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Analyse Mental health issues in unemployed immigrants
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  • Course Code: LBR7337
  • University: Birmingham City
  • Country: United Kingdom


In approximately 1,000 words outline your draft proposal for the systematic review that you intend to conduct for your Dissertation. 

1.    Why is your topic a public health issue  
Ensure that your review question is grounded in public health, not clinical health or healthcare. Initially you may wish to include ‘public health’ or ‘public health approaches’ within your search terms. 
2.    Literature Review   
The importance of having done a scoping search has been emphasised throughout. Here provide evidence of your reading to justify the development of your review question. The intention is to demonstrate the range of breadth of literature that is available on your topic area – possibly identifying a gap that your review can help to address or update.
3.    Review Question 
What is your review question for your dissertation? Include what, where, when, who?  Use PIO, PEO or SPIDER to assist you here.
4.    Aim 
5.    Objective
6.    Inclusion Criteria

Use PEO, PIO or SPIDER to assist you here 
7.    Search Strategy
Use PEO, PIO or SPIDER to assist you here


1.1 Rationale for the Research Topic and Specific Research Question

There has been a spike in global connections on a scale not seen before in this period of increased globalisation, which is characterised by fast dissolving geographical barriers and advances in technology capability.

This dynamism has led to an increase in movement patterns, which are mostly motivated by ambitions for better educational opportunities and improved work prospects. This uptick in migration patterns has been fueled by the dynamism.

From the year 2000 to the year 2020, there was a startling increase of threefold in the migration of international students, according to data analysis (Weimer & Barlete, 2020).

However, this massive flood of migrants does not come without its share of difficulties. The fear of unemployment is one of the most significant challenges that these migrants must overcome.

Regrettably, this situation is not only a result of economic circumstances; rather, it is further worsened by rigorous visa restrictions, evident cultural differences, and an often apparent lack of essential job experience.

In support of this assertion, the OECD report for 2023 draws attention to the fact that immigrant cohorts have a noticeably higher unemployment rate in comparison to their native-born counterparts (Brotherhood, 2023).

In addition, the repercussions of unemployment extend far beyond the sphere of direct economic concern. The effects of unemployment, particularly among the migrant population, are closely intertwined with the negative effects on mental health.

There is an increasing body of data that points to a troubling connection between unemployment and a wide variety of mental health conditions. These conditions include, but are not limited to, anxiety, depression, and drug abuse, amongst others.

Unsettlingly, an increased predisposition towards suicidal thoughts has also been found within this generation (Warf, 2014). This finding raises serious concerns about the mental health of this group.

In the midst of this gloomy background, the following research question presents itself: "Within the immigrant demographic, to what extent does unemployment act as a catalyst in accentuating the prevalence of mental health afflictions such as depression in comparison to their employed counterparts?"

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1.2 Research Question 

In this systematic review, the pivotal inquiry centres around the intricate interplay between unemployment and mental well-being within the immigrant milieu. Specifically, the review seeks to discern: 

"Does unemployment, within the immigrant demographic, exacerbate the incidence of mental health maladies, notably depression, relative to their employed counterparts?"

1.3 Relevance to the Wider Public Health Field of Study 

Although the effects of unemployment are most often considered from an economic perspective, they also have significant repercussions for society as a whole, particularly in terms of public health. The unstable mental balance of immigrants is a particular cause for worry.

As a group, immigrants are particularly vulnerable to mental health issues because of the dizzying array of cultural, linguistic, and social changes they must negotiate (O’Reilly et al., 2015). Their work situation, or lack thereof, adds another layer of vulnerability, which intensifies the precarious nature of their mental make-up.

This is manifesting itself in a number of troubling ways, one of which is the alarmingly high frequency of issues relating to mental health among jobless immigrants. A trend like this not only highlights the suffering of individuals, but it also throws an onerous load upon the public health infrastructures of the nations that are hosting the refugees.

The urgency of this problem becomes more apparent in regions that have had a considerable increase in the number of people arriving there from other countries (Bijwaard and Wang, 2016). Therefore, having a thorough understanding of the complexities of this matter is not just a worthwhile intellectual endeavour but also an absolute necessity for maintaining good public health.

By diving further into the complexities of this conundrum, policymakers will be presented with a priceless chance to craft solutions that are more all-encompassing and sympathetic to a wider range of perspectives (Tran, 2016). Concurrently, those who work in healthcare can become more qualified to provide individualised solutions that cater to the particular requirements of the population they serve (Marcu, 2015).

In addition, this research has a significant resonance with global aspirations, which are exemplified by the eighth Sustainable Development Goal established by the United Nations. This objective, which highlights the connection between respectable work and the expansion of economic opportunities, further substantiates the relevance of this study within the broader field of public health.

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1.4 Justification for a Systematic Review 

The systematic review has carved out a unique space for itself among the plethora of methods that are available for the synthesis of research. It is highly regarded for the painstaking rigour and comprehensive approach that it takes (Papaioannou et al., 2016).

When negotiating the tight nexus between unemployment and the mental well-being of immigrants, it is necessary to apply an evaluation strategy that not only acknowledges the heterogeneity of the subject matter but also makes an effort to extract clarity from it. This is because the issue is both complex and multidimensional (Thomas et al., 2020).

In this respect, a systematic review is incomparable to anything else. It begins its journey in a methodical manner by meticulously identifying relevant research and then moves on to other steps in the process (Chen, 2017). Following this, each research is put through a stringent assessment process, which ensures that only the most trustworthy and pertinent insights are used.

The climax of this process is the phase known as the synthesis phase. During this phase, several pieces of research are combined in order to present a unified narrative that is simultaneously rooted in a substantial evidence basis (Munn et al., 2018). Importantly, the technique of a systematic review inherently includes an unwavering dedication to reducing biases to the greatest extent possible.

It provides researchers with an organised and transparent framework, which, when followed to meticulously, removes the vacillations of subjective interpretation (Boland et al., 2017). The output that was produced is not only reliable, but it can also be replicated, which gives later researchers a clear blueprint to follow in the event that they desire to confirm or expand upon the findings (Chen, 2017).

Any results that may be obtained hold a substantial amount of weight because of the enormous public health implications regarding the mental health of immigrants and the potential for unemployment to make those implications worse.

They have the ability to sway public policy, shape the public's view, and most importantly, affect the lives of a great number of individuals. In view of the seriousness of the situation, it is of the utmost importance to guarantee that the study approach that lies under the surface is impeccable.

The systematic review emerges as the technique of choice due to its stringent methodology and persistent dedication to neutrality (Papaionnou et al., 2016). This method ensures that the acquired insights are both credible and founded in extensive evidence.

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1.5 Aim and Objectives of the Research 


Within the vast tapestry of public health research, this inquiry seeks to meticulously unravel the intricate correlation between unemployment faced by immigrant populations and the consequential mental health tribulations they encounter.


•    Examine the factors causing unemployment among immigrants in foreign countries.
•    Investigate the prevalence of various mental health issues among young migrants.
•    Analyse the association between mental health issues and unemployment among the immigrant population.

1.6 Signposting for the Reader 

This systematic review has been rigorously organised to provide a smooth and logical succession of information with the goal of providing readers with a comprehensive yet clear knowledge of the research at hand. Following the current introduction, which elucidates the background and gives justification for the research trajectory, the review will transition into a complete exposition on methodology.

The present introduction offers justification for the study trajectory. It is anticipated that the subsequent section on the technique will provide a comprehensive description of the research architecture.

The selection of databases, the painstakingly developed search strategy, and the criteria that determined the inclusion and exclusion of studies will all be discussed in this section, which will enlighten the reader on the methodical methodology that was utilised for the literature search.

In addition to this, it will give light on the procedures that were used for data synthesis, making it possible to ensure that the findings reached as a consequence are based on a solid evidentiary foundation.

After this, there will be a portion titled "Findings," which will reveal the distilled insights that were derived from the several research that were evaluated. The reader will come away from this article with a thorough awareness of the prevalence of mental health problems and the complexities of how these problems affect jobless immigrants.

The subsequent debate, which will follow this discovery, will weave these results into the larger tapestry of public health, pitting them against existing literature, and elaborating on the broader consequences of their significance.

This systematic review will be brought to a close with a synthesis that will summarise the most important results and detail the implications those findings have for public health practise and policy-making.

This conclusion will also include sage recommendations, mapping out prospective paths that might be pursued in the course of future study attempts.

As readers make their way through this systematic review, they can be confident that they will be taken on a rigorous academic journey that will be filled with explicit citations, supported by methodological rigour, and presented with a logical progression of ideas.

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Bijwaard, G.E. and Wang, Q. (2016). Return migration of foreign students. European Journal of Population, 32, pp.31-54.
Boland, A., Dickson, R. and Cherry, G. (2017). Doing a systematic review: A student's guide. Doing a Systematic Review, pp.1-304.
Brotherhood, T. (2023). Consolidating regulatory and personal accounts of student migration: A mixed methods study in the UK and Japan. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 21(1), pp.33-54.
Chen, C. (2017). Science mapping: a systematic review of the literature. Journal of data and information science, 2(2), pp.1-40.
Marcu, S. (2015). Uneven mobility experiences: Life-strategy expectations among Eastern European undergraduate students in the UK and Spain. Geoforum, 58, pp.68-75.
Munn, Z., Peters, M.D., Stern, C., Tufanaru, C., McArthur, A. and Aromataris, E. (2018). Systematic review or scoping review? Guidance for authors when choosing between a systematic or scoping review approach. BMC medical research methodology, 18, pp.1-7.
O’Reilly, J., Eichhorst, W., Gábos, A., Hadjivassiliou, K., Lain, D., Leschke, J., McGuinness, S., Kureková, L.M., Nazio, T., Ortlieb, R. and Russell, H. (2015). Five characteristics of youth unemployment in Europe: Flexibility, education, migration, family legacies, and EU policy. Sage Open, 5(1), p.2158244015574962.
Papaioannou, D., Sutton, A. and Booth, A. (2016). Systematic approaches to a successful literature review. Systematic approaches to a successful literature review, pp.1-336.
Thomas, J., Utley, J., Hong, S.Y., Korkmaz, H. and Nugent, G. (2020). A Review of the Research. Handbook of Research on STEM Education.
Tran, L.T. (2016). Mobility as ‘becoming’: A Bourdieuian analysis of the factors shaping international student mobility. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 37(8), pp.1268-1289.
Warf, B. (Ed.). (2014). International student migration. Geography, 1, 21.
Weimer, L., and Barlete, A. (2020). The rise of nationalism: The influence of populist discourses on international student mobility and migration in the UK and US. In Universities as political institutions (pp. 33-57). Brill.

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