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A Comparative Analysis Of Network Marketing Strategy Between BMW And Mercedes-Benz Automobile
  • 2

  • Course Code: ERCI 709
  • University: University of Chichester
  • Country: United Kingdom


In today's dynamic auto industry landscape, where digital marketing plays a pivotal role, this study delves into the innovative strategies employed by industry giants like Mercedes-Benz and BMW. By focusing on precision advertising and leveraging the power of “we-media”, these brands have successfully navigated the digital realm.

Emotional marketing and crossover advertising have proven effective, appealing to a wider audience. Notably, the infusion of youth-centric approaches in marketing has revitalized their campaigns.

Data integration, meticulous public image management, and critical data analysis have emerged as crucial factors in auto marketing. This research underscores the significance of value-based marketing, online aggregation, offline experiences, linguistically precise advertising, and intelligent relationship management.

Implementing these strategies has not only boosted sales and customer relations but also enhanced market share and reliability for these businesses.

By emphasizing these key aspects, marketing executives in the auto industry can optimize their digital marketing endeavors, fostering increased visibility, customer engagement, and overall efficiency in the competitive market. Stay ahead in the auto industry by embracing these innovative techniques.

Key words: Digital Marketing Strategies, Precision Advertising, Emotional Marketing, Youth Infusion, Data Integration 


I acknowledge the staff and lecturers at the University of Chichester who have been helpful to me in pursuit of my studies. I acknowledge my supervisor and friends, who have also been important and helped me understand and conceptualise the research. I acknowledge my family for the space to learn and the support throughout the research and learning process. 

Chapter 1 : Introduction

1.1 Introduction

Marketing and communication have encountered a surprising change with the fast headways in innovation, especially in utilising marketing information and data analytics. The landscape of mass communication continues to change in the digital age, providing individuals with constantly changing sources of information.

The vast expanses of the Internet, mobile phones, and various network media now encompass commercial advertisement, previously restricted to traditional channels. As mechanical reception speed is vital in deciding a business' upper hand in marketing and client satisfaction, organisations should adjust quickly to remain ahead (Palmatier and Steinhoff, 2019).

Advanced advertising has acquired noticeable quality since the turn of the twenty-first century, particularly recently, as web utilisation and internet business deals have become more inescapable (Saura et al., 2019). Researchers have extensively studied digital marketing-related concepts and methodologies.

For example, Ward Sen presented the significant effect of the Internet on promoting exercises and illustrated the central standards of web showcasing, including its activity interaction and execution plan. In 2005, Judy Strauss emphasised that the essence of network marketing is creating value for customers through information technology, promoting and communicating this value, and effectively managing relationships with customers.

As the idea of advanced promoting developed, qualifications between network advertising and customary showcasing became clear, especially concerning connection and knowledge. According to Desai (2019), "digital marketing" encompasses various strategies, including websites, digital advertising, and email marketing.

Additionally, Nobre emphasised in 2014 that medium-sized and small businesses can benefit from online marketing. For example, using Facebook advertising empowers these endeavours to improve client connection, in this manner helping brand mindfulness, which is critical for their development and achievement.

The research study focuses on conducting a comparative analysis of network marketing strategies employed by two prominent automobile companies, BMW and Mercedes-Benz. In the context of rapid technological advancements and innovative marketing campaigns, the study aims to examine how these companies have adapted to the power of the Internet, exploring the effectiveness of their digital display efforts.

The research delves into the specific features of digital marketing that distinguish it from traditional advertising (Choi et al., 2020). By analyzing the approaches of BMW and Mercedes-Benz, the study seeks to provide valuable insights into the evolving digital landscape and the importance of agility for businesses. 

1.2 Justification of the Study

Network marketing strategies allude to the utilization of social networks, online platforms, and digital channels to advance items and administrations, create brand awareness, and engage with potential customers. This approach leverages social media, influencers, and online networks to expand reach and encourage relationships (Kassab, 2023).

On the other hand, online marketing conditioning involves shaping consumer perceptions and behaviors through consistent online interactions, content creation, and targeted messaging. It aims to influence customer inclinations and attitudes towards a brand or item. The two strategies are essential components of current marketing, enabling companies like BMW and Mercedes-Benz to adapt to the digital age, connect with their audience, and gain an upper hand in the market.

Albeit other promoting blend hypotheses, like the 4Cs and 4Rs, were proposed later, they need to match the reasonableness and relevance of the 4P worldview. Each of the four Ps allows customers and manufacturers to interact in real-time. In addition, customers seek out emotional and practical stimulation to meet their requirements. Moreover, the web has become an essential milestone for showcasing in the auto business today (Ilyas et al., 2021). Organisations mean to arrive at their objective client satisfaction through different web-based systems. As a result, the typical automobile companies BMW and Mercedes-Benz's network marketing strategies are compared in this paper.

The existing literature highlights the transformative impact of the new media era on consumer behaviors and consumption psychology, emphasizing the importance of effective brand-consumer interactions in the fiercely competitive modern market.

However, there is a distinct lack of comprehensive research comparing the network marketing strategies of major automobile brands like BMW and Mercedes-Benz (Sett et al., 2020). This research aims to bridge this gap by conducting a detailed comparative analysis of their approaches, addressing the homogeneity issue and lack of sustained market presence.

By identifying successful strategies and areas of improvement in their network marketing efforts, this study intends to provide valuable insights for automobile companies striving to navigate the challenges of the new media era, making the research essential in understanding and enhancing marketing practices in the industry.

1.3 Problem Statement

The modern business landscape is marked by intense competition and dynamic market trends. In this context, understanding the network marketing strategies employed by leading automobile giants like BMW and Mercedes-Benz is crucial. Despite being in the same industry, these companies may adopt distinct approaches to network marketing, impacting their market positioning and customer engagement differently (Kapitan and Silvera, 2016).

This study aims to conduct a comprehensive comparative analysis of the network marketing strategies employed by BMW and Mercedes-Benz automobiles. By examining their strategies, this research seeks to identify the key differences, challenges, and successes, providing valuable insights for businesses aiming to enhance their network marketing tactics in the highly competitive automotive sector.

1.4 Research Aim, Objectives and Questions

1.4.1 Research Aim

The main goal of this study is to compare the network marketing strategies embraced by BMW and Mercedes- Benz to determine the strategy they use to attract clients, convert technology into real deals volume, and attain the recognition and character of consumers.

Through varied online marketing conditioning, clients are organised to pay attention to products, gain points, win gifts or boons, and attract further implicit clients’ attention utilising contagion transmission so as to serve as the base for deals conversion and expand brand leverage.

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1.4.2 Research Objectives

a) To critically evaluate the main network marketing strategies both BMW and Mercedes-Benz. These companies has adopted in their current business models by conducting in-depth case studies, analyzing their distributorship programs, and assessing the utilization of digital platforms and social media for network marketing.

b) To analyze the effects of the current network marketing strategies on the competitiveness and marketing proficiency of both BMW and Mercedes-Benz. Through comparative performance metrics, customer satisfaction surveys, and competitor benchmarking.

c) To develop recommendations for improving network marketing strategies at BMW and Mercedes-Benz. By focusing on enhancing customer engagement, expanding the distributor network, and optimizing online presence based on insights from industry research and best practices.

1.4.3 Research Questions

a) What are the distinctive network marketing strategies implemented by BMW and Mercedes-Benz in their current business models?

b) How do the existing network marketing strategies impact the competitiveness and marketing expertise of BMW and Mercedes-Benz?

c) What are the potential enhancements that BMW and Mercedes-Benz can make in their network marketing strategies to augment their market competitiveness?

1.5 Purpose of the Study

This research will benefit the marketing and sales department of both BMW and Mercedes-Benz, as well as other companies in the automotive industry, to improve their marketing strategies and technologies.

Network marketing is an important element of modern marketing, meaning this research serves all businesses to understand how the modern marketing environment is evolving and how they can leverage the tools they have to be competitive.

Another purpose of this study is to help BMW and Mercedes-Benz understand their customers better and develop marketing strategies tailored to their needs and behaviours on the Internet.

Modern consumer trends are informed by technological advancement and the availability of information, meaning this study will be beneficial to the marketing department to understand how consumers in the modern market have the latest information shared.

For consumers, this study serves them to understand the network marketing strategies used by their favourite brands to understand how to consume information shared and benefit from such information in more productive and effective ways.

1.6 Significance of the Research Scope

This study aims to conduct a comparative analysis of network marketing strategies employed by BMW and Mercedes-Benz in the automotive industry. The research will explore the evolving landscape of marketing information, emphasizing the integration of modern technology, specifically network marketing, in the automotive sector.

By understanding the effectiveness of previous network marketing initiatives and evaluating strategies adopted by these renowned companies, this research seeks to identify potential improvements and innovative implementations (Chikweche, 2018).

The study's importance lies in providing valuable insights for BMW and Mercedes-Benz, enabling them to enhance their internal processes, compare with industry best practices, and develop targeted online marketing strategies.

The findings will also benefit other businesses looking to leverage intuitive network marketing tools and adapt to the changing technological landscape, ensuring continuous improvement and expansion of customer bases.

1.7 Limitations to the Study

The study is limited by time. With this study only lasting a short period of time, it is not possible to understand all the workings of network marketing in BMW and Mercedes-Benz.

The study would need a minimum of two years to fully understand the internal workings and approaches that I used by these companies.

Grounded on the present exploration at home and abroad, numerous experts and scholars are at home and abroad in learning-commerce and online marketing.

These exploration results give a good hypothetical base for researchers who'll later study related consequences, provide a good authority for writing this paper, and give an elementary idea for the study of BMW and Benz's online marketing strategy optimisation.  

1.8 Summary

This chapter has given a general overview of the marketing activities at BMW and Mercedes- Benz, especially fastening on ultramodern technology and network marketing. By securing these areas, this chapter has helped to establish the study's establishment and a clear understanding of the need and substance of this exploration.

The chapter has also established the tone for the study by underscoring the end, objects, and questions that will guide the study, as well as showing the significance and defense of the study. Communication on the Internet is characterized by a number of positive characteristics, particularly through the capability to accurately target, epitomize, interact and measure, and all with fairly low costs.

Network marketing is an integral part of an enterprise's overall marketing strategy. Whether it's traditional or network marketing, its purpose is to complete deals by spreading the enterprise's brand, product, price and creation strategy. Online and online downloads are different, but the content they carry is the same. 

Businesses must be good at using the network as a carrier and use more effective and transparent means conducive to barring information asymmetry to convey our brand conception and product advantages to consumers. At the same time, it's also an essential link in the marketing process to fulfil their commitments and ameliorate their own failings according to commerce and communication with consumers.

In the unborn automotive request, the utmost of the deals will likely be concentrated on many leading brands after multiple duplications, just like consumer electronics, smartphones and other requests. At present, BMW and Mercedes Benz are good at products, elevations, services and other aspects of the competition, and they are all high-quality players with lesser openings to win the competition. 

Chapter 2 : Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

In developing the conceptual framework for the comparative analysis of BMW and Mercedes-Benz’s network marketing strategies, I drew upon the Marketing Mix framework, commonly known as the 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion). This established theory allowed for a structured analysis of the distinct approaches taken by BMW and Mercedes-Benz in their online marketing strategies.

By examining their product positioning, pricing strategies, online presence (Place), and promotional efforts, a comprehensive understanding of their network marketing strategies emerged. This framework served as a foundation to justify, validate, and organize the comparative analysis within the given context.

2.2 Analysis of BMW network marketing strategy

BMW's marketing strategy has evolved significantly over time. In the year 2000, confronted with the test of declining deals, BMW acquainted another correspondence system to rejuvenate its image. Working as a team with Fallon Around the World, a promoting organisation, BMW carried out a creative publicising effort based on a progression of long-structure films named "The Recruit." These movies were delivered with high creation values, looking like full-length include films instead of conventional publicising content, prompting a fruitful correspondence impact (Estephano80, 2008).

2.2.1 Innovative Film-Making Approach in "The Hire" Campaign

The case of "The Hire" changed how film and advertising worked together. Fallon Overall carefully arranged the mission and executed it by the Mysterious Substance Film Organization. Eight eminent movie chiefs from different nations were enrolled to make films that displayed various parts of BMW, every chief bringing their special shooting style to the undertaking. The main character, played by actor Clive Owen, was the link between the eight brand films.

2.2.2 Impact and Success of "The Hire"

One of the basic variables adding to the outcome of "The Recruit" was its capacity to convey an unmistakable diversion experience to the crowd contrasted with customary publicising films. This new methodology gathered worldwide approval, acquiring various publicising grants and honours, alongside supporting BMW's yearly deals by 12.5% in 2000, accomplishing the brand's best deals record to date (Koçak, 2020).

2.2.3 Strategic Execution and Industry Influence of "The Hire"

However, BMW's “The Hire” did not simply happen to win. The mission exemplified the capability of coordinated promoting for business brands, apportioning expanded money-related spending plans and growing the size of execution, splitting away from the regular standards of film and publicising ventures. While it was not the main example of online business publicising films, the extent of its effect carried huge thoughtfulness regarding this new promoting approach. Additionally, "The Hire" provided other commercial brands with valuable lessons by introducing a novel operational concept for film production techniques, particularly in network communication.

2.2.4 Long-Term Legacy and Evolution of BMW's Marketing Through "The Hire"

BMW's showcasing methodology has developed with time, and "The Recruit" lobby is a noteworthy accomplishment. Through creative film cooperation and a takeoff from customary publicising standards, BMW effectively renewed its image picture and accomplished wonderful deals development.

By embracing coordinated showcasing approaches and rethinking the limits among film and promoting, "The Recruit" had an enduring impact on the business, affecting resulting promoting efforts and preparing for additional opportunities in network correspondence for business brands.

 bmw global automobile sales

Figure 1: BMW Global Automobile Sales from 2012 to 2021 (unit: 10 000)
(Source: Statista 2023)

2.2.5 Distributed we-media marketing strategy

The emergence of "we-media" has revolutionised marketing communication by giving businesses greater autonomy and control over their marketing efforts and providing brand owners with a direct means of engaging users. In the "we-media" era, Rissanen (2023) highlights two primary characteristics of automobile marketing: enhanced interactive communication and personalised development of communication services.

In 2020, BMW launched the My BMW App, which offered BMW owners and enthusiasts a forum for community interaction. The application, related to the brand's true site, offers customised administrations, counsels and opens doors for correspondence and sharing.

BMW strategically placed a focus video on the homepage of the well-known video platform Youku to increase visibility and draw attention. This viral video advertising approach prevailed regarding expanding openness and catching the interest of netizens.

Besides, after the send-off of their new vehicle, BMW supplemented the video's delivery with an abundance of data on various auto vertical sites (Kukkamalla et al., 2020).

Utilising tension-promoting methods, BMW keenly provoked clients' interest, continuously constructing expectations and energy. By decisively uncovering data bit-by-bit, they successfully directed clients' assumptions to arrive at an exhilarating peak.

The approach of "we-media" has changed the scene of showcasing correspondence, permitting brands like BMW to manufacture direct associations with their crowd and exercise more noteworthy command over their promoting procedures. Through their My BMW App and strategic viral video marketing, BMW has implemented personalised communication services, interactive engagement, and adaptability to the "we-media" era. They can also generate excitement and anticipation for their brand and products.

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2.2.6 Precision marketing strategy under technology empowerment

In the realm of modern business strategies, the transformative impact of information technology is vividly exemplified by the paradigm shift in marketing approaches adopted by automobile giants like BMW and Mercedes-Benz. Leveraging the vast pool of data generated through user interactions on auto websites, these companies delve deep into consumer behavior analysis (Yu et al., 2020).

By meticulously sifting through this information, implicit consumers are identified, paving the way for targeted and substantiated advertising campaigns. Through algorithm-driven recommendations grounded in big data, BMW and Mercedes-Benz can effectively reach out to potential buyers, tailoring their marketing efforts to suit the preferences and intentions of the audience.

This data-driven precision not only enhances marketing communication effectiveness but also fosters a dynamic environment where consumer needs are met with unparalleled accuracy and efficiency.

2.2.7 Emotional Marketing Strategy

BMW critically accentuates profound correspondence with buyers, leaving conventional publicising approaches that depend on master support.

Instead, the business uses microfilms and a "combination technology" of marketing events to implement emotional marketing using new media platforms. As Kattang et al. ( 2021) indicated, BMW decisively takes advantage of key opportunities and dispatches progressive brand microfilm promotions.

These short films and television shows, also known as microfilms, are made to be watched on new media platforms, allowing viewers to interact with them in mobile and short-term states. BMW effectively conveys the essence of its products and elicits consumer empathy through marketing events and compelling narratives.

The vice president of BMW Marketing, Stephane Koeppel, emphasised the significance of developing a tone-oriented, genuine, and meaningful brand (Kukkamalla et al., 2020). Expanding on this establishment, BMW centres around brand content and imaginative preparation.

Utilising different substance advertising devices, BMW generally spreads viral video seeds on significant standard BBS, catching clients' consideration and igniting conversations on various subjects.

The methodology includes a cautious method, starting conversations and progressively spreading among individuals to guarantee expansive support and natural commitment. By giving applicable data because of client collaborations, BMW fortifies the association between buyers and the brand without being excessively special.

Moreover, BMW benefits from the impact of interpersonal interaction locales (SNS) VIPs, who repost the viral recordings, growing their compass to a more extensive crowd and impressively affecting public conversations. This system upgrades the video's virality and expands its arrival across the populace.

BMW's promoting approach focuses on profound correspondence with customers. Withdrawing from conventional master supports, the organisation bridles the force of new media stages and microfilms to make convincing narrating and trigger shopper sympathy.

The brand spreads viral video seeds through standard BBS, starting conversations and upgrading associations without being excessively limited. By utilising SNS VIPs, BMW widens the video's span, producing an inescapable effect on open subjects and further intensifying its advertising endeavours. Through these essential measures, BMW effectively lays out a certified and significant brand presence in the hearts of its ideal interest group.

2.2.8 Crossover marketing strategy

BMW takes auto products as the foundation,  laboriously promotes cross-border cooperation of brands, and builds a multi-dimensional brand value chain. For instance, BMW has banded  with Alexander Wang in the fashion community and brands in the game sector to conduct cross-border marketing( Thumiger, 2021). BMW has achieved multi-dimensional advances in cross-border cooperation through new forms similar to backing, exposure, and joint engraved products.

2.2.9 Youthization Marketing Strategy

Generation Z, also known as the Internet generation, these youthful people born between 1995 and 2009 have gradationally become the main force of consumption. BMW is committed to seeking these " network  autochthons  " and realising the revivification of the brand by taking up spokespersons from the new generation and other means.

2.3 Analysis of Mercedes Benz network marketing strategy

mercedes benz global automotive sales
Figure 2: Global Automobile Sales of Mercedes Benz from 2012 to 2021 (unit: 10 000)

(Source: Statista 2023)

2.3.1 The precise positioning of its community

With the advancement of media, the regular showcasing technique enjoys lost its underlying benefits. Every item and administration in auto enterprises has come very impregnated. According to Beznitska (2023), Mercedes-Benz attempts to differentiate and produce its products despite unknown obstacles.

The foundation of Mercedes Benz's local area can utilise complex situating apparatuses behind the scenes to store by orientation, age, position, schooling status, working relationship, focal points and vital expressions of premium, and consolidate the information asset mining in DMS to identify advertising objects (Yao 2022) straightforwardly.

Through the joining of local area showcasing information and being DMS information, the large information of DMS can be transformed into a " live " data set, which can mirror each contact detail of visitors sooner rather than later and figure out the development purpose in promoting from these subtleties, which can enhance the viability of advertising expenses and all the more straightforwardly apply to promote moulding.

2.3.2 Complete item dissemination arranging

With the appearance of thorough systems administration, purchasers' propensities for utilising media and activities have changed over completely. To invigorate purchasers' copping want, draw in visitors, and produce business openings for sellers, Mercedes Benz dispatches a genuinely exhaustive item correspondence plan, with the occasional media consumption of farther than 1 billion bones.

For example, Wen( 2022) contends that in web-based publicising, buyers can neglect QR groups, register names, sexual orientations, cell phone figures and other data, and make an arrangement for a test drive, while disconnected showcasing, including golf brands, field guards, ticket covers, in-flight TV, film promoting, etc., considerably centres around improving brand openness openings, culminating shoppers ' grasping on brands, and lift bargains. 

Concerning promoting, Mercedes Benz shares publicising organisations with complete promoting showcasing, and the organisation is answerable for the execution of the promoting plan. In contrast, promoting media implies that publicising organisations are liable for the execution of vivid publicising organisations.
 mercedes benz expenditure
Figure :3 The Proportion of Mercedes-Benz’s Expenditure in Different Media Forms in 2019
(Source: Wu 2021)

2.3.3 Data integration in the context of the Internet

Data, like energy and equipment, will become a strategic resource as Internet technology advances. Who gets the large information will have the centre speak right. With the gathering of an enormous quantum of information and the relentless upgrade of information handling capacity, information will be a serious area of strength for the promoting moulding of endeavours. The key to being competitive will be to learn about the data.

Benz Automobile Company breaks the system's rules and uses colourful collection channels to combine data from a variety of sources in the execution of specific marketing strategies. Mercedes-Benz also combines other external data with the background data of community media marketing (Llopis-Albert et al. 2021). The unshaped data information will be successfully examined, and under the rule of individuals familiar, the part and work process will be utilised to advance the business progress.

Under the arrangement of feting the colossal worth of enormous information, the propensity for joint effort among individuals and divisions, affiliations and affiliations will be framed and put helpful information into activity. Data and information must be shared and utilised simultaneously between dealers and businesses in order to foster palm-to-palm cooperation (Fraga-Lamas and Fernández-Caramés, 2019). Along these lines, the information from various sources which reflect visitors ' inclinations and propensities from various limits is reasonable to give a far-reaching ace on visitors

2.3.4 The public picture behind the scenes of Web Showcasing

Business social obligation (CSR for short) alludes to the social obligation of ventures for laborers, purchasers, networks and the landscape while making gains and bearing pertinent legitimate liabilities for their investors. The business social obligation requires ventures not to accept benefit as the main ideal but rather likewise to give further consideration to individuals themselves and relate liabilities and grants to shoppers, society, and the territory in the item cycle (Filipović, 2020).

Likewise, transnational ventures can motion their obligation to an unfamiliar solicitation by adding their CSR moulding in the solicitation, which can conceal correspondence issues (Zahra et al. 2000) and the antagonistic merchandise of clairvoyant distance (Johanson and Vahlne, 1977).

In the climate of virtual entertainment showcasing, Mercedes Benz connects extraordinary importance to business social obligation. Web-based entertainment can spread each move of the venture to the followership energetically like an amplifying glass. Mercedes-Benz has done a good job of meeting its commercial social responsibility in this situation, achieving twice as much with half the effort required for brand marketing.

2.4 Conclusion

Online marketing is one of the most important strategies at this point for BMW and Mercedes-Benz. The significance of web-based advertising to them is displayed in the accompanying angles:

First, offering assistance in the formulation of its development strategy. The goal of marketing is to assist businesses in quickly adapting to changes in the market, ensuring the achievement of strategic development objectives, and ensuring that businesses develop targeted marketing strategies based on their own reality. Simultaneously, it can elevate endeavors to upgrade their own intensity constantly. From a functional and key point of view, showcasing will, in general, zero in on buyer interest in order to further develop the piece of the pie of undertakings.

Second, direct the two to increase the impact of market development. High tech has emerged as the market's dominant force at the moment. The market request isn't just changing, in addition, has enormous space for improvement. As a result, modern automobile companies must always maintain market sensitivity in the new era. They can achieve innovation and promote the sustainable growth of businesses with the assistance of scientific marketing.

Finally, advance the nonstop improvement of their working productivity. Marketing is more likely to play a role in the growth of the company's business by putting an emphasis on making the user experience better, making sure internal resources are used to their full potential, and trying to meet as many different customer needs as possible. Simultaneously, logical and powerful showcasing can assist endeavors with laying out a cutting-edge business theory and can likewise accomplish sensible enhancement of interior assets.


3.1 Introduction 

This chapter offers ideas of the different stages of a research study, which help to complete the study systematically. This character includes the discussion of research method strategy, approach and philosophy which help to meet the targeted aims and objectives of the study.  

This chapter also described the data collection method used in this study to collect relevant information to help recognize the network marketing strategies and techniques adopted by BMW and Mercedes-Benz to globalise the business market (Neto et al., 2020) In this chapter discussion of data analysis helps the researcher to analyse the appropriate ad which can address the research question. Along with that maintain ethical norms to maintain the quality of the study.

3.2 Research Design 

3.2.1 Philosophy

In this present research work, Interpretivism Research philosophy has been used to interpret and evaluate primary qualitative data.  This philosophy helps the research team to understand the topic more deeply so that they can find valuable information which is related to this study.  

With the help of this philosophy, researchers were able to appropriate information from the interview participants. This was used to recognize the method and tools used by BMW and Mercedes-Benz to diversify their business market through network marketing (Nwokah & Aeenee, 2018). This type of philosophy helps the readers to investigate the marketing strategies adopted by automotive companies like BMW and Mercedes-Benz (Lobe, Morgan and Hoffman, 2020). This philosophy is used to review the information gathered from 6 interview participants who are working in automotive companies. 

On the other hand, the exploratory design was used to explore the various data and opinions collected from the interview participants. Applying this design teachers observe answers to 10 interview questions (Sileyew, 2019). The gathered information from Mercedes-Benz and BMW was used to find out different strategies and tools used by this organisation to increase its business network.

By adopting this design researchers can organise the primary qualitative data by using different strategies, like powerful testing and subjective examination (Mulisa, 2022). This helps to recognise the positive or negative associated with the network marketing process.

By applying exploratory design researchers can find several factors which help to increase the network marketing efficacy between the organisation. In addition to this, exploratory designs analyse and organise qualitative information which is used to recognise the differences and similarities between BMW and Mercedes-Benz. In its marketing techniques and strategies.

3.2.2 Approach 

In this present study, the Inductive approach has been used to collect the primary evidence This approach helps to recognise the contribution of network marketing to gain the competitive advantages of BMW and Mercedes-Benz (Nwokah & Aeenee, 2018). On the other hand, the main motive for using this approach is the availability of primary qualitative information, which is credible and reliable (Sale, 2022).  

This approach is used to gather different competitive business strategies of the two automotive brands. Application of this approach was used to evaluate the opinions of 6 different participants who have been working in the automotive sector for more than five years. This approach helps to recognise the different marketing techniques used by these two brands to gain a sustainable position in the market. This helps the research team to generate themes by evaluating respondents' interview participants. 

3.3 Data Collection 

In this study, primary qualitative data has been used to find out the answers to the research questions. 6 participants who have been working in the automotive industry for more than five years were interviewed. The points of view and opinions of the participants were used to identify different methods and tools used by BMW and Mercedes-Benz to Strengthen their network marketing strategy (Lobe, Morgan and Hoffman, 2020).

The researcher connected with the participants through social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and LinkedIn. 10 different questions have been asked to 6 participants which help to gather different types of responses. This can help the research team to fulfil the aims and objectives of the study.

The findings of primary qualitative data were used to determine the marketing methods, tools and unique strategies used by these two organisations to maintain their competitive advantages (Chen, 2019). On the other hand, this paper uses the CNKI Chinese periodical database, Springer Link, ScienceDirect, and databases to search and consult the literature related to the network marketing strategy of BMW and Mercedes-Benz. 

3.4 Data Analysis

The researchers adopted thematic analysis to analyse and evaluate primary qualitative data by generating the themes, the research team can address the research question and meet the research objectives. Thematic analysis is used to find relevant data which are gathered from the interview process. A telephonic interview was conducted by the researchers and valuable data was collected as a transcript (Sale, 2022).

By evaluating the information that is described in the transcript, the team generated themes used to identify unique marketing techniques and strategies used by these two car manufacturing brands. The opinions, and thought processes of the interview participants are not the same.

Application of thematic analysis is used to understand the difference of opinion which works as a vital factor to improve the quality of the reader.  Diverse and versatile opinions can be observed and evaluated through a thematic analysis process.

Thematic analysis of the primary qualitative data focuses on finding out the role of network marketing as a digital marketing strategy and its effect on sales and customer retention (Qing et al., 2021). Furthermore, the investigation helps to consider the impact of brand value, brand worth, and market situating of the organisations.

3.5 Ethical Consideration

A comparative analysis of the network marketing strategies employed by BMW and Mercedes-Benz reveals intriguing insights into the competitive landscape of the automobile industry. Both companies, renowned for their luxury vehicles, adopt distinct approaches to network marketing, reflecting their brand identities and target markets.

BMW, known for its tagline “The Ultimate Driving Machine,” emphasizes innovation and performance in its network marketing strategy (Wen, 2022). The company leverages social media platforms, influencers, and online communities to engage with tech-savvy consumers. BMW's focus is on creating a strong digital presence, utilizing virtual reality experiences and interactive online campaigns to showcase their vehicles' advanced features.

Additionally, BMW invests significantly in customer relationship management, fostering brand loyalty and repeat business through personalized interactions and exclusive events.

On the other hand, Mercedes-Benz, with its reputation for luxury and elegance, employs a more traditional yet sophisticated network marketing strategy. The company emphasizes experiential marketing by organizing exclusive events, test drive opportunities, and luxury lifestyle partnerships.

Mercedes-Benz prioritizes building strong relationships with high-net-worth individuals and corporate clients. Their strategy involves a blend of offline channels, such as high-end magazines and luxury events, to create an aura of exclusivity around their brand. Ethical considerations play a pivotal role in these strategies. Both BMW and Mercedes-Benz adhere to ethical marketing practices, ensuring transparency and honesty in their communication with customers (Yang, 2022).

They prioritize customer privacy, data protection, and responsible advertising. Environmental concerns are also paramount, with both companies investing in eco-friendly technologies and sustainable practices, aligning their strategies with the growing global emphasis on environmental responsibility. The comparative analysis of BMW and Mercedes-Benz's network marketing strategies highlights the importance of aligning marketing approaches with brand identity and target audience. Ethical considerations underpin these strategies, reinforcing the companies' commitment to transparency, customer trust, and environmental sustainability.

3.6 Timeline

Steps Description Due date
1 Preparation Stage Mar-Apr
  Week 1-2: Area of interest identified 25/3
  Week 3-4: Topic selected/form submitted 30/3
  Week 5-6: Proposal written and submitted 15/4
2 Chapters 1-3 completed Apr-May
  Chapter 1 Draft Introduction completed 20/4
  Chapter 2 Draft Literature Review completed 30/4
  Chapter 3 Draft Methodology completed 12/5
3 Collection of data and information June
  Data analysis and Interpretation of data 16/6
  Chap 4 Project schedule completed 20/6
  Chapter 5 Draft Conclusions 26/6
4 Final Writing up July
  Structure, presentation, and proofreading 27/7
5 Final Stage July
  Final proofreading, printing, and binding 30/7
6 Submission of Dissertation Aug

3.7 Limitation

A comparative analysis of the network marketing strategies employed by BMW and Mercedes-Benz, two renowned automobile giants, reveals intriguing insights into their approach to engaging customers and expanding their market reach. BMW and Mercedes-Benz, both esteemed for their luxury vehicles, employ distinct strategies to captivate their target audience (Loder et al. 2023).

One significant limitation in comparing these strategies is the lack of publicly available detailed information on their specific network marketing tactics. Both companies tend to guard their marketing strategies as proprietary secrets, making it challenging to access comprehensive and precise data. Consequently, the analysis may be hindered by the absence of in-depth insights into the intricacies of their network marketing campaigns.

Moreover, the effectiveness of network marketing strategies often depends on the cultural and regional nuances of the target market. BMW and Mercedes-Benz operate in diverse global markets with varying consumer behaviors and preferences. A limitation arises in the analysis due to the complexity of assessing the impact of these cultural differences on the outcomes of their network marketing efforts. Factors such as local regulations, consumer attitudes, and economic conditions can significantly influence the success of network marketing initiatives, making it difficult to draw direct comparisons (Guarda, 2020).

Also, the quickly advancing advanced scene addresses a challenge in assessing the procedures utilized by BMW and Mercedes-Benz. With the coming of social media stages, online systems, and influencer showcasing, the flow of arrange promoting have experienced considerable changes. It is difficult to find out how much these innovative headways are coordinates into the techniques of BMW and Mercedes-Benz without get to to real-time, cutting-edge data.

Besides, the examination is obliged by the need of subjective information on client encounters and recognitions. Whereas quantitative estimations such as deals figures and showcase share allow profitable experiences, they do not capture the subjective perspectives of client engagement, fulfillment, and brand devotion.  

Without access to customer feedback and sentiments, it is challenging to assess the emotional resonance of BMW's and Mercedes-Benz's network marketing efforts with their audience, limiting the depth of the analysis (Madić et al. 2021). The comparative analysis of BMW's and Mercedes-Benz's network marketing strategies is constrained by the limited availability of detailed, up-to-date, and qualitative data.

The secretive nature of these companies regarding their marketing tactics, the influence of cultural differences, the rapidly changing digital landscape, and the absence of comprehensive customer feedback pose significant limitations to a comprehensive understanding of their network marketing approaches.

Despite these constraints, the analysis sheds light on the challenges faced in evaluating and comparing the strategies of these industry leaders, highlighting the need for a nuanced and cautious approach when drawing conclusions about their network marketing endeavors.

3.8 Summary

In this study, a comprehensive comparative analysis of the network marketing strategies employed by BMW and Mercedes-Benz in the automobile industry is conducted. The research methodology involves a combination of exploratory and comparative approaches, utilizing data from various databases and sources.

The study employs qualitative methods such as grounded theory and theoretical influencing techniques, along with quantitative data analysis using tools like Microsoft Excel and SPSS. The research explores the effectiveness of digital marketing tools, customer engagement, and sales impact for both companies. Ethical considerations, brand identity alignment, and market nuances are crucial aspects explored.

However, the study faces limitations due to the secretive nature of the companies' marketing tactics, cultural differences, evolving digital landscape, and lack of qualitative customer feedback. Despite these constraints, the analysis provides valuable insights into the challenges of evaluating and comparing the network marketing strategies of these industry leaders. 



This chapter presents the findings of interview results which help to address the research question.  This section helps to understand the major findings of primary qualitative data which used to increase the responses of this study. Several fundamental concepts and viewpoints have been observed after analysing the primary qualitative data. Observation of the point of view and opinions of the participants was used to find out the wide range of data which was used to improve the quality of this study.

10 open-ended research questions have been asked to 6 participants who have more than five work experience in the automotive sector. Thematic analysis has been used to generate themes which help to conduct the discussion and analysis section. The purpose of this chapter is to present the overall findings of primary qualitative data. Overall analysis was used to find out the major and crucial factors which help to meet the objectives of the present study.

4.2 Key findings  

4.2.1 Meeting Objective 1;

Observing the opinions of 6 interview participants, it can be stated that digital marketing, social media marketing and influencer marketing are the main network marketing strategies used by both BMW and Mercedes-Benz. In response to the first question, respondent 1 stated that Mercedes-Benz and BMW both automotive brands have significant network marketing plans based on social media marketing (Albert et al., 2021). Through this, the marketers of the respective organisation can interact with their audience on Facebook, Instagram and other platforms to maintain the channel of network marketing. 

On the other hand, as per the opinion of respondent 6, it can be stated that Mercedes-Benz and BMW utilise both online and offline marketing strategies to identify target customer groups.  By observing the opinion of respondents 1 and 6 in response to the first question it can be stated that certain client groups with different marketing channels are used by both organisations (Chen, 2019).

This is used to connect with the target group. In addition to this as per the opinion and perspective of respondent 4 it can be observed that influencer marketing and collaborative approach are the main network marketing strategies by BMW. Observing the responses of respondents august the answer to the first question can be described as BMW and Mercedes-Benz.  Is collaborating with celebrities and social; influencers who are helping these organisations to popularise the business of these organisations. 

In addition to this observing the responses to pf second question, it can be described that BMW is identifying its customer group which helps to develop its network marketing strategy to develop its current business models.  Along with the opinion of the third participant in response to the second question, it can be observed that the unique features of BMW cars help to draw the attention of international customers (Weiss et al., 2020). This is used to develop the channel of network marketing. In contrast, 6 states that

Mercedes-Benz is collaborating with different brands which is used to globalise the business of these car brands. The collaborative approach of this car-manufacturing brand.  Most of the interview participants agreed with the fact that Mercedes-Benz effectively elevates its obligation to feasible innovation (Rodrigues et al., 2023). Mercedes-Benz builds up its image as a supplier of premium and creative vehicles, situating itself as a leader in the car business through collaborative approaches.

In response to the third and fourth question, most of the participants agreed that establishing partnerships with good quality products and services are the reason beyond developing the network marketing efficiency of BMW and Mercedes-Benz. The opinion of third participants in response to the third question can be stated that the marketers of BMW can identify the targeted market such as developed nations, which helps to increase sales, so BMW can generate more revenues in coming years.

According to the report of Waldersee, (2023), it can be stated that identification of the target market in developed nations helped increase the revenue by 3.4% in the third quarter of 2023. Through the perception of the interview participants, it can be analysed that social media marketing and digital marketing help this organisation to identify its target market and customers (Rodrigues et al., 2023).  These marketing tools are the main network marketing techniques of BMW and Mercedes-Benz. 

Responses of participants in the fifth and sixth questions can be analysed that BMW allows customers to customise its products online, by understanding the needs and requirements of customers. This tactic increases brand engagement and interest which increases the number of potential buyers, especially members of Generation Z (Dune et al., 2023).

This helps the customer to tailor the things they want.  On the other hand, Mercedes-Benz considers the opinions of customers which works as a vital component in developing the marketing plan. Interview participants stated that, after establishing a community of consumers by identifying the right customer group. 

The business of Mercedes-Benz focuses its marketing efforts which depend on a variety of demographics, including gender, age, geography, interests, and positioning of its brands and products. In response to the fifth question, the second participants agreed with the fact that effective communication practices of BMW and Mercedes-Benz, help to build a setting blind with the customers. This works as an essential factor which helps to develop the business advantages of these organisations.

In response to question no 7 and 8, Respondent 1 said that increasing the brand presence of BMW on social media platforms is a part of the modern marketing method (BMW, 2023). Almost every participant agreed with the concept that Mercedes-Benz and BMW have firmly adopted social media marketing and advertising. Which helps to take advantage of the enormous potential of the internet. Mercedes-Benz places greater emphasis on data-driven communication, precise positioning, and corporate social responsibility than BMW (Hobbs, 2023). This is used to develop present l marketing techniques, such as influencer marketing, social media marketing, and content marketing. Observing the responses to interview questions, it can be stated that objective 1 has been met.

4.2.2 Meeting Objective 2; 

Observing the main components described in the objectives and identifying the responses can be stated that the current marketing strategies of BMW and Mercedes-Benz are used to increase customer traffic. Most of the participants considered that social media marketing is working as the current marketing tool for both organisations.

This is used to ensure competitive advantages and marketing proficiency (Dune et al., 2023).  Both brands were working with celebrities which used to increase customer traffic to increase brand reputation. According to the point of view of Dixon, (2022), most Twitter users belong to the age group of 25-34, so BMW targets the young customer group by promoting its products on social media platforms which used to increase sales and revenue in the third quarter of 2023. 

In response to the third question, the respondent stated that BME is generating leads through social media by collaborating with social media influencers which is the current marketing strategy of BMW (Jiang et al., 2023). On the other hand, the opinion of respondent 1 in the fourth question described that adopted an approach to stretch its relationship with its partners which used to bring efficiency in marketing techniques (Jiang et al., 2023).

BMW effectively captures the interest and attention of customers by developing marketing content to draw the attention of customers. Even though Mercedes-Benz maintains focus on promoting its products and services on Facebook than BMW. This helps to identify the comments of customers, which is the current marketing technique. 

Along with this BMW exhibits a higher degree of audience loyalty due to their prompt response to comments. This interactive technique is BMW's way of showing its dedication to building a relationship with its social media audience (Casidy et al., 2021). The commitment of BMW and Mercedes-Benz to maintaining an active and dynamic online presence is demonstrated (Liu et al., 2021).

This helps the marketing team to recognise the behaviour of the audience on social media platforms which is used to make better decisions. The social media team of BMW and Mercedes-Benz regularly posts videos and photos in special media, which keeps their audience engaged with new and relevant content.

BMW makes it possible to customise products online, further catering to the preferences of the younger generation. Potential customers, particularly Generation Z, are given the ability to personalise the products they want through this strategy, which boosts brand engagement and interest. The perceptions and opinions of interview participants show that market penetration and reach help to expand the consumer base.  Diversifying the business of Mercedes-Benz and BMW, both benefit from network marketing (Liu et al., 2021). Through the utilisation of a network of distributors or partners, this organisation may expand its market share and marketing potential by increasing its brand presence on social media platforms. 

Some of the participants stated that developing the content of marketing by adopting video marketing campaigns is helping the organisation build a strong supply and distribution network.  BY communicating with distributors, suppliers and investors BMW and Mercedes-Benz are gaining market acceptance (Nwokah & Aeenee, 2018). This is the effect of their marketing through word-of-mouth marketing, referrals, and advocacy.

Mercedes-Benz and BMW are developing the relationship with the client by strengthening a well-executed network marketing plan. Distributors, suppliers, network members and suppliers frequently take on the role of brand ambassadors this helps interact with customers regularly to ensure faith, loyalty and trust (Nwokah & Aeenee, 2018).

Respondent 6 gives his opinions against question no 7, which indicates that Mercedes-Benz applied modern advertising methods have been applied by through its unique marketing approach to organising global campaigns to communicate with global customers. 
Mercedes-Benz has always prioritised elegance, safety, and engineering prowess in its marketing campaigns (Mercedes-Benz, 2023).

However, the company chose to take a new approach to improve its marketing strategy because of growing competition in the luxury automobile market and shifting consumer perceptions. With market methods and techniques booth, the organisation BMW and Mercedes-Benz's increasing efficiency in its marketing approach to find many customers.  

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4.2.3 Meeting Objective 3

In today's exceptionally serious automotive industry, companies like BMW and Mercedes-Benz are constantly seeking ways to enhance their market presence and gain an upper hand. One of the crucial strategies they utilize is network marketing. By understanding the advantages, current marketing methods, consumer engagement tactics, and suggestions from specialists, the two companies can foster successful network marketing strategies. Network marketing offers several advantages to BMW and Mercedes-Benz.

Respondent 1 emphasizes market penetration and reach, indicating that a powerful network marketing strategy can assist these companies with expanding their customer base and increase their market share (Lukin et al. 2022). Powerful marketing, as stated by Respondent 2, guarantees that the marketing efforts translate into tangible outcomes, driving sales and brand awareness.

Building a strong connection with customers, as mentioned by Respondent 3, cultivates brand loyalty and customer retention, vital for sustaining long-term relationships. Local area building (Respondent 4) and increasing customer engagement (Respondent 5) create a feeling of belonging among customers, making them more liable to stay loyal to the brand.

Additionally, global expansion, as featured by Respondent 6, enables the two companies to tap into new markets and broaden their customer base, further enhancing their seriousness.

In the realm of present day marketing methods, BMW and Mercedes-Benz use various procedures. They leverage social media platforms (Respondent 1) to increase their online presence, engage with a broader audience, and create brand awareness. Developing marketing content (Respondent 2) allows them to convey their brand message successfully and showcase their items to potential customers.

Email marketing (Respondent 3) remains an amazing asset for personalized communication, enabling them to reach out to their audience directly. Posting regular recordings and images (Respondent 4) helps in sharing updates, creating fervor around new items, and maintaining customer interest. AI-generated customer support (Respondent 5) enhances customer administration productivity, providing speedy and accurate responses to customer inquiries (Jeczawitz, 2022).

Present day advertising methods (Respondent 6) guarantee that their marketing campaigns are innovative, eye-catching, and appealing to the target audience. Consumer engagement tactics play a vital job in retaining existing customers and attracting new ones. Both BMW and Mercedes-Benz execute compelling strategies, such as Search engine optimization methods (Respondent 1) to work on online visibility and attract organic traffic.

Developing easy to understand interfaces on their sites (Respondent 2) enhances the overall client experience, making it easier for customers to peruse, explore, and make purchases. Customized items (Respondent 3) cater to individual inclinations, creating a feeling of selectiveness and personal connection.

Increasing brand reputation (Respondent 4) involves maintaining great standards, providing exceptional customer administration, and ensuring customer satisfaction, all of which contribute to a positive brand image.

Current innovative features of cars (Respondent 5) feature technological advancements, attracting educated customers interested in cutting-edge automotive advancements. Interesting marketing content (Respondent 6) keeps customers engaged and entertained, making the brand memorable and encouraging repeat business.

To further enhance their network marketing strategies, both BMW and Mercedes-Benz can consider valuable suggestions from specialists. Developing current customer support practices (Respondent 1) guarantees that customers get quick and successful assistance, enhancing their overall experience.

Adopting present day advances like AI, blockchain, and machine learning (Respondent 2) can streamline various cycles, enabling personalized marketing, data analysis, and prescient modeling. Investment in influencer marketing (Respondent 3) allows them to leverage the influence of popular personalities, reaching a broader audience and gaining believability.

Creation of custom content (Respondent 4) tailored to explicit customer sections can cultivate a more profound emotional connection and resonate with their target audience. Strategic partnerships and alliances (Respondent 5) with complementary businesses or organizations can open new avenues for collaboration, expanding their reach and offerings.

Additionally, intently observing customer feedback (Respondent 6) helps in understanding customer inclinations, addressing issues, and continuously improving their items and administrations (Viana Rocha, 2023). To foster the quality of their network marketing strategies, BMW and Mercedes-Benz ought to focus in on exhaustive market research, understanding customer needs, inclinations, and market patterns.

Segmentation and targeting allow them to tailor their marketing efforts to explicit customer fragments, ensuring relevance and adequacy. Identifying the most demanding items helps in prioritizing their marketing efforts and resources on popularity offerings. Embracing technological advancements, such as advanced data analytics and automation, can streamline their marketing strategies and further develop effectiveness. Maintaining ethical practices in their marketing endeavors guarantees trust and believability among customers, fostering long-term relationships. 

Lastly, enhancing supply and management practices guarantees a seamless customer experience, from item availability to after-sales administrations, contributing to overall customer satisfaction. A comparative analysis of network marketing strategies between BMW and Mercedes-Benz reveals the intricate methods these companies utilize to enhance their seriousness in the market (Dash & Sharma, 2019).

By understanding the advantages, adopting current procedures, implementing viable consumer engagement tactics, and considering master suggestions, the two companies can continue to innovate and refine their network marketing strategies, ultimately strengthening their market presence and ensuring long-term outcome in the steadily evolving automotive industry.

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4.3. Overall Analysis 

The comparative analysis of network marketing strategies between BMW and Mercedes-Benz gives valuable insights into how these two automotive giants aim to enhance their market presence and seriousness in the wildly cutthroat industry. These companies perceive the importance of network marketing in achieving their targets and have adopted a range of strategies to achieve their goals (Facebook, 2023 Facebook, 2023).

This analysis will dig into the central issues raised in the given text, examining the advantages, current marketing methods, consumer engagement tactics, and suggestions from specialists. Additionally, it will explore the outcomes and statistics related to sales, units sold, market share, marketing use, social media presence, and feeling analysis.

Both BMW and Mercedes-Benz have perceived the advantages of network marketing in their mission for market dominance. Respondent 1 features the importance of market penetration and reach, emphasizing that a hearty network marketing strategy can assist these companies with expanding their customer base and increase their market share. This is a vital advantage as it allows them to reach more potential customers and strengthen their traction in the market.

Respondent 2 underscores the significance of strong marketing, as it guarantees that marketing efforts translate into tangible results, such as driving sales and increasing brand awareness (Dixon, 2022). This demonstrates the critical job of network marketing in delivering measurable outcomes and boosting their strategic advantage. Building a strong connection with customers, as mentioned by Respondent 3, is essential for cultivating brand loyalty and customer retention.

This is crucial for long-term achievement, as loyal customers are more liable to continue supporting the brand. Local area building (Respondent 4) and increasing customer engagement (Respondent 5) also contribute to creating a feeling of belonging among customers, which encourages loyalty.

Furthermore, global expansion, as featured by Respondent 6, is a strategic move that allows both BMW and Mercedes-Benz to tap into new markets and broaden their customer base. This enhances their global seriousness as well as strengthens their position in the automotive industry.
In the realm of present day marketing methods, BMW and Mercedes-Benz have adopted various strategies to support their market presence. They leverage social media platforms (Respondent 1) to increase their online presence, engage with a broader audience, and create brand awareness.

Social media has turned into a critical channel for reaching consumers in the digital age, and the two companies perceive its importance. Developing marketing content (Respondent 2) allows them to successfully convey their brand message and showcase their items to potential customers.

This content is instrumental in shaping their brand image and attracting consumers (Dixon, 2022). Email marketing (Respondent 3) remains an incredible asset for personalized communication, enabling direct outreach to their audience. This personalized approach is vital for maintaining customer relationships and retaining their trust.

Posting regular recordings and images (Respondent 4) on social media and other platforms helps in sharing updates, creating fervor around new items, and maintaining customer interest. Visual content is engaging and keeps consumers informed and interested.

AI-generated customer support (Respondent 5) enhances customer administration effectiveness by providing speedy and accurate responses to inquiries. This further develops customer satisfaction as well as mirrors their obligation to technological advancements. Present-day advertising methods (Respondent 6) guarantee that their marketing campaigns are innovative, eye-catching, and appealing to the target audience. Staying current and creative is essential in an exceptionally cutthroat industry.

Both BMW and Mercedes-Benz have carried out successful consumer engagement tactics to retain existing customers and attract new ones. These tactics are crucial for sustaining brand loyalty and seriousness. Search engine optimization methods (Respondent 1) work to work on online visibility and attract organic traffic. This is essential in the digital age, where consumers often begin their purchasing process with online searches (Fusheng 2023).

Developing easy to understand interfaces on their sites (Respondent 2) enhances the overall customer experience, making it easier for customers to peruse, navigate, and make purchases. A seamless online encounter is a critical factor in customer satisfaction. Customized items (Respondent 3) cater to individual inclinations, creating a feeling of restrictiveness and personal connection.
Tailoring items to explicit customer sections is a strong engagement strategy. 

Increasing brand reputation (Respondent 4) involves maintaining exclusive expectations, providing exceptional customer administration, and ensuring customer satisfaction. A positive brand image is a valuable asset in a serious market. Highlighting the innovative features of their cars (Respondent 5) appeals to educated customers interested in cutting-edge automotive advancements.

This showcases their obligation to staying at the forefront of innovation. Interesting marketing content (Respondent 6) keeps customers engaged and entertained, making the brand memorable and encouraging repeat business. Engaging content is vital for retaining customer interest.

To further enhance their network marketing strategies, both BMW and Mercedes-Benz can consider valuable suggestions from specialists. These suggestions encompass a great many areas, from customer support to advanced innovations and strategic partnerships (Kukkamalla, Bikfalvi, and Arbussa, 2020).

Developing current customer support practices (Respondent 1) guarantees that customers get speedy and viable assistance, enhancing their overall experience. Satisfied customers are more liable to remain loyal and prescribe the brand to others. Adopting present day advances like AI, blockchain, and machine learning (Respondent 2) can streamline various cycles, enabling personalized marketing, data analysis, and prescient modeling. These innovations can give valuable insights into customer behavior and inclinations.

Investing in influencer marketing (Respondent 3) allows them to leverage the influence of popular personalities, reaching a broader audience and gaining believability. Influencers can assist with extending their brand's reach and influence. Creation of custom content (Respondent 4) tailored to explicit customer sections can cultivate a more profound emotional connection and resonate with the target audience. Personalized content is more prone to resonate with consumers.

Strategic partnerships and alliances (Respondent 5) with complementary businesses or organizations can open new avenues for collaboration, expanding their reach and offerings. Such partnerships can assist them with tapping into new markets and customer sections. Intently monitoring customer feedback (Respondent 6) is vital for understanding customer inclinations, addressing issues, and continuously improving their items and administrations. Customer feedback is a valuable wellspring of insights for ongoing refinement.

In terms of deals wage, Mercedes-Benz beated BMW within the two a long time, producing higher deals figures in 2021 and 2022. Also, Mercedes-Benz recorded a to some degree higher deals increment (12%) from 2021 to 2022, compared to BMW's 11.6% increment. This information prescribes that Mercedes-Benz's promoting endeavors have yielded positive comes about in terms of wage. With respects to units sold, BMW sold more units than Mercedes-Benz in both 2021 and 2022.

This shows that BMW's promoting methodologies have been reasonable in driving deals, regardless the reality that their deals development rate was hardly lower than Mercedes-Benz. It's basic to require note of that whereas Mercedes-Benz experienced a 5% increment in units sold from 2021 to 2022, BMW's units sold diminished by 2% (Dash & Sharma, 2019). This proposes that Mercedes-Benz's methodologies have been profitable in expanding their genuineness.

The market share examination too uncovers curiously bits of knowledge. Within the principal quarter of 2023, BMW had a bigger advertise share than Mercedes-Benz within the EU. Moreover, within the Chinese showcase, BMW held a imperceptibly higher showcase share than Mercedes-Benz, with a qualification of 1.24%. These discoveries demonstrate that BMW has been profitable in growing its showcase share and nearness, both in Europe and China, exhibiting the ampleness of their promoting procedures in these districts.  

Both Mercedes-Benz and BMW allocate a significant portion of their marketing consumption to online platforms, particularly social media. Mercedes-Benz centers on network advertising, while BMW invests heavily in social media platforms like Facebook. These allocations feature their emphasis on reaching online audiences, especially the adolescent demographic, and converting online engagement into sales.

In terms of social media presence, Mercedes-Benz has a larger following on various platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram (Liu & Zhou, 2022). They have invested in creating engaging content and have a substantial number of posts and supporters, indicating their obligation to social media marketing. BMW, while having a marginally smaller social media following, succeeds in audience engagement.

They respond actively to remarks and maintain an interactive presence, which is reflected in their more elevated level of engagement on platforms like Twitter. In spite of having a smaller audience, BMW's proactive approach to engaging with their social media local area has contributed to their positive online opinion and increased engagement levels.

The observation of the above discussion which is the result and findings of interview data, it can be stated that social media marketing plays a significant role in understanding the perception of customers. Mercedes-Benz and BMW both recognised the benefits of network marketing by developing their market analysis and market surveys.  Respondent 1 highlights that reach and market penetration are offering opportunities to the business organisation to grow the customer base (García et al., 2019).

This is used to boost the market share with the help of a robust network marketing plan. Market analysis of social media marketing and influencer marketing enables them to expand their consumer base and increase their market share.  On the other hand, other groups of participants stated that effective marketing is crucial because it ensures that efforts will provide measurable outcomes, such as raising brand recognition and sales. 

The findings of the interview results show that Mercedes-Benz and BMW have both used effective consumer interaction strategies to draw the attention of customers and stakeholders. These strategies are essential for maintaining brand reputation and brand loyalty. Methods of search engine optimization is another effective tool adopted by BMW to increase its customer traffic by increasing the number of audiences on social media and the websites (García et al., 2019).

In the digital age, when customers frequently start their shopping process with internet searches, this strategy helps them to find the right information regarding the right products (Fusheng 2023). Creating user-friendly interfaces for their websites enhances the experience of users. Along with that Chatbots and AI AI-generated customer support systems of Mercedes-Benz are used to resolve the queries of the customers which helps to ensure the faith and trust of the customers. Thus, it can be described that the evidence helps to meet the second objective of this study. 

4.4. Summary

The observation of the above discussion which is the result and findings of interview data, it can be stated that social media marketing plays a significant role in understanding the perception of customers. Mercedes-Benz and BMW both recognised the benefits of network marketing by developing their market analysis and market surveys.  

Respondent 1 highlights that reach and market penetration are offering opportunities to the business organisation to grow the customer base (García et al., 2019). This is used to boost the market share with the help of a robust network marketing plan. Market analysis of social media marketing and influencer marketing enables them to expand their consumer base and increase their market share.  On the other hand, other groups of participants stated that effective marketing is crucial because it ensures that efforts will provide measurable outcomes, such as raising brand recognition and sales. 

The findings of the interview results show that Mercedes-Benz and BMW have both used effective consumer interaction strategies to draw the attention of customers and stakeholders. These strategies are essential for maintaining brand reputation and brand loyalty. Methods of search engine optimization is another effective tool adopted by BMW to increase its customer traffic by increasing the number of audiences on social media and the websites (García et al., 2019).

In the digital age, when customers frequently start their shopping process with internet searches, this strategy helps them to find the right information regarding the right products (Fusheng 2023). Creating user-friendly interfaces for their websites enhances the experience of users. Along with that Chatbots and AI AI-generated customer support systems of Mercedes-Benz are used to resolve the queries of the customers which helps to ensure the faith and trust of the customers. Thus, it can be described that the evidence helps to meet the second objective of this study.  


This chapter starts with an overall conclusion to the study before indicating the recommendations in accordance with the third research objective indicated in Chapter 1.

5.1. Conclusion

This study explored the network marketing strategies adopted by BMW and Mercedes-Benz, two prominent players in the automotive industry. The digital era has revolutionised marketing and communications, requiring a shift from traditional advertising to different online, mobile, and networked advertising on various platforms.

The two brands have recognised the importance of digital marketing in gaining a competitive edge in the market by maintaining customers, attracting new customers, and informing and engaging with diverse customer segments. 

Mercedes-Benz's network marketing strategy has been through accurate positioning, comprehensive product communication planning, data integration, and emphasis on corporate social responsibility. Mercedes-Benz has effectively used online channels to target and communicate with potential customers while demonstrating its commitment to social responsibility. 

In contrast, BMW has taken a different approach with its network marketing strategy. They emphasise distributed web media marketing, precision marketing in technology empowerment, emotional marketing, and youth marketing. The brand has successfully leveraged creative cinematic and viral video collaboration campaigns to engage consumers emotionally and create a meaningful brand image. They also focus on targeting Gen Z, the internet generation, to rejuvenate their brand. 

The strategies used by Mercedes-Benz have resulted in increased competitiveness of the brand as it has generated a higher increment in sales and number of units sold than BMW, even though the latter has a larger market share. However, they have also resulted in more negative comments regarding the brand on Twitter than BMW, which has more positive sentiments.

Therefore, for both companies to optimise their network marketing strategies, they need to focus on creative, value-based marketing content that resonates with consumers. They need to adapt their marketing language to different new media platforms to improve engagement and effectiveness. Ultimately, intelligent relationship management, leveraging data and analytics, will be critical to building customer loyalty and driving sales. 

BMW and Mercedes-Benz are excellent examples of successful network marketing strategies in the automotive industry. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, automakers must be agile and adapt their marketing approaches to capitalise on the potential of new media platforms. By continuously optimising their strategies, they can stay ahead of the competition, attract new customers, and ensure a long-term presence in the market in the digital age.

5.2 Suggestions for automobile brand network marketing strategy optimisation 

(1) Value-based, innovativeness focused

Driven by the pattern of utilisation redesigning, rising shopper bunches focus closer on item quality and worth sharing and spotlight on brand idea ID while chasing after car usefulness. One of the upsides of new media is to completely show the primary data of vehicles through message portrayal, picture show, video show and detail enhancement, which assists clients with figuring out vehicles in an overall manner (Kwak and Lee 2020).

Above all else, auto endeavors ought to additionally consider how to expand the benefit of advertising content based on guaranteeing item esteem. By introducing supporting facilities and peripheral products, automobile companies can increase the added value and extend the industrial chain.

Vehicle endeavors can likewise present vehicle upkeep, self-driving travel methodologies, and other related information through new media stages, official sites, client support, and different channels, joined with 5G, VR, and other logical and mechanical means, to improve purchasers ' feeling of gain (Sakas et al. 2022).

Second, automakers should use their creativity throughout the planning, presentation, and topic selection phases of marketing. They should also develop distinctive sales propositions based on the brand positioning and adapt their strategies to adapt to market competition.

(2) Online aggregation and offline experience 

The new media era does not mean that traditional marketing has been abandoned; rather, it ought to propose new requirements for both online and offline marketing. Vehicle endeavors ought to find an equilibrium point, execute coordinated promoting, and incorporate on the web and disconnected deals in light of the first seller administrations, in order to give clients a smoother utilisation experience.

Later on, the new media channel ought to turn into the new promoting apparatus of vehicle purchasers. Vehicle ventures can improve their ubiquity and total purchasers through internet-based energy building, exposure, and advancement (Hamacher and Buchkremer 2021). Through online appointments, experience, and other links, online traffic will be converted into offline population on this basis.

(3) The language is appropriate for the platform 

Modern media platforms come in a variety of forms; a single form cannot be adapted to each platform. Various stages compare to various promoting structures. Car ventures can deftly change the promoting structure as per the qualities of the stage and take full advantage of the new media stage in an enhanced and proper language mentality.

(4) Carry out insightful relationship management

In the new media time, the pattern of interconnection of all things is bit by bit arising, and the social connection among brands and purchasers will turn out to be nearer. Through intelligent relationship management, automobile companies must enhance their existing management strategies, increase product sales, and cultivate customer loyalty. In the new media era, auto businesses should, on the one hand, make full use of data resources, develop a data circulation system and database, target potential customers, increase customer stickiness, and be aware of customer churn. Then again, auto undertakings ought to focus on inner ability preparation and endeavor to advance the ability result of the vehicle business in the new period with the two deals capacity, imaginative capacity, information assortment, and examination capacity.

5.3 Recommendations

In the ever-evolving landscape of network marketing, BMW and Mercedes-Benz can greatly benefit from a comparative analysis of their strategies to optimize their approaches further. One of the key recommendations for both brands is the implementation of personalized content marketing.

By leveraging data analytics, these companies can tailor their messages to specific customer segments, creating stronger connections, enhancing engagement, and ultimately improving customer satisfaction. This personalization can be further complemented by integrated online and offline experiences.

Striking a balance between online motivation, advertising, and seamless offline experiences will provide customers with a unified brand encounter, fostering loyalty and brand advocacy. Furthermore, adopting a platform-specific language and content strategy is essential. Different platforms require different content formats and styles.

Tailoring marketing messages to align with these characteristics can significantly enhance user engagement, increasing the likelihood of content being shared and distributed across various platforms. Additionally, integrating artificial intelligence (AI) in relationship management is crucial in the new media age.

AI-powered tools such as chatbots and personalized recommendations can help understand customer preferences, anticipate their needs, and enhance overall customer service. This investment will undoubtedly lead to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Both BMW and Mercedes-Benz should also focus on enhancing their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. While Mercedes-Benz has showcased its CSR efforts on social media, BMW can follow suit to build a positive public image. CSR initiatives resonate well with socially conscious consumers, improving brand reputation and fostering a deeper connection with customers.

Moreover, embracing emerging technologies like Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and 5G can elevate marketing efforts, offering innovative and immersive experiences for customers. These technologies enable interactive product experiences, capturing consumer interest and engagement effectively. Cross-border cooperation and marketing are avenues that both brands should explore further.

Partnering with other industries such as fashion, gaming, or lifestyle brands can expand their reach and appeal to diverse audiences. Collaboration enhances brand visibility and creates unique marketing opportunities that tap into varied consumer interests. Customer-focused innovation remains paramount.

Listening to customer feedback and insights gathered from social media platforms allows brands to understand their customers' evolving needs. By adopting a feedback-based approach, BMW and Mercedes-Benz can innovate products and services tailored to customer preferences, ensuring their offerings align with market demands effectively.

Measuring and analyzing performance is indispensable for continuous improvement. Implementing key performance indicators (KPIs) and robust data analysis enables these brands to identify strengths and weaknesses in their marketing strategies. This data-driven approach empowers them to make informed decisions, optimize their tactics, and achieve better results.

Lastly, fostering a culture of continual learning and adaptation is vital. Staying updated with the latest trends and technologies ensures that both BMW and Mercedes-Benz remain relevant and effective in their network marketing efforts. Embracing change and proactively adjusting strategies based on market dynamics will help them maintain a competitive edge and thrive in the fast-paced digital landscape. 


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