclined to try new activities or conduct research on topics for which I feel unprepared.

People with a growth mentality view challenges as opportunities to progress and improve themselves rather than as problems to be addressed (Nurjanah and Suherman, 2022). Individuals who make an honest effort and persevere in the face of adversity, viewing it as an opportunity to learn and grow in the future, are, in my opinion, the most successful.

My path to becoming a leader requires me to fathom this aspect of my disposition. Because I am capable of assuming leadership roles, I must approach all obstacles and new responsibilities with a growth mindset (Benmira and Agboola, 2021). Adopting a growth mindset and instilling it in my team would significantly enhance my capacity to assume leadership responsibilities that place a premium on learning and development.

I intend to employ a variety of strategies to consciously develop a growth mindset in every aspect of my life and on my path to leadership. I will force myself to be receptive to new experiences and challenges, regardless of how intimidating they may initially appear. I will behave in this fashion on purpose. Keeping in mind that my diligence and perseverance may result in a promotion will encourage me to tackle tasks that initially appear challenging.


This training has substantially altered my understanding of my leadership style and my approach. Knowing that my outgoing and inventive personality, combined with my strong desire to take command of situations, makes me an asset in any collaborative environment has boosted my confidence in my leadership abilities. As a result of my dedication to cooperation and belief in the efficacy of collaboration, I have positioned myself as an integral part of a strong group dynamic.

Nonetheless, the realizations I have had about my dread of taking risks have served as a necessary wake-up call. This has made me realize how crucial it is to establish a balance between keeping it safe and taking calculated risks in order to foster growth and development. Taking calculated risks allows me to venture into uncharted territory and test the limits of my abilities, which may lead to the discovery of new possibilities and possibly the creation of advancements.

Another important realization is that I approach programming without bias. Recognizing the changes in my perspectives on intellect and learning that have transpired over the course of my life has motivated me to cultivate a growth mindset in all aspects of my life and leadership path. I am able to approach problems with enthusiasm and view setbacks as opportunities for growth because I have unreservedly adopted the notion that I am capable of evolving as an individual.

Going forward, I am determined to implement these concepts not only in my professional but also in my personal life (Görgens-Ekermans and Roux, 2021). If hired, I will utilize my propensity for cooperation and my leadership skills to contribute significantly to initiatives that require a large number of people. I will aggressively pursue opportunities to lead, inspire, and drive positive change while providing my team with all the tools and autonomy they require to flourish.

Action Plan

I intend to pursue leadership positions that foster collaboration and creativity, to consistently take calculated risks and cultivate a growth mindset, and to create a team environment that is conducive to and supportive of individual development.

To begin, I intend to seek out leadership positions in organizations that encourage collaborative problem-solving. I would like to actively participate in events and endeavours that cultivate cooperation because I believe that our combined efforts have the potential to produce greater results than any of us could achieve individually (Stawasz, 2019). As a leader, I can cultivate a culture of innovation and creativity by fostering open communication, mutual respect, and the unrestricted exchange of ideas among my staff.

Second, I have resolved to forsake my tendency to always choose the safest option in lieu of taking calculated risks. If I want to grow as a person and as a professional, I must place myself in challenging circumstances. I recognize that taking on new challenges can lead to thrilling new opportunities and significant personal growth, so I actively search for challenges and opportunities to do so. In my proactive risk assessment, I will consider the numerous advantages and growth opportunities associated with venturing into uncharted territory.

Developing a development mindset will also be an ongoing objective of mine as I pursue a position of leadership. I want to be proactive in pursuing feedback and will attempt to view failures as opportunities for growth. Inculcating a growth mindset in every aspect of my life would enable me to not only enhance my abilities and acclimatize to new circumstances but also to motivate others to do the same.

If recruited, I will bring a strong work ethic, a willingness to attempt new things, and the desire to foster a cooperative, growth-oriented team atmosphere. I will set a positive example for my employees by adhering to the same conduct expectations I have for them. By establishing a supportive and encouraging environment, I will encourage my team members to think outside the box, complete their education, and advance in their respective industries.

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Appendix 1: Leadership style analysis

Leadership Style Analysis

(Source: Leadership Style Analysis Test, 2023)

Appendix 2: Leadership Motivation Assessment

leadership motivation assessment

(Source: Leadership Motivation Assessment Test, 2023)

Appendix 3: Growth Mindset Test

growth mindset test

(Source: Growth Mindset Test, 2023)


Appendix 4: DISC Personality Model Test

 Disc personality model test

(Source: DISC Personality Model Test, 2023)

Appendix 5: Belbin Team Roles Test

Belbin Team Roles Test 

(Source: Belbin Team Roles Test, 2023)

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