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A Critical Look at Vaccines Through Historical Lenses
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A Critical Look at Vaccines Through Historical Lenses


Vaccination is important from an early stage to protect from deadly diseases. Children are vaccinated from as soon as six months old to safeguard them.

They have been playing an important role in public health for a long time. They have changed the health scenario. They provide protection from the start and make the body immune to fight these diseases. 

However, it has taken some time for Australia to develop a robust system. It has taken many years to come up with the right vaccines and doses.

It was a complex task to administer them. But over the years, the healthcare industry has excelled in this sector. Today each and every individual has access to vaccination. Let’s see how the nation has marked such an achievement. 

Early vaccination efforts 

Australia started working on its vaccines in the 19th century. In 1796, Edward Jenner, a notable Australian, discovered the vaccine for smallpox.

Smallpox reached Australia with the European settlers. It caused devastating deaths and crises. It called for an immediate solution. The rise of vaccination helped to ease the situation bringing a major relief. 

Smallpox and Indigenous populations

Once the smallpox started to spread it had a disastrous impact. It ruined the indigenous population. It has been said that the disease spread so rapidly that half of the population was wiped out from many regions. Vaccination campaigns took their time to reach the natives. 

Even if the nation had the resources, European settlers were prioritised. This disparity led to delayed treatment and more deaths of the locals. It shows that during colonial times healthcare disparity prevailed. It underlines the issue of timely intervention. 

The Rise Of Mandatory Vaccination 

In this disaster vaccination really helped the people. When the authorities saw their effectiveness they made it mandatory. Hence laws were passed for compulsory vaccination. However, locals had their share of fears. The laws faced opposition at the start in Australia and in many other countries.

At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, the opposition grew. It was so far and wide that many campaigns were formed. Let’s look at them through a historical lens. 

Anti Vaccination Movements 

The primary reason for the opposition was the mistrust of the government. The population failed to trust the same people who brought the diseases with them. In addition to this, they were also worried about bodily autonomy and their safety. The movement argued that mandatory vaccination was against their rights.

The opponents also glared at the side effects. Even though these cases were rare, they focused a lot on them. Hence even though the smallpox vaccine worked wonders the locals stayed sceptic about the whole situation. 

The introduction of new vaccines in the 20th century 

The picture changed in the 20th century with more development. It was a period of scientific advancements. The vaccination field saw new additions for polio, tuberculosis and diphtheria.

After World War 2, it was important to prioritise the health of the citizens. The government included these vaccines as part of its immunisation program. 

Polio in Australia 

Polio vaccination gained massive attention. It attracted one of the largest movements. Polio was a common issue in the 1950s. It kept the people in fear and made them disabled. Two remarkable vaccines were launched which greatly bettered the scene.

They were the Salk vaccine in 1955 and the oral Sabin vaccine in 1962. The public provided complete support and many campaigns were held. These combined efforts helped to eradicate polio from the country by the early 1980s. 

Diphtheria and pertussis 

These two vaccines were made compulsory for children. They were included in the regular vaccine routines. Earlier these diseases have taken many lives keeping the mortality rate higher. The inclusion of these measures brought relief and raised life expectancy.

Widespread immunisation helped to put them under control. A section of the public remained doubtful. The media continued to cover the side effects of these campaigns. These little steps kept on fueling the doubts of people. 

Vaccine safety and public trust 

The scrutiny regarding these efforts continued to prevail throughout 20the century. Many times these concerns and opposition lead to a decline in the vaccination rates. Pertussis vaccination was launched for whooping cough in children.

In the 1980s it faced high criticism. Claims were made that it impacted the neurological development in children. This claim left a remake and disrupted the growing flow of vaccination. The studies helped however by the time damage was done. 

MMR Vaccine controversy 

Measles, Mumps and rubella vaccination faced the biggest controversy in recent times. In 1998, a misguiding study claimed that the vaccine caused autism.

This suddenly brought a stark downfall in the number of vaccines. The study was proved false and rebuked and it has strengthened the doubts regarding these programs in the people. 

Once the vaccine stopped the spread of measles grew. It was particularly noticeable in communities that completely backed off. The event highlighted how important it is to communicate the health effects. It called for more transparency between the healthcare government and citizens. 

The  Role of Government in Vaccination Promotion

The Australian government has been crucial in improving vaccination rates. It has undertaken many laws and initiatives related to public health. In 1997, it introduced the National Immunization Program. The initiative has guaranteed high vaccination rates for children and vulnerable populations by giving free vaccines.

No Jab, No Pay Policy

The "No Jab, No Pay" policy was put into effect in 2016. It was one of the most challenging measures taken to increase immunisation rates. Parents who refused to vaccinate their children were forbidden from receiving some welfare payments. By linking financial incentives to compliance the strategy aims to raise immunisation rates.

It generated discussion regarding the rights of the individuals. Overall the program was a success. The opponents argue that the policy affected the low-income groups. This fueled the controversy. 

Australia Leads the World in HPV Immunisation

In the fight against the human papillomavirus (HPV), a virus associated with cervical cancer, Australia has taken the lead globally. It was one of the first nations to implement a nationwide HPV vaccination program for girls in 2007. In 2013 it also extended coverage to boys. The initiative has had great success. It can be seen in the sharp decline in the infection rates.

Elimination of Cervical Cancer

The HPV vaccination campaign led to a significant effect on general health. The nation is on course to become the first in the world to completely eradicate cervical cancer. Researchers estimate that by 2035, cervical cancer can be eradicated with the same and continuous efforts. It highlights the power of vaccines in preventing cancer and saving lives. 

COVID-19 and the Current State of Vaccines

Vaccines have once again become a major global public health concern due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Australia faced problems acquiring and distributing COVID-19 vaccinations. There were a lot of debates over vaccination safety, efficacy, and government mandates. After a thorough discussion, the government initiated its programs. 

Reaction of the Public to COVID-19 Vaccines

Even though the COVID-19 vaccine was widely accepted in Australia, there was a lot of debate in the media over-vaccination laws and booster shots. People were hesitant because of the side effects. Nonetheless, the people were open to it to prevent the virus and protect themselves. The vaccine played a crucial role in saving millions of lives in the country and nationwide. 

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